
Differences between revisions 1 and 16 (spanning 15 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2008-04-07 02:15:29
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Revision 16 as of 2008-04-13 04:08:16
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Editor: ip24-251-211-20
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Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 85 for the weeks April 6th - April 12th, 2008. In this issue we cover... Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 86 for the weeks April 6th - April 12th, 2008. In this issue we cover...
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## Make each article a subsection, via ===
## These are big articles that don't fit within another section
=== Archive frozen for preparation of Ubuntu 8.04 LTS ===

We are now one week out from the 8.04 LTS release candidate and two weeks
from the final release, so the archive is now frozen and will not thaw again
before release.

During the freeze, all uploads to main must be approved by a member of the
release team, so if you have fixes that are important to get in and will
need discussion, please do get in touch as soon as possible. Uploads to
main should at this point focus on release-critical bugs only.

Uploads to universe should follow the guidelines described here:

The list of release-critical bugs that we want to still try to resolve
before the release candidate on April 17 is tracked here:

Additional bugs that are still considered "targets of opportunity" for the
release are found at:

If you have bugs which you believe should be listed there but aren't yet,
please get in touch with me or another member of the release team.

=== Ubuntu 8.04 CDs for LoCos ===

Free Hardy CDs are available for all APPROVED Lo``Co teams. We will send you a prepared selection of CDs that form the following mix:

 * Ubuntu: PC: 230, AMD64: 20
 * Kubuntu: PC: 30, AMD64: 15
 * Edubuntu: PC: 10
 * Server PC: PC: 30
 * Server 64bit: PC: 15
 * KDE4 Remix: PC: 50

Please note, we can't allow you to add or remove from this mix - this is a pre-prepared selection and cannot be adjusted.

To get your Hardy CDs you must first ensure you are an approved team, and the Team Contact should make the request for the CDs.

To get them, send an email to with the subject of Request For Hardy CDs: <team name> (e.g. Request For Hardy CDs: ubuntu-au). You must use that subject format to ensure we pick up on the email. The email must contain all of the following details:

 * Name
 * Street Address (do not include a POBOX - it must be a real address) - include your post/zip code!!
 * Full International Phone number (including country code)

The team contact must request the CDs, but it is fine to get the CDs sent to another member of the team if needed.

Each team can have a maximum of one box of CDs.

Orders should be preferably placed before April 18th 2008 to ensure delivery within two weeks after the Hardy release date. Any later orders will have an estimated two week delay before they arrive.

Before you submit the email...

 * Ensure you are an approved team - see
 * Ensure the Team Contact requests the CDs.
 * Check you have included the stand subject line, as shown above.
 * Ensure you have included all of the requested information in the email.

=== Fourth Brainstorm Update ===

Across the web, we have seen a lot of interest to the Brainstorm website in FOSS projects. The project wants to make an open call to everyone: the project is working on making Brainstorm "project-neutral", and anybody wanting to help on the Brainstorm project is welcome! The stats module is not up and running yet, but here are a few stats: 14,400 users, 26,000 comments, 700,000 votes, and 6500 ideas (350 deleted, 1400 duplicates).

 * Now, the implemented ideas will be classified by release.

 * Many are not happy with the current duplicate handling system. That's also our perception: the duplicate system is fine, but not sufficient: there should be a way to group similar, but not duplicate ideas.

 * Contacting us will now be easier: A "contact us" link have been added on the footer of the Brainstorm website, and very soon, a mailing list will be added.

