

  1. In this Issue
  2. Ubuntu Stats
    1. Bug Stats
    2. Translations
  3. Hot in Support
    1. Ask Ubuntu Top 5 Questions
    2. Ubuntu Forums Top 5 Threads
  4. LoCo Events
  5. The Hub
    1. Announcing the Multipass 1.10.0 release
    2. POLL potential cloud-init summit 2022 date and location
    3. Creating Focus in the Ubuntu Community — Your Help Needed!
  6. The Planet
    1. Ubuntu Studio 21.10 has reach End Of Life (EOL)
    2. Lubuntu 22.04 Backports PPA – LXQt 1.1 Call For Testing
  7. Other Community News
    1. 不负众望!优麒麟入选十大全球开源软件产品名单
    2. openKylin(开放麒麟)操作系统社区最新技术进展!
  8. Ubuntu Cloud News
  9. Canonical News
  10. In the Press
    1. 7 Reasons Why Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is the Most Secure Release Yet
    2. servers update closes 2 security holes, adds neat component tweaks
  11. In the Blogosphere
    1. Papirus Icon Set Updated with 60+ New Icons
    2. Benchmarking The Linux Mitigated Performance For Retbleed: It's Painful
    3. Ubuntu Users Get New Kernel Security Updates, 17 Vulnerabilities Patched
    4. Ubuntu 21.10 (Impish Indri) Reached End of Life, Upgrade to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Now
    5. An Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Fix Is Coming For A Very Annoying & Serious APT Problem
    6. SCaLE 19x, the 19th Annual Southern California Linux Expo, Will Take Place July 28-31, 2022
  12. Other Articles of Interest
  13. Featured Audio and Video
    1. Ubuntu Security Podcast: Episode 167
    2. Ubuntu Security Podcast: Episode 168
    3. Ubuntu Portugal Podcast: 203 - Segredo de Serzedo
  14. Meeting Reports
  15. Upcoming Meetings and Events
  16. Updates and Security for 18.04, 20.04, and 22.04
    1. Security Updates
    2. Ubuntu 18.04 Updates
    3. Ubuntu 20.04 Updates
    4. Ubuntu 22.04 Updates
  17. Subscribe
  18. Archive
  19. Further News
  20. Conclusion
  21. Credits
  22. Glossary of Terms
  23. Get Involved
  24. Feedback

Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 744 for the week of July 10 - 16, 2022.

In this Issue

  • Ubuntu Stats
  • Hot in Support
  • LoCo Events

  • Announcing the Multipass 1.10.0 release
  • POLL potential cloud-init summit 2022 date and location
  • Creating Focus in the Ubuntu Community — Your Help Needed!
  • Ubuntu Studio 21.10 has reach End Of Life (EOL)
  • Lubuntu 22.04 Backports PPA – LXQt 1.1 Call For Testing
  • Other Community News
  • Ubuntu Cloud News
  • Canonical News
  • In the Press
  • In the Blogosphere
  • Other Articles of Interest
  • Featured Audio and Video
  • Meeting Reports
  • Upcoming Meetings and Events
  • Updates and Security for 18.04, 20.04, and 22.04
  • And much more!

Ubuntu Stats

Bug Stats

  • Open: 139697 (+24)
  • Critical: 319 (-1)
  • Unconfirmed: 69985 (+35)

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see:


  • Ukrainian: 87.10% (41009/1072)
  • German: 86.23% (43790/291)
  • French: 80.41% (62299/6881)
  • Spanish: 79.90% (63899/4286)
  • Swedish: 76.45% (74876/913)

Hot in Support

Ask Ubuntu Top 5 Questions

Ask (and answer!) questions at:

Ubuntu Forums Top 5 Threads

Find more support at:

LoCo Events

The following LoCo team events are currently scheduled in the next two weeks:

Looking beyond the next two weeks? Visit the LoCo Team Portal to browse upcoming events around the world:

The Hub

Announcing the Multipass 1.10.0 release

Christopher Townsend announces a new Multipass release; 1.10.0. We are given the details of the "significant additions", links for additional details and instructions for the installers for Ubuntu, Windows and macOS. A note is given that this will be the last release that will support macOS 10.14. Highlights, a list of notable bug fixes along with many more links for more details are provided, along with details of where to report issues or feature requests.

