
Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter - Issue 4

Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter - Issue 4 for the week of June 18, 2006 - June 24, 2006

You can always find this and other Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issues at:

Translations: (Romanian, Spanish, Polish,繁體中文)

In This Issue

  • Paris Developer Summit in review
  • Matthew East interviewed on LugRadio

  • GNOME 2.15.2 now in Edgy
  • Feature Of The Week - Pattern Matching in Nautilus
  • A preview of what is coming next week
  • and much more

General Community News

Paris Developer Summit in Review

The Ubuntu Developer Summit in Paris has wrapped up and was a great success. It was a fun week of meeting up with fellow hackers to discuss new features to implement in the next Ubuntu release, the Edgy Eft. Seeing the sights of Paris was fun too. Here are some summit highlights:

  • About 80 people were in attendance
  • The schedules for each day can be viewed at

  • There were 172 topics accepted for discussion, and the schedule was generated automatically for each day, depending on which topics needed more discussion and their priority
  • Topics included technical features, community building, artwork, documentation, processes, and more
  • The summit was driven by the Blueprint framework in Launchpad, which keeps track of specifications describing our plans for the future. The list is here:

Now begins the task of deciding which features will be worked on for Edgy. There is lots of great stuff coming so stay tuned.

Matthew East Interviewed on LugRadio

This week Matthew East was interviewed on LugRadio. Matthew talked about the Ubuntu Documentation Team and Ubuntu Documentation Project. Among the topics discussed were the methods used to write documentation and much more. Check it out at:


GNOME 2.15.2 in Edgy

This week Daniel Holbach has uploaded GNOME 2.15.2 to Edgy. Improvements include new versions of the following packages:

  • deskbar-applet 2.15.3-0ubuntu1
  • eog 2.15.3-0ubuntu1
  • fast-user-switch-applet 2.15.2-0ubuntu1
  • gcalctool 5.8.16-0ubuntu1
  • gnome-games 1:2.15.3-0ubuntu1
  • gnome-nettool 2.15.0-0ubuntu1
  • gnome-icon-theme 2.15.2-0ubuntu1
  • gnome-keyring 0.5.1-0ubuntu1
  • gnome-desktop 2.15.2-0ubuntu1
  • gnome-doc-utils 0.7.1-0ubuntu1
  • timer-applet 1.3.1-0ubuntu1

The usual "This is development in progress, not meant for production, use at your own risk" disclaimer applies. It does work though Smile :)

In The Press

Feature Of The Week - Pattern Matching in Nautilus

One of the strengths of the command line is the ability to search for patterns in just about anything. Well, Nautilus can perform pattern matching too. Just hit CTRL+S in your Nautilus window and you can select your files using patterns. If you have some rar-archives packed in multiple volumes for example you could use *.r?? to match all of them. The Asterisk (*) matches all characters before .r and the Question marks (?) represents one character each. Almost any pattern matching rule will work, give it a try for yourself.

Submitted by Nafallo (Christian Bjälevik)

Additional News Resources

As always you can find more news and announcements at:


Coming Next Week

We will soon have a complete list of features that will be worked on for Edgy. Starting next week we will begin discussing one feature a week in depth with commentary from the developer(s) working on the features in order to keep everyone informed, in detail, about the features and their progress. You can also look forward to getting to talk to the developers themselves about the features... more on this next week! We will also catch up with more attendees and hear about their personal accounts of the summit once they get back home and settle in.


Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter. See you next week!


The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:

  • Matt Galvin
  • Jerome Gotangco
  • Jonathan Riddell
  • Christian Bjälevik
  • And many others


This document is maintained by the Ubuntu Documentation Team. Please feel free to contact us regarding any concerns or suggestions by either sending an email to or by using any of the other methods on the Ubuntu Documentation Team Contact Information Page.

UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue4 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:15:18 by localhost)