=== Ubuntu 8.04 Press Release Translation ===

Talk to Nick before writing this up.
Line 123: Line 201:
## Things Ubuntu-specific are great, but general Linux goings-on are good to, to an extent.
## We don't need to replicate Digg & Slashdot, but certain things are of special interest.
## Just pulling one example from my memory, the story about Indiana schools piloting
## a classroom Linux deployment, a portion of which was Ubuntu, are good. Ubuntu
## release reviews are also common items in this section.
 * Ubuntu breathes new life into school's abandoned hardware - Implementing a kiosk mode Kubuntu set-up allowed Westall Secondary School, located in eastern Melbourne, to save money, exact greater control over security measures, and extend the life of older and discarded hardware without sacrificing performance. The IT department installed six Kubuntu desktops in kiosk mode on the old gear for its Web-based student library system. Based on the success of the initial deployment, another six Kubuntu kiosks are slated for implementation in the school's international student lounge.;609377314;pp;1

 * Ubuntu 6.10 Comes to the End of the Line - Nothing lasts forever, and this is particularly true of patches and tech support for open source programs like Linux distributions. Many of the Linux distros out there have a regular pattern whereby older releases are retired as they get too far behind the current release. Ubuntu 6.10 Linux distribution from Canonical, will reach its end of life for support on April 25. The Ubuntu community and Canonical launched Ubuntu 6.10 a year and a half ago, on October 26, 2006, and under the agreement that Canonical made with Ubuntu users, it promises to offer 18 months of support for each Ubuntu desktop and server release unless it is a so-called Long Term Support release. Ubuntu's newest version, Hardy Heron 8.04 is due out April 24th, so everyone will be able to upgrade to the latest version on a timely basis, with no gaps in security.

 * Ubuntu: Linux for humans - So you’re sick of the old computer and want a new one. You go to the store, give your specifications, browse the models and the options for operating systems. Going all legal is an expensive proposition however. The cost of Windows, an office package, anti virus, software, with renewals adds up. Enter open source, and Ubuntu specifically. Included are all the essentials and many extras, and you need no anti virus software since Ubuntu isn't vulnerable to them. The repositories contain over 20,000 Linux application you can download for free, and the Ubuntu community provides a vast support network, that is friendly and knowledgeable. If you’re looking for a computer that you can use to surf the net, check Email, chat, listen to music and watch videos, Ubuntu is for you.
Line 131: Line 216:
## In this section we want to highlight the blogs that are exceptionally well-written and in-depth.
## Blogs tend to make it easy for low-quality content, so be extra careful on what goes here.
## We should encourage bloggers to spread the word, so this section might be a good way to do so.
 * Ubuntu and the coming Linux popularity contest - Consider what would happen if an IBM or Sun seriously threw its weight behind Ubuntu, banishing the "It's not enterprise-ready" myth forever? I suspect we'd see widespread, immediate enterprise adoption of Ubuntu. Why? Because Ubuntu is already being used widely within enterprises. It's just not being allowed to carry mission-critical enterprise applications yet, because those are reserved from the "enterprise Linux distributions" like RHEL and SUSE. In short, the only thing Ubuntu is missing is a big brother that will officially declare, "Ubuntu is enterprise class." It's already there, but needs the certification by A Big Company. IBM, Sun, and others all have their own reasons for crowning it such.

 * Facts on Ubuntu Mobile and Moblin - Ever wonder what the difference was between Moblin and Ubuntu Moble? Moblin and Ubuntu Mobile are not the same thing and they are not competitors. They do work together but both contribute their own set of components. See a breakdown of what each does here

 * Ubuntu: More doomed than ever... - The ACPI bug I encountered with Ubuntu 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbon" has been carried over to Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron." In other words, the suspend/resume "black screen of death" is back, and nastier than ever! . . . I had high hopes for "Hardy," if for no other reason than I expected my "showstopper" ACPI issues to have been resolved. That Ubuntu 8.04 remains unpalatable because of a stale, well-documented holdover bug from the previous version is really disappointing.

 * Dell: No Plans for Ubuntu Linux Servers - Dell has no plans to ship Ubuntu on its servers, according to a Dell source who spoke with The VAR Guy today. Dell does plan to support Ubuntu 8.04 (code-named Hardy Heron) on selected desktops this spring or summer. But it’s hard to blame Dell for taking a “wait and see” approach to Ubuntu on the server. After all, Red Hat and Novell are both firmly entrenched in the Linux server market.

