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In This Issue

General Community News

Intrepid Ibex Alpha 6 released 인트리피드 알파6 릴리즈

Welcome to Intrepid Ibex Alpha-6, which will in time become Ubuntu 8.10. Alpha 6 is the sixth in a series of milestone CD images released throughout the Intrepid development cycle. The Alpha images are known to be reasonably free of show stopper CD build or installer bugs, while representing a very recent snapshot of Intrepid. You can download it here: (Ubuntu) (Ubuntu Education Edition) (Kubuntu) (Xubuntu) (UbuntuStudio)

Pre-releases of Intrepid are *not* encouraged for anyone needing a stable system or anyone who is not comfortable running into occasional, even frequent breakage. They are, recommended for Ubuntu developers, and those who want to help in testing, reporting, and fixing bugs. Alpha 6 includes a number of software updates that are ready for large-scale testing. Please refer to for information on changes in Ubuntu.

Codecs and DVD playback on Ubuntu 8.04 for all users 모든 사용자를 위한 Ubuntu 8.04 코덱 DVD 플레이백

For the first time we are making codecs for media playback and a DVD player, from our partners at Fluendo and Cyberlink, available through the Ubuntu store. We have had relationships with these companies for a while and to date we have offered their products to our hardware partners as pre-install options. 최초로 플루엔도에 있는 우리의 파트너들과 사이버링크로부터 우분투 스토어를 통해 이용가능한 미디어 플레이백과 DVD 플레이어를 위한 코덱을 만들고 있습니다. 우리는 예비-설치 옵션을 통하여 우리의 하드웨어 파트너들에게 이 제품들을 제공할 때까지 한동안 이 회사들과 제휴를 맺어오고 있습니다.

Though, we are making them available to all users. It is important to us that no matter how you choose to access Ubuntu, pre-installed or as a free download, that you can have a similarly rich experience. The vast majority of our current users will have installed Ubuntu themselves. These users should also be allowed legal DVD and media playback and so we have built a way of letting them do this.

Ubuntu cannot ship codecs through the distro, as they are not free to redistribute. So we have built a restricted download area that is accessible through the store. Once purchased you can find your software here which will then install in the familiar hassle-free way that Ubuntu users appreciate. A pretty cool feature is that, should you wipe out your machine you can go back to the restricted download area and access your codecs again.

Xubuntu News 주분투 뉴스

The Xubuntu Team is happy to announce several important additions and shuffles within the Xubuntu Team: 주분투 팀은 몇가지 중요한 부가와 셔플을 알려드리게 되어 기쁩니다

Pasi Lallinaho(knome) of Helsinki, Finland - a user of Xubuntu and Xfce4 on his desktop for well over a year now has joined the team as the new Xubuntu Marketing Lead. Having founded his own business solutions and services company at the age of 20, this 22 year old entrepreneur/software engineer/artist/web design professional/jack-of-all-trades will be a huge asset to Xubuntu in helping to grow a strong marketing and artwork community. Pasi is no stranger to the Open Source community, having contributed to Amarok for close to two years. He has already jumped in with both feet by beginning the process of giving our website a much needed face lift and creating a countdown banner for the Intrepid release. 필란드, 헬싱키의 파시 라릴나호(knome) - 주분투와 Xfce4를 데스크탑으로 사용하고 있는 사용자 Jannis Pohlmann(JPohlmann) is a 23 year old computer science student and musician living in Lübeck, Germany. Jannis, an Xfce developer, is well known for his development contributions to the Xfce4 project, Lunar Linux, and maintainer of the Xfce4 goodies project. Jannis will be joining the team as the official liaison between the Xubuntu and Xfce4 projects and will assist in maximizing collaboration and communication.

Michael Casadevall(NCommander), who recently joined the Xubuntu Developer ranks, has agreed to take on the role of being our liaison with the Debian Xfce4 developers. In addition to his work as a developer, Michael will assist the Xubuntu project in a similar fashion to Jannis by helping maximizing collaboration and communication with our upstream Debian counterparts.

Vincent Tunro(vinnl), who is a long time Xubuntu contributor and Xubuntu website editor, has accepted the role of leading our efforts to develop the website. Vincent's primary responsibilities will be to ensure that the website is updated regularly with news stories and new content; perform administrative duties such as managing and giving direction to the other website editors; he will also help keep the website "fresh" in general.

Ubuntu Stats

Bug Stats

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see

Infamous Bugs

Translation Stats Hardy

  1. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  2. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  3. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  4. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  5. Language (#) +/- # over last week

Remaining strings to translate in Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron," see more at:

LoCo News

Software Freedom Day: Ubuntu-VE 소프트웨어 프리덤 데이: 우분투-VE

Just posted: Pictures from the Software Freedom Day in Maraciabo, Venezuela. Currently, the pictures include the Organizing team, and a group photo. More photos are available at 방금 올라옴: 베네주엘라, 마라시아보에서 열린 소프트웨어 프리덤데이 사진

Software Freedom Day: Ubuntu-NI

SFD Nicaragua 2008 was also a Live Streaming event. Some of the events include: 3 conferences in the morning +600 attendees to the conferences +80 attendees to the workshops 12 installs Photos are included on the site.

Ubuntu-ZA leadership change

Craig Adams stepped down as co-leader of the Ubuntu-ZA LoCo Team, due to lack of time to contribute in recent months. In his place will be Jonathan Carter, who is an Ubuntu Member with a long list of accomplishments. He has been a long time contributor to Edubuntu, and involved in local projects such as Skubuntu and tuxLabs. He has also worked for the Shuttleworth Foundation, Inkululeko and Impi Linux. Launchpad: Wiki:

New in Hardy Heron

Launchpad News

Ubuntu Forums News

In The Press

In The Blogosphere

In Other News

Meeting Summaries

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Community Spotlight

Updates and Security for 6.06, 7.04, 7.10, and 8.04

Security Updates

Ubuntu 6.06 Updates

Ubuntu 7.04 Updates

Ubuntu 7.10 Updates

Ubuntu 8.04 Updates

UWN #: A sneak peek

Archives and RSS Feed

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Additional Ubuntu News

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Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!


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UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue109/KR (last edited 2008-09-23 03:13:51 by 61)