General Agenda Items and Proposals
This means:
- If there is an either and issue or idea for the team, please add it to the agenda below.
- Agenda items then should be discussed "informally" on #ubuntu-youth. 90 % of the discussion should have taken place before the meeting, preferably on either the mailing list or in the team channel.
- Meetings are primarily for decision making/team votes. Read the agenda and discuss your thoughts before the meeting. 10 % (or less) of the discussion should happen during the meeting.
- Agenda items that require more then 5 minutes of discussion may need to be deferred.
Who |
What |
zkriesse |
Start of meeting, and such |
zkriesse |
Welcoming message |
zkriesse |
Topic 1 - Getting the team together! |
zkriesse |
Topic 2 - New Members |
AndrewMC |
Topic 3 - His topic... |
Topic 4 - Website for the team |
zkriesse |
Topic 5 - Any concerns, questions, or ideas? Please, bring them up! |
Agenda discussion
No agenda discussions except what was in the agenda itself...
1 [19:56] <zkriesse_> #startmeeting
2 [19:56] <meetingology> Meeting started Sat Aug 21 [19:56:01 2010 UTC. The chair is zkriesse_. Information about MeetBot at
3 [19:56] <meetingology> updated
4 [19:56] <meetingology> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
5 [19:56] <meetingology> updated
6 [19:56] <shadeslayer> first plasma commit in the making
7 [19:56] <ThomasB2k> 50 seconds for me
8 [19:56] <Kaia> zkriesse_: you started it early
9 [19:56] <zkriesse_> Ok guys welcome to the Ubuntu Youth Meeting
10 [19:56] <zkriesse_> #link
11 [19:56] <lfaraone> this is getting a bit silly.
12 [19:56] <zkriesse_> The above link is for the meeting and it's topics (hopefully)
13 [19:57] <zkriesse_> Now as we didn't really get anywhere at the last meeting (for those who weren't there don't worry as we didn't get anywhere) this meeting will hopefully get us to our goal
14 [19:57] <ThomasB2k> hi
15 [19:57] <shadeslayer> hopefully :P
16 [19:57] * serfus is right on time?
17 [19:57] <shadeslayer> serfus: yep
18 [19:57] <bilalakhtar> serfus: late by half-a-minute
19 [19:58] <shadeslayer> come on.. 30 secs :P
20 [19:58] <zkriesse_> Now I'm hoping that we can get on an agreement for the team, it's goals, what it aims at, and what we are hoping to accomplish. You'll all be allowed to voice your ideas/concerns/issues but ONE AT A're welcome to discuss someones idea after they list it but please, don't stampede eachother
21 [19:58] <serfus> next time i'll be sharp :)
22 [19:58] * smeag0l forget and stuff
23 [19:58] <MichealH> lol @ bilalakhtar
24 [19:58] <ThomasB2k> let's not interrupt and let's keep discussion on topic (not trying to backseat mod)
25 [19:59] <zkriesse_> So, first topic
26 [19:59] <zkriesse_> #topic Getting the team together
27 [19:59] <meetingology> TOPIC: Getting the team together
28 [19:59] <zkriesse_> Who'd like to start with their idea
29 [19:59] <ThomasB2k> Well
30 [20:00] <ThomasB2k> I think we should start with new members and stuff
31 [20:00] <shadeslayer> +1
32 [20:00] <meetingology> +1 received from shadeslayer
33 [20:00] <meetingology> +1 received from a private vote
34 [20:00] <smeag0l> +1
35 [20:00] <meetingology> +1 received from smeag0l
36 [20:00] <meetingology> +1 received from a private vote
37 [20:00] <bilalakhtar> +1
38 [20:00] <meetingology> +1 received from bilalakhtar
39 [20:00] <meetingology> +1 received from a private vote
40 [20:00] <AndrewMC> +1
41 [20:00] <meetingology> +1 received from AndrewMC
42 [20:00] <meetingology> +1 received from a private vote
43 [20:00] <MichealH> +1
44 [20:00] <meetingology> +1 received from MichealH
45 [20:00] <meetingology> +1 received from a private vote
46 [20:00] <zkriesse_> ThomasB2k: Agreed...