Line 137: Line 228:
## Any news or links that don't fit neatly into other sections. === Ubuntu Leader Praises Windows, Wants its Customers ===

Mark Shuttleworth, leader of the Ubuntu development community, offers kind words for Microsoft's Windows - - but sounds more like someone who is plotting to steal customers away from the Windows platform. In a blog item titled, "Playing nicely with Windows," Shuttleworth calls Windows "an important platform," and then praises an open-source application called WUBI that allows Ubuntu to be installed onto a Windows PC.

=== Ciemon Dunville, Alan Pope, Dave Walker and Tony Whitmore present the third episode of the Ubuntu UK Podcast. ===

In this episode we talk about:-

    * Discussion: [[BR]]
          o Command line versus GUI. [[BR]]
          o Mythbuntu. [[BR]]
          o Podcast production. [[BR]]
    * In the news:
          o Microsoft OOXML ISO Clarification. [[BR]]
          o Adobe releases Air for Linux. [[BR]]
          o Launchpad supports OpenID. [[BR]]
          o UK Conservative & Labour Parties talk about Open Source. [[BR]]
          o Ubuntu survives Tipping point “Pwn to Own” contest. [[BR]]
          o Ubuntu Live. [[BR]]

=== EU: Euro-Parliament testing Ubuntu, OpenOffice and Firefox ===

The European Parliament's IT department is testing the use of GNU/Linux distribution Ubuntu, OpenOffice, Firefox and other Open Source applications according to a letter to Italian MEP Marco Cappato from British MEP James Nicholson. According to Nicholson the tests show this Open Source configuration meets the Parliament's office requirements. However, this does not mean that Ubuntu will immediate replace the currently used system: "This depends on long-term developments and needs and functional requirements of the Parliament. The Parliament will continue to monitor Open Source developments and if possible will try to use this type of software."


Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 86 for the weeks April 6th - April 12th, 2008. In this issue we cover...

UWN Translations

In This Issue

General Community News

Archive frozen for preparation of Ubuntu 8.04 LTS

We are now one week out from the 8.04 LTS release candidate and two weeks from the final release, so the archive is now frozen and will not thaw again before release.

During the freeze, all uploads to main must be approved by a member of the release team, so if you have fixes that are important to get in and will need discussion, please do get in touch as soon as possible. Uploads to main should at this point focus on release-critical bugs only.

Uploads to universe should follow the guidelines described here:

The list of release-critical bugs that we want to still try to resolve before the release candidate on April 17 is tracked here:

Additional bugs that are still considered "targets of opportunity" for the release are found at:

If you have bugs which you believe should be listed there but aren't yet, please get in touch with me or another member of the release team.

Ubuntu 8.04 CDs for LoCos

Free Hardy CDs are available for all APPROVED LoCo teams. We will send you a prepared selection of CDs that form the following mix:

  • Ubuntu: PC: 230, AMD64: 20
  • Kubuntu: PC: 30, AMD64: 15
  • Edubuntu: PC: 10
  • Server PC: PC: 30
  • Server 64bit: PC: 15
  • KDE4 Remix: PC: 50

Please note, we can't allow you to add or remove from this mix - this is a pre-prepared selection and cannot be adjusted.

To get your Hardy CDs you must first ensure you are an approved team, and the Team Contact should make the request for the CDs.

To get them, send an email to with the subject of Request For Hardy CDs: <team name> (e.g. Request For Hardy CDs: ubuntu-au). You must use that subject format to ensure we pick up on the email. The email must contain all of the following details:

  • Name
  • Street Address (do not include a POBOX - it must be a real address) - include your post/zip code!!
  • Full International Phone number (including country code)

The team contact must request the CDs, but it is fine to get the CDs sent to another member of the team if needed.

Each team can have a maximum of one box of CDs.

Orders should be preferably placed before April 18th 2008 to ensure delivery within two weeks after the Hardy release date. Any later orders will have an estimated two week delay before they arrive.

Before you submit the email...

