
Ubuntu Tweak is an application which makes configuring Ubuntu easier for everyone. It allows tweaking of many useful desktop and system configuration options which are unavailable via native system tools.

Get Started

Get the source code

If you want to contribute code to Ubuntu Tweak, you should start from, the project uses Bzr as the SCM tool.

Play with source code

After checkout the latest source code, you may want to Write Plugin for Ubuntu Tweak

How to see the changes? It's easy! Just run the "ubuntu-tweak" script in the top-level folder, you can always get the changes you've made.


If you are not a programmer, don't worry, you can help to test Ubuntu Tweak. You should know how to use PPA.



0.6 (current focus of development)

This is the first version targeting to be the "Power Users Tool" and try to get into Ubuntu repository. The major changes will be:




UbuntuTweak (last edited 2013-02-20 01:24:59 by 131)