
Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 451 for the week January 18 - 24, 2016.

In This Issue

General Community News

Welcome New Members and Developers

El Achèche ANIS, on behalf of the Ubuntu Membership Board, announces the new Ubuntu Member added on January 20th:

Ubuntu Stats

Bug Stats

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see

Ask Ubuntu Top 5 Questions this week

Most Active Questions

Top Voted New Questions

People Contributing the best questions and answers this week: heemayl (, kos (, Serg (, Florian Diesch ( and user82110 (

Ask (and answer!) questions at

LoCo News

Tour of our Wiki Page

Simon Quigley walks us through the Ubuntu Wisconsin’s wiki page explaining what each section is used for or will be used for. He notes that the lack of members attending IRC meetings means that the TeamReports page is out of date, and asks that he be contacted if anyone has any questions, comments or concerns.

LoCo Events

The following LoCo team events are currently scheduled in the next two weeks:

Looking beyond the next two weeks? Visit the LoCo Team Portal to browse upcoming events around the world:

The Planet

Serge Hallyn: Cgroups are now handled a bit differently in Xenial

Serge Hallyn walks us through some of the trouble that the existing cgroup implementation has caused. He shares how it’s being reworked in Xenial with the new libpam-cgm package and which ultimately reduces the set of user-owned cgroups.

Xubuntu: Xubuntu at The Working Centre’s Computer Recycling Project

The Xubuntu team interviews Charles McColm and Paul Nijjar of The Working Centre’s Computer Recycling Project. Topics include details about their recycling program and organization, rationale behind use of open source software and Xubuntu specifically, and some of the customizations made to Xubuntu for their organization. The article concludes by talking about the opportunities that open source has brought both The Working Centre and individuals who have been involved in the project.

Ubuntu Studio: Ubuntustudio 16.04 Wallpaper Contest!

The Ubuntu Studio team shares details about their Wallpaper contest for 16.04. The schedule is as follows:

Instructions for submissions and design guidelines are also included.

Lubuntu Blog: Box theme 0.58

The Lubuntu team announces their Box theme 0.58 which includes revamped Unity controls, addition of missing elements, modified scroll sliders (including autohide), minor bug fixes and more.

Martin Pitt: Results from proposed-migration virtual sprint

Martin Pitt reports from a recent Canonical Foundations team sprint, sharing slides from a presentation he gave to open the gathering. He went on to report results from the sprint, including the framework which will allow Ubuntu developers to be able to retry autopkgtest regressions by themselves. He concludes: “We are going to have similar sprints for Brian’s error tracker, Robert’s CI train, and Barry’s system-image builder in the next weeks. Let’s increase all those bus factors from the current “1” to at least “4” :-) . Looking forward to these!”

Other Community News

Find-a-task 2.0

Nicholas Skaggs kicks off a discussion about the future (2.0) of Ubuntu Find-a-task, a tool which helps new contributors find ways to contribute to Ubuntu. He lists a series of issues and considerations as the team moves forward, including the fact that tasks never expire, a lack of information (including point of contact) in some tasks, and the success rate of using the tool. After outlining a plan, he concludes: “Keep the idea of tasks, but add sponsors to the tasks, and help facilitate communication between the interested contributor and sponsor.”

Ubuntu Cloud News

Ubuntu Phone News

Ubuntu Clock Update Reflects Convergence Design Thinking

Rae Shambrook informs us that in the coming months a new and improved Suru visual language will be rolled out that will change the look of Ubuntu apps. She says that Suru has the added functionality required for convergence, and shows us some example of the changes which are currently in development for the clock app.

In The Press

SCaLE 14x, day 1: Shuttleworth delivers the grand vision for Ubuntu

Swapnil Bhartiya reports on the start of the Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE14x), writing that the highlight was “the was a keynote by Canonical founder Mark Shuttleworth at UbuCon Summit.” He went on to summarize Shuttleworth’s key points including praise of differences within and diversity of community and how Snappy will “offer a much more secure, sandboxed Ubuntu experience to enable people to use Ubuntu in a variety of devices such as drones, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, smart cars, etc.”

In The Blogosphere

Scopes Showdown 2016 - JavaScript scopes introduction workshop

David Callé welcomes us to the first training session of the Ubuntu Scopes Showdown 2016. The workshop takes us through the creation of a custom scope in JavaScript.

Podcast: Full Circle Weekly News #01

"A short podcast with just the news. No chit-chat. No time wasting. Just the latest FOSS/Linux/Ubuntu news."

Weekly Ubuntu Development Team Meetings

Upcoming Meetings and Events

For upcoming meetings and events please visit the calendars at

Updates and Security for 12.04, 14.04, 15.04 and 15.10

Security Updates

Ubuntu 12.04 Updates

End of Life - April 2017

Ubuntu 14.04 Updates

End of Life - April 2019

Ubuntu 15.04 Updates

End of Life - February 2016

Ubuntu 15.10 Updates

End of Life - July 2016


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Additional Ubuntu News

As always you can find more news and announcements at:



Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!


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UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue451 (last edited 2016-01-26 01:43:35 by lyz)