  • Ensure you are an approved team - see

  • Ensure the Team Contact requests the CDs.
  • Check you have included the stand subject line, as shown above.
  • Ensure you have included all of the requested information in the email.

Fourth Brainstorm Update

Across the web, we have seen a lot of interest to the Brainstorm website in FOSS projects. The project wants to make an open call to everyone: the project is working on making Brainstorm "project-neutral", and anybody wanting to help on the Brainstorm project is welcome! The stats module is not up and running yet, but here are a few stats: 14,400 users, 26,000 comments, 700,000 votes, and 6500 ideas (350 deleted, 1400 duplicates).

  • Now, the implemented ideas will be classified by release.
  • Many are not happy with the current duplicate handling system. That's also our perception: the duplicate system is fine, but not sufficient: there should be a way to group similar, but not duplicate ideas.
  • Contacting us will now be easier: A "contact us" link have been added on the footer of the Brainstorm website, and very soon, a mailing list will be added.

Ubuntu 8.04 Press Release Translation

Talk to Nick before writing this up.

Ubuntu Stats

Bug Stats

  • Open (#) +/- # over last week
  • Critical (#) +/- # over last week
  • Unconfirmed (#) +/- # over last week
  • Unassigned (#) +/- # over last week
  • All bugs ever reported (#) +/- # over last week

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see

Infamous Bugs

Translation Stats Hardy

  1. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  2. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  3. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  4. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  5. Language (#) +/- # over last week

Remaining strings to translate in Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron", see more at:

LoCo News

New in Hardy Heron

Launchpad News

Ubuntu Forums News

In The Press

  • Ubuntu breathes new life into school's abandoned hardware - Implementing a kiosk mode Kubuntu set-up allowed Westall Secondary School, located in eastern Melbourne, to save money, exact greater control over security measures, and extend the life of older and discarded hardware without sacrificing performance. The IT department installed six Kubuntu desktops in kiosk mode on the old gear for its Web-based student library system. Based on the success of the initial deployment, another six Kubuntu kiosks are slated for implementation in the school's international student lounge.;609377314;pp;1

  • Ubuntu 6.10 Comes to the End of the Line - Nothing lasts forever, and this is particularly true of patches and tech support for open source programs like Linux distributions. Many of the Linux distros out there have a regular pattern whereby older releases are retired as they get too far behind the current release. Ubuntu 6.10 Linux distribution from Canonical, will reach its end of life for support on April 25. The Ubuntu community and Canonical launched Ubuntu 6.10 a year and a half ago, on October 26, 2006, and under the agreement that Canonical made with Ubuntu users, it promises to offer 18 months of support for each Ubuntu desktop and server release unless it is a so-called Long Term Support release. Ubuntu's newest version, Hardy Heron 8.04 is due out April 24th, so everyone will be able to upgrade to the latest version on a timely basis, with no gaps in security.

  • Ubuntu: Linux for humans - So you’re sick of the old computer and want a new one. You go to the store, give your specifications, browse the models and the options for operating systems. Going all legal is an expensive proposition however. The cost of Windows, an office package, anti virus, software, with renewals adds up. Enter open source, and Ubuntu specifically. Included are all the essentials and many extras, and you need no anti virus software since Ubuntu isn't vulnerable to them. The repositories contain over 20,000 Linux application you can download for free, and the Ubuntu community provides a vast support network, that is friendly and knowledgeable. If you’re looking for a computer that you can use to surf the net, check Email, chat, listen to music and watch videos, Ubuntu is for you.

In The Blogosphere

  • Ubuntu and the coming Linux popularity contest - Consider what would happen if an IBM or Sun seriously threw its weight behind Ubuntu, banishing the "It's not enterprise-ready" myth forever? I suspect we'd see widespread, immediate enterprise adoption of Ubuntu. Why? Because Ubuntu is already being used widely within enterprises. It's just not being allowed to carry mission-critical enterprise applications yet, because those are reserved from the "enterprise Linux distributions" like RHEL and SUSE. In short, the only thing Ubuntu is missing is a big brother that will officially declare, "Ubuntu is enterprise class." It's already there, but needs the certification by A Big Company. IBM, Sun, and others all have their own reasons for crowning it such.