POLL potential cloud-init summit 2022 date and location

Chad Smith writes that it's been "a couple of years since" the last "physical cloud-init summit". This post reminds us what a cloud-summit would provide, and seeks responses and interest on "potential physical sprint destination and times", with a list of clickable dates/locations provided for response.

Creating Focus in the Ubuntu Community — Your Help Needed!

Philipp Kewisch reminds us that "a little more than a year ago" the "quest to grow our community" was started. A list of what has been done is provided, with some comment on increased participation. Philipp then introduces himself with a brief summary of his own background with Mozilla, tells us Ken "is returning his focus to the Ubuntu Desktop team" offering Ken thanks for his work, that Monica and Britt continue support, and reminds us Rhys has moved on. We are introduced to Mauro Gaspari who has joined the team too, and told the list of the general themes of the community team are still relevant, and uses the analogy of a lens being used to help set some short term goals. Philipp has reached out to various groups and teams to learn more about the "Ubuntu Ecosystem", and welcomes feedback from anyone in determining how to “best support the Ubuntu Community. Many contact links are provided.

The Planet

Ubuntu Studio 21.10 has reach End Of Life (EOL)

A notice that informs users that Ubuntu 21.10 and all flavors including Ubuntu Studio 21.10 reached end of life on 14 July 2022, giving details of what this means, and a link so users who've not already done so can upgrade their systems to Ubuntu Studio 22.04 LTS.

Lubuntu 22.04 Backports PPA – LXQt 1.1 Call For Testing

Simon Quigley reports the Lubuntu Team has LXQt 1.1 available for testing in the Lubuntu (Staging) Backports PPA as a beta. With details of what the Backports PPA is, how to add it, we are reminded that this PPA is for testing only, with the final product expected to be available in the official Backports PPA on 19 July 2022. Mention is made of a possibility of a backports PPA Enabled alternate ISO of Lubuntu 22.04.1 LTS if demand is sufficient, with links if you'd like to step up and help the team. Further attention in the media:

Other Community News





Ubuntu Cloud News

Canonical News

In the Press

7 Reasons Why Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is the Most Secure Release Yet

Jacob Crume gives us the reason why Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is the "most secure Ubuntu release yet". Jacob lists his reasons and explores why Ubuntu 22.04 LTS excels in each of these areas, providing links for those seeking more details. servers update closes 2 security holes, adds neat component tweaks

Liam Proven reports that has released patches which close two security holes which also impact XWayland users too. In the release notice of fixing CVE-2022-2319 and CVE-2022-2320 is the release of 21.1.4 and XWayland 22.1.3. We are given details of the flaws, and also told of some new other updates that were included in these updates, including what hardware will benefit from these improvements. We are also reminded of the Unix history, and that Linux is a Unix(TM).

Further notice in the media:

In the Blogosphere

Papirus Icon Set Updated with 60+ New Icons

Joey Sneddon reports "more than 60 new app icons have been added to the Papirus icon theme", including some which Ubuntu Budgie users will appreciate. Some links and the PPA are provided.

Benchmarking The Linux Mitigated Performance For Retbleed: It's Painful

Michael Larabel provides his benchmark results for the mitigation of a new speculative execution attack that affects prior generations of AMD and Intel processors. "The Retbleed mitigations are some of the most performance-wrenching mitigations I've seen in a few years going back to the early Spectre/Meltdown days." "Needless to say, the researchers are accurate in their assessments of the significant performance costs with mitigating Retbleed." The mitigation results in 14~39% overhead.

Ubuntu Users Get New Kernel Security Updates, 17 Vulnerabilities Patched

Marius Nestor reports on Canonical’s Ubuntu Security team's release of kernel security updates for all supported releases. Marius relates the CVEs, who discovered them, and how the CVE affects which systems. New kernel versions are now available in the software repository; we are encouraged to update our installations as soon as possible.