47 [20:00] <shadeslayer> is it supposed to do that? ^
48 [20:00] <zkriesse_> Ok agreement on starting with the new members topic first instead of a team goal
49 [20:00] <zkriesse_> shadeslayer: yes...
50 [20:00] <shadeslayer> zkriesse_: the private vote thing
51 [20:01] <bilalakhtar> shadeslayer: ping AlanBell about it
52 [20:01] <zkriesse_> shadeslayer: If someone private msgs it yeah
53 [20:01] <zkriesse_> Anyhoo
54 [20:01] <zkriesse_> New members,
55 [20:01] * bilalakhtar is a new member of the team
56 [20:01] <shadeslayer> bilalakhtar: welcome!
57 [20:01] <zkriesse_> bilalakhtar: patience please
58 [20:01] <ThomasB2k> welcome!
59 [20:02] <smeag0l> welcome
60 [20:02] <zkriesse_> We've got AndrewMC, ascenseur is back, ThomasB2k, Kaia, noplamodo, lfaraone, and JoeMaverickSett
61 [20:02] <serfus> i think we are all kind of new... nobody has done much within the team
62 [20:02] <zkriesse_> Those whom i announce please tell a little about yourself
63 [20:02] <ThomasB2k> just pointing out, I still haven't been approved on the LP page
64 [20:02] <zkriesse_> ThomasB2k: Ah you have not?
65 [20:02] * zkriesse_ goes to remedy
66 [20:02] <ThomasB2k> no
67 [20:02] <noplamodo> *krhm* me neither
68 [20:03] <ThomasB2k> Well, while he's doing that. Hello, I'm Thomas Boxley. I'm a web programmer from Illinois in the USA. I'm 15. I love videogames and computers and I'm a huge geek.
69 [20:03] <bilalakhtar> zkriesse_: sorry
70 [20:04] <smeag0l> ty ThomasB2k
71 [20:04] <zkriesse_> bilalakhtar: no problem
72 [20:05] <JoeMaverickSett> I'm Ye Myat Kaung.(nvm if you can't read it properly) just call me joe. I'm from Myanmar, currently studying in Malaysia. I'm 17..well almost 18... I like computers and...computers.. :D
73 [20:06] <ThomasB2k> welcome!
74 [20:06] <zkriesse> Argh
75 [20:06] <MichealH> JoeMaverickSett: ... and computers... and comuters...
76 [20:06] <MichealH> ... and IRC
77 [20:06] <serfus> and sleeping!
78 [20:06] <MichealH> lol
79 [20:07] <JoeMaverickSett> MichealH: oh, yeah. thanks. you too, serfus. :)
80 [20:07] <AndrewMC> Im Andrew Constantine, im from Windham, ME... im 14 and have been using Linux Mint for about 3 years... and i love computers and Open Source things
81 [20:07] <ThomasB2k> welcome!
82 [20:07] <lfaraone> Hallo. I'm Luke Faraone. In addition to being part of the DC LoCo, I'm also an Ubuntu MOTU and Debian Developer. (NB: I'm on a drive, and have shoddy connectivity, so if I don't reply I'm not ignoring you. )
83 [20:08] <MichealH> lfaraone: No Probs :)
84 [20:08] <JoeMaverickSett> lfaraone: it's alright. ;)
85 [20:08] <MichealH> I always wanted to go MOTU and DD/UD path
86 [20:08] <lfaraone> (I'm 17)
87 [20:08] * AndrewMC will BRB
88 [20:08] <MichealH> heh... Im the youngest
89 [20:08] <lfaraone> MichealH: itls s loads of fun.