  • Facts on Ubuntu Mobile and Moblin - Ever wonder what the difference was between Moblin and Ubuntu Moble? Moblin and Ubuntu Mobile are not the same thing and they are not competitors. They do work together but both contribute their own set of components. See a breakdown of what each does here

  • Ubuntu: More doomed than ever... - The ACPI bug I encountered with Ubuntu 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbon" has been carried over to Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron." In other words, the suspend/resume "black screen of death" is back, and nastier than ever! . . . I had high hopes for "Hardy," if for no other reason than I expected my "showstopper" ACPI issues to have been resolved. That Ubuntu 8.04 remains unpalatable because of a stale, well-documented holdover bug from the previous version is really disappointing.

  • Dell: No Plans for Ubuntu Linux Servers - Dell has no plans to ship Ubuntu on its servers, according to a Dell source who spoke with The VAR Guy today. Dell does plan to support Ubuntu 8.04 (code-named Hardy Heron) on selected desktops this spring or summer. But it’s hard to blame Dell for taking a “wait and see” approach to Ubuntu on the server. After all, Red Hat and Novell are both firmly entrenched in the Linux server market.

In Other News

Ubuntu Leader Praises Windows, Wants its Customers

Mark Shuttleworth, leader of the Ubuntu development community, offers kind words for Microsoft's Windows - - but sounds more like someone who is plotting to steal customers away from the Windows platform. In a blog item titled, "Playing nicely with Windows," Shuttleworth calls Windows "an important platform," and then praises an open-source application called WUBI that allows Ubuntu to be installed onto a Windows PC.

Ciemon Dunville, Alan Pope, Dave Walker and Tony Whitmore present the third episode of the Ubuntu UK Podcast.

In this episode we talk about:-

  • Discussion: BR

    • o Command line versus GUI. BR o Mythbuntu. BR o Podcast production. BR

  • In the news:
    • o Microsoft OOXML ISO Clarification. BR o Adobe releases Air for Linux. BR o Launchpad supports OpenID. BR o UK Conservative & Labour Parties talk about Open Source. BR o Ubuntu survives Tipping point “Pwn to Own” contest. BR o Ubuntu Live. BR

EU: Euro-Parliament testing Ubuntu, OpenOffice and Firefox

The European Parliament's IT department is testing the use of GNU/Linux distribution Ubuntu, OpenOffice, Firefox and other Open Source applications according to a letter to Italian MEP Marco Cappato from British MEP James Nicholson. According to Nicholson the tests show this Open Source configuration meets the Parliament's office requirements. However, this does not mean that Ubuntu will immediate replace the currently used system: "This depends on long-term developments and needs and functional requirements of the Parliament. The Parliament will continue to monitor Open Source developments and if possible will try to use this type of software."

Meeting Summaries

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Community Spotlight

Updates and Security for 6.06, 6.10, 7.04, and 7.10

Security Updates

Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Updates

Ubuntu 6.10 Updates

Ubuntu 7.04 Updates

Ubuntu 7.10 Updates

UWN #: A sneak peek

Archives and RSS Feed

You can always find older Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter issues at:

You can subscribe to the Ubuntu Weekly News via RSS at:

Additional Ubuntu News

As always you can find more news and announcements at:



Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!


The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:

  • Nick Ali
  • Your Name Here
  • And many others

Glossary of Terms


If you would like to submit an idea or story you think is worth appearing on the UWN, please send them to This document is maintained by the Ubuntu Marketing Team. Please feel free to contact us regarding any concerns or suggestions by either sending an email to or by using any of the other methods on the Ubuntu Marketing Team Contact Information Page ( If you'd like to contribute to a future issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, please feel free to edit the appropriate wiki page. If you have any technical support questions, please send then

UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue86 (last edited 2008-08-06 17:00:27 by localhost)