
Differences between revisions 2 and 3
Revision 2 as of 2009-08-09 00:12:15
Size: 12305
Editor: 133
Comment: Paste in ITP and ITB links
Revision 3 as of 2009-08-09 05:27:19
Size: 17206
Editor: 133
Comment: Paste in ITP write ups.
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 160: Line 160: Internet``'s Sean Michael Kerner says that while there is a mad rush toward putting more IT resources in the cloud, not everything belongs in the cloud -- just ask Ubuntu Linux vendor Canonical. The Canonical Landscape Ubuntu systems management server is now moving in from the cloud with a new dedicated, on-site offering. "Canonical's Landscape Dedicated Server is a software appliance that is installed on the users' hardware. Updates will be made available by download on an as-needed basis when major kernel/security patches become available," Ken Drachnik, Landscape manager at Canonical, told Internet`` "Of course, this points out one of the major differences between the Hosted edition and Dedicated edition -- users will need to provide hardware and a trained resource to manage Landscape on-site."
Line 164: Line 164:

=== Debian and Ubuntu: uneasy coexistence continues ===
Timothy Prickett Morgan of The Register reports that Canonical is offering a dedicated, local version of its Landscape systems management and monitoring server for Ubuntu, rather than insist you access the service through the company's own systems. Canonical will next month launch the Landscape Dedicated Server, which is a local copy of the current Landscape service. It will run inside the data center, giving IT managers some piece of mind about security. Launched in March 2008 to help deploy monitor, manage and patch large numbers of Ubuntu servers or PCs, Landscape wasn't a service you bought from Canonical. Instead you accessed it through a web interface and portal. Landscape does more than just monitor physical machines individually or in groups. It can also control the deployment of applications from the Ubuntu repository to machines individually or in groups. And if Ubuntu shops want to create their own Ubuntu spin with its own repositories and deploy them on boxes, Landscape can do this as well. The Landscape service is priced $150 per machine per year if you want to just purchase it by itself, but if you buy a normal support contract for Ubuntu Linux for a PC or server, Landscape access comes with the price of that support contract.
Line 172: Line 168:

=== Canonical Launches Landscape Dedicated Server ===
Paul Ferrill of Linux Planet thinks that a newbie system administrator that might not have a system working or connected to the Internet but needs help getting a problem solved would find a good basic book like The Official Ubuntu Server Book handy. This recent release from Prentice Hall comes in several versions including a Barnes & Noble Special Edition with extra content. One good measure of a book of this type is the length of the index. "The Official Ubuntu Server Book" checks in at 501 pages with 48 dedicated to the index. List price for this book is $39.99, but you can pick it up on the B&N site for a good bit less. It also includes a 45-day pass to an online version available through This book is definitely worth the money if you need a good reference to help you over the newbie Linux admin hump.
Line 180: Line 172:

=== Shuttleworth: On cadence and collaboration ===
Michael Larabel of Phoronix thinks that Intel's Poulsbo driver for their GMA 500 IGP on the SCH U15W is a bloody mess. Unlike their X.Org driver for their other Intel IGPs, the Poulsbo driver is closed-source since Intel licensed some of the technologies for this graphics processor, but the problems go beyond just whether or not you like to use a binary blob. Intel hasn't done a good job at maintaining this driver and ensuring it works with the latest kernel and X.Org releases, and tracking down all of the components to use the driver on a non-supported distribution can be challenging. Originally the Intel Poulsbo driver was found with Ubuntu where those using Mark Shuttleworth's operating system could get this driver working with not so many steps. However, that will not be the case with Ubuntu 9.10. Canonical's David Mandala, who serves as the manager of the Ubuntu Mobile project, shared an interesting statement on the ubuntu-devel list: there will be no Poulsbo support in Ubuntu 9.10. Intel is not interested in supporting Ubuntu 9.10 and as a result their proprietary driver will not work or be included with this next Ubuntu release known as the Karmic Koala.
Line 188: Line 176: The inaugural Linux``Con organized by the Linux Foundation is set to become the biggest Linux gathering of 2009. Scheduled for next month, September 21-23, in Portland, Oregon, the event will draw some of the best and the brightest that the Linux community has to offer. No less than Linus Torvalds and Mark Shuttleworth among other industry experts will speak at Linux``Con. Just about anyone who is interested in Linux can join. Early registration is available until August 15.
Line 192: Line 180: Linux Pro Magazine's Marcel Hilzinger reports that Ubuntu has introduced a new Patent Policy to help developers and rights holders deal with software patent issues. With the Private Support, Canonical hopes to improve its revenue. Its new Patent Policy is designed to avoid such problems as far as possible. The policy lists the steps developers and rights holders should take when faced with a possible breach in patent. One clause contained in the policy states that, if Canonical has not heard from the alleged rights holder for an extended period of time and the patent is near expiration, the code will continue to be shipped as normal.




Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #154 for the week August 2nd - August 8th, 2009. In this issue we cover ...

UWN Translations

  • Note to translators and our readers: We are trying a new way of linking to our translations pages. Please follow the link below for the information you need.

In This Issue

General Community News

Ubuntu Stats

Bug Stats

  • Open (#) +/- # over last week
  • Critical (#) +/- # over last week
  • Unconfirmed (#) +/- # over last week
  • Unassigned (#) +/- # over last week
  • All bugs ever reported (#) +/- # over last week

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see

Infamous Bugs

Translation Stats Jaunty

  1. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  2. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  3. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  4. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  5. Language (#) +/- # over last week

Remaining strings to translate in Ubuntu 9.04 "Jaunty Jackalope," see more at:

Translation Stats Karmic

  1. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  2. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  3. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  4. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  5. Language (#) +/- # over last week

Remaining strings to translate in Ubuntu 9.10 "Karmic Koala", see more at:

# NEEDS UPDATING. # #=== 5-a-day bug stats === # #==== Top 5 contributors for the past 7 days ==== # # * person (#) # * person (#) # * person (#) # * person (#) # * person (#) # #==== Top 5 teams for the past 7 days ==== # # * team (#) # * team (#) # * team (#) # * team (#) # * team (#) # #5-A-Day stats provided by Daniel Holbach. See

Ubuntu Brainstorm Top 5 this week

  • heading
  • heading
  • heading
  • heading
  • heading

Ubuntu Brainstorm is a community site geared toward letting you add your ideas for Ubuntu. You can submit your own idea, or vote for or against another idea.

LoCo News

New in Karmic Koala

Launchpad News

Ubuntu Forums News

In The Press

Canonical Expands Ubuntu Linux Landscape's Sean Michael Kerner says that while there is a mad rush toward putting more IT resources in the cloud, not everything belongs in the cloud -- just ask Ubuntu Linux vendor Canonical. The Canonical Landscape Ubuntu systems management server is now moving in from the cloud with a new dedicated, on-site offering. "Canonical's Landscape Dedicated Server is a software appliance that is installed on the users' hardware. Updates will be made available by download on an as-needed basis when major kernel/security patches become available," Ken Drachnik, Landscape manager at Canonical, told "Of course, this points out one of the major differences between the Hosted edition and Dedicated edition -- users will need to provide hardware and a trained resource to manage Landscape on-site."

Canonical removes middleman from Ubuntu management

Timothy Prickett Morgan of The Register reports that Canonical is offering a dedicated, local version of its Landscape systems management and monitoring server for Ubuntu, rather than insist you access the service through the company's own systems. Canonical will next month launch the Landscape Dedicated Server, which is a local copy of the current Landscape service. It will run inside the data center, giving IT managers some piece of mind about security. Launched in March 2008 to help deploy monitor, manage and patch large numbers of Ubuntu servers or PCs, Landscape wasn't a service you bought from Canonical. Instead you accessed it through a web interface and portal. Landscape does more than just monitor physical machines individually or in groups. It can also control the deployment of applications from the Ubuntu repository to machines individually or in groups. And if Ubuntu shops want to create their own Ubuntu spin with its own repositories and deploy them on boxes, Landscape can do this as well. The Landscape service is priced $150 per machine per year if you want to just purchase it by itself, but if you buy a normal support contract for Ubuntu Linux for a PC or server, Landscape access comes with the price of that support contract.