90 [20:08] <shadeslayer> MichealH: bilalakhtar is younger :P
91 [20:08] <zkriesse_> Ok cool
92 [20:09] <MichealH> shadeslayer: I am even younger
93 [20:09] <zkriesse_> #topic AndrewMC has something to say
94 [20:09] <meetingology> TOPIC: AndrewMC has something to say
95 [20:09] <noplamodo> I'm 16, from Belgium, even though i'm actually finnish. I've been using Ubuntu for about 3-4 years already, but never been active in the community. Should i still put that i like computers too?
96 [20:09] <zkriesse_> noplamodo: Of course! If you like them!
97 [20:09] <ThomasB2k> yay for finns!
98 [20:09] <bilalakhtar> I'm Bilal Akhtar, 14, still in school, likes computers and ubuntu specially. Involved very much in Ubuntu Development, have fixed 13 papercuts till now, hope to become Ubuntu MOTU soon. Recently blogged by jcastro at . Don't hesitate to ping me up if you wanna ask about software development!
99 [20:09] <JoeMaverickSett> noplamodo: hehe, we got ya. :)
100 [20:09] <noplamodo> :)
101 [20:09] <MichealH> zkriesse_: Can I write a intro for the new memebrs?
102 [20:10] <noplamodo> Oh, and i usually spam much smilies on irc, or so they say...
103 [20:10] <ThomasB2k> I wish I was actually good at desktop app programming. I do have 5 years of PHP, but what good is that in the Ubuntu world?
104 [20:10] <Kaia> I'm Kaia, 19, at Aberystwyth University in Wales. I am part of the Ubuntu-mars and Ubuntu-cym teams
105 [20:10] <MichealH> noplamodo: Mee too :P :D :L :/ ;) |)
106 [20:10] <kvarley> ThomasB2k Php is a very valuable skill
107 [20:11] <ThomasB2k> thanks
108 [20:11] * bilalakhtar would like to add that he also knows PHP
109 [20:11] <AndrewMC> Well i had an idea that everyone in the channel should be voiced as it makes it easier for the ops to op the channel... by devoiceing that person cant speak in channel... stoping the offensive action and appropriate action can be taken
110 [20:11] <ThomasB2k> +1
111 [20:11] <meetingology> +1 received from ThomasB2k
112 [20:11] <meetingology> +1 received from a private vote
113 [20:11] <MichealH> AndrewMC: Good Idea
114 [20:11] <MichealH> +1
115 [20:11] <meetingology> +1 received from MichealH
116 [20:11] <meetingology> +1 received from a private vote
117 [20:11] <JoeMaverickSett> +1
118 [20:11] <meetingology> +1 received from JoeMaverickSett
119 [20:11] <meetingology> +1 received from a private vote
120 [20:11] <noplamodo> +1
121 [20:11] <meetingology> +1 received from noplamodo
122 [20:11] <meetingology> +1 received from a private vote
123 [20:11] <serfus> AndrewMC, i don't think that's the right way to go
124 [20:11] <smeag0l> +1
125 [20:11] <meetingology> +1 received from smeag0l
126 [20:11] <meetingology> +1 received from a private vote
127 [20:11] <bilalakhtar> +1
128 [20:11] <meetingology> +1 received from bilalakhtar
129 [20:11] <meetingology> +1 received from a private vote
130 [20:12] <shadeslayer> +1
131 [20:12] <meetingology> +1 received from shadeslayer
132 [20:12] <meetingology> +1 received from a private vote
133 [20:12] <serfus> in my channel, i just +q on whom i want to mute
134 [20:12] <kvarley> AndrewMC Everybody except non-members?
135 [20:12] <MichealH> kvarley: Everyone is voice
136 [20:12] <zkriesse_> kvarley: No everyone who joins the channel
137 [20:12] <kvarley> Oh ok
138 [20:12] <MichealH> *!*@* has +vV
139 [20:12] <kvarley> -1
140 [20:12] <meetingology> -1 received from kvarley
141 [20:12] <meetingology> -1 received from a private vote
142 [20:12] <smeag0l> -1
143 [20:12] <meetingology> -1 received from smeag0l
144 [20:12] <meetingology> -1 received from a private vote
145 [20:12] <zkriesse_> kvarley: You do not agree?