Ubuntu 21.10 (Impish Indri) Reached End of Life, Upgrade to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Now

Marius Nestor reports that Ubuntu 21.10 reached end-of-life on 14 July 2022, with a reminder that any remaining users should upgrade to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. Marius reminds us that Ubuntu 21.10 was released back on 14 October 2021, and was released with the GNOME 40 desktop and apps. We are also told this End-Of-Life applies to all flavors of 21.10, and that work progresses on the next release which is Ubuntu 22.10 (Kinetic Kudu) due for release on 20 October 2022.

An Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Fix Is Coming For A Very Annoying & Serious APT Problem

Michael Larabel makes us more aware of an issue when the libudev1 package is installed in Ubuntu 22.04 by APT. He references the bug report where "Installing libudev1 on a new Jammy installation uninstalls many packages". Michael sums up the problem and advises that a fix is in the works from upstream, providing the patch and the APT merge request links.

SCaLE 19x, the 19th Annual Southern California Linux Expo, Will Take Place July 28-31, 2022

Marius Nestor writes that SCaLE 19x or the 19th annual Southern California Linux Expo will occur on 28-31 July 2022. Reminding us what SCaLE is, we are told where it will take place, some companies that will be presented and provide sessions there, as well as Linux Project teams, including Ubuntu, that will also be there. Ticket prices are given, and a code provided for a reduced price ticket too.

Ubuntu Security Podcast: Episode 167

"This week we bring you part 3 of Camila’s cybersecurity buzzwords series - looking at blockchain, zero trust and quantum / post-quantum security."

Ubuntu Security Podcast: Episode 168

"This week we rocket back into your podcast feed with a look at the OrBit Linux malware teardown from Intezer, plus we cover security updates for cloud-init, Vim, the Linux kernel, GnuPG, Dovecot and more."

Ubuntu Portugal Podcast: 203 - Segredo de Serzedo

"manhã temos jantar do PUP! O Miguel está apaixonado! Comprou um Think e adorou! Sob o efeito desta tensão amorosa, ainda o Miguel, chamou mentiroso ao Carrondo, momento muito agradável do episódio por sinal… A ANSOL vai organizar uma série de sessões de tradução, o Diogo andou a fazer streamings secretos com o Sr. Hugo e o PUP finalmente tem a caderneta de cromos completa. Estranhamente falou-se sobre snaps, debs e outra cenas…"

Meeting Reports

Upcoming Meetings and Events

  • Technical Board: Tue, July 19, 7pm – 8pm
  • Ubuntu Membership Board: Wed, July 20, 12pm – 1pm

Times shown are UTC. For more details and farther dates please visit:

Updates and Security for 18.04, 20.04, and 22.04

Security Updates

Ubuntu 18.04 Updates

End of Standard Support: April 2023

Ubuntu 20.04 Updates

End of Standard Support: April 2025

Ubuntu 22.04 Updates

End of Standard Support: April 2027


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Further News

As always you can find more Ubuntu news and announcements at:


Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!


The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:

  • Krytarik Raido
  • Bashing-om
  • Chris Guiver
  • Wild Man
  • And many others

Glossary of Terms

Other acronyms can be found at:

Get Involved

The Ubuntu community consists of individuals and teams, working on different aspects of the distribution, giving advice and technical support, and helping to promote Ubuntu to a wider audience. No contribution is too small, and anyone can help. It's your chance to get in on all the community fun associated with developing and promoting Ubuntu. More on this at:

Or get involved with the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter team! We always need summary writers and editors, if you're interested, learn more at:


This document is maintained by the Ubuntu Weekly News Team. If you have a story idea or suggestions for the Weekly Newsletter, join the Ubuntu News Team mailing list at and submit it. Ideas can also be added to the wiki at If you'd like to contribute to a future issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, please feel free to edit the appropriate wiki page. If you have any technical support questions, please check for more information on where to get help.

Except where otherwise noted, this issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License

UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue744 (last edited 2022-07-18 19:57:48 by bashing-om)