The Official Ubuntu Server Book

Paul Ferrill of Linux Planet thinks that a newbie system administrator that might not have a system working or connected to the Internet but needs help getting a problem solved would find a good basic book like The Official Ubuntu Server Book handy. This recent release from Prentice Hall comes in several versions including a Barnes & Noble Special Edition with extra content. One good measure of a book of this type is the length of the index. "The Official Ubuntu Server Book" checks in at 501 pages with 48 dedicated to the index. List price for this book is $39.99, but you can pick it up on the B&N site for a good bit less. It also includes a 45-day pass to an online version available through This book is definitely worth the money if you need a good reference to help you over the newbie Linux admin hump.

No Intel Poulsbo Driver For Ubuntu 9.10

Michael Larabel of Phoronix thinks that Intel's Poulsbo driver for their GMA 500 IGP on the SCH U15W is a bloody mess. Unlike their X.Org driver for their other Intel IGPs, the Poulsbo driver is closed-source since Intel licensed some of the technologies for this graphics processor, but the problems go beyond just whether or not you like to use a binary blob. Intel hasn't done a good job at maintaining this driver and ensuring it works with the latest kernel and X.Org releases, and tracking down all of the components to use the driver on a non-supported distribution can be challenging. Originally the Intel Poulsbo driver was found with Ubuntu where those using Mark Shuttleworth's operating system could get this driver working with not so many steps. However, that will not be the case with Ubuntu 9.10. Canonical's David Mandala, who serves as the manager of the Ubuntu Mobile project, shared an interesting statement on the ubuntu-devel list: there will be no Poulsbo support in Ubuntu 9.10. Intel is not interested in supporting Ubuntu 9.10 and as a result their proprietary driver will not work or be included with this next Ubuntu release known as the Karmic Koala.

Torvalds and Shuttleworth to speak at LinuxCon 2009

The inaugural LinuxCon organized by the Linux Foundation is set to become the biggest Linux gathering of 2009. Scheduled for next month, September 21-23, in Portland, Oregon, the event will draw some of the best and the brightest that the Linux community has to offer. No less than Linus Torvalds and Mark Shuttleworth among other industry experts will speak at LinuxCon. Just about anyone who is interested in Linux can join. Early registration is available until August 15.

Ubuntu: Patent Policy and Private Support

Linux Pro Magazine's Marcel Hilzinger reports that Ubuntu has introduced a new Patent Policy to help developers and rights holders deal with software patent issues. With the Private Support, Canonical hopes to improve its revenue. Its new Patent Policy is designed to avoid such problems as far as possible. The policy lists the steps developers and rights holders should take when faced with a possible breach in patent. One clause contained in the policy states that, if Canonical has not heard from the alleged rights holder for an extended period of time and the patent is near expiration, the code will continue to be shipped as normal.

In The Blogosphere

Canonical’s Ubuntu Server Edition Gains ISV Support

Coming Soon: Landscape Dedicated Server for Ubuntu

Reader Polls: Google Is Both Ubuntu Rival, Friend

Rethinking Ubuntu’s Update Policy…Or Not

Shuttleworth wants Debian/Ubuntu co-operation

In Other News

Meeting Summaries

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Community Spotlight

Updates and Security for 6.06, 8.04, 8.10 and 9.04

Security Updates

Ubuntu 6.06 Updates

Ubuntu 8.04 Updates

Ubuntu 8.10 Updates

Ubuntu 9.04 Updates

UWN #: A sneak peek

Archives and RSS Feed

You can always find older Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter issues at:

You can subscribe to the Ubuntu Weekly News via RSS at:

Additional Ubuntu News

As always you can find more news and announcements at:



Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!


The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:

  • John Crawford
  • Craig A. Eddy
  • Dave Bush
  • Your Name Here
  • And many others

Glossary of Terms

Ubuntu - Get Involved

The Ubuntu community consists of individuals and teams, working on different aspects of the distribution, giving advice and technical support, and helping to promote Ubuntu to a wider audience. No contribution is too small, and anyone can help. It's your chance to get in on all the community fun associated with developing and promoting Ubuntu.


This document is maintained by the Ubuntu Weekly News Team. If you have a story idea or suggestions for the Weekly Newsletter, join the Ubuntu News Team mailing list at and submit it. Ideas can also be added to the wiki at If you'd like to contribute to a future issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, please feel free to edit the appropriate wiki page. If you have any technical support questions, please send them to

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License CCL.png Creative Commons License 3.0 BY SA

UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue154 (last edited 2009-08-09 22:19:26 by ip24-255-61-232)