146 [20:13] <ThomasB2k> I stick with my +1
147 [20:13] <MichealH> Im slowly think ing of -1 in ghere
148 [20:13] <MichealH> Im like +0
149 [20:13] <MichealH> Undecided
150 [20:13] <Kaia> -1
151 [20:13] <meetingology> -1 received from Kaia
152 [20:13] <meetingology> -1 received from a private vote
153 [20:13] <zkriesse_> MichealH: Then answer honestly...don't say +1 and mean something else
154 [20:13] <MichealH> I need to know more :P
155 [20:13] <ThomasB2k> Lots of bandwagoning it seems like
156 [20:13] <shadeslayer> yeah
157 [20:13] <kvarley> I just think it'd be nice to have the approved members gettng voice when they are welcomed into the community. They would have the launchpad group though so either way is fine. I'm sitting on the fence so to speak (not sure either way)
158 [20:14] <MichealH> kvarley: Agreed
159 [20:14] <MichealH> -1
160 [20:14] <meetingology> -1 received from MichealH
161 [20:14] <meetingology> -1 received from a private vote
162 [20:14] <zkriesse_> kvarley: then put +o
163 [20:14] <ThomasB2k> I think it wouldn't hurt to voice everyone like first suggested
164 [20:14] <kvarley> +0
165 [20:14] <kvarley> +o
166 [20:14] <ThomasB2k> :p
167 [20:14] <smeag0l> hm
168 [20:14] <noplamodo> The Holy Hand Grenade! :O
169 [20:14] <zkriesse_> Just a note this will be a finalized decision by the Ubuntu Youth Council which consists of AndrewMC, kvarley, ascenseur, and myself
170 [20:14] <serfus> i'm still -1
171 [20:15] <zkriesse_> We were trying to gauge how ya'll would take such an action if we put it into affect
172 [20:15] <MichealH> serfus: Then put -1 on a line by itself :P
173 [20:15] <MichealH> zkriesse_: Not well
174 [20:15] <bilalakhtar> so we have 8 +1s and 3 -1s
175 [20:15] <kvarley> +
176 [20:15] <bilalakhtar> sorry 4 -1s
177 [20:15] <kvarley> *+
178 [20:15] <kvarley> **+'s win
179 [20:16] <zkriesse_> next topic
180 [20:16] <serfus> why don't you put meetingology to vote, so it will be organized?
181 [20:16] <zkriesse_> serfus: It doesn't yet have that command
182 [20:16] <zkriesse_> serfus: AlanBell has yet to build that package
183 [20:16] <zkriesse_> #topic Website for the team by ThomasB2k
184 [20:16] <meetingology> TOPIC: Website for the team by ThomasB2k
185 [20:16] <serfus> oh.. well, fine :)
186 [20:16] <ThomasB2k> oh yes
187 [20:17] <ThomasB2k> I could make a professional website for the team for free
188 [20:17] <ThomasB2k> you can view some of my work at my website,
189 [20:17] * bilalakhtar would like to suggest something to ThomasB2k
190 [20:17] <ThomasB2k> yes?
191 [20:17] <bilalakhtar> ThomasB2k: You could use a CMS like drupal, that would save time AND would be convenient
192 [20:18] <MichealH> bilalakhtar: +1
193 [20:18] <ThomasB2k> how about wordpress? i'm much more familar with it
194 [20:18] <serfus> ThomasB2k, who would pay for the domain and host?
195 [20:18] <shadeslayer> wordpress would be better i think
196 [20:18] <ThomasB2k> i already have a server
197 [20:18] <ThomasB2k> and I can pay for the domain
198 [20:18] <zkriesse_> ThomasB2k: That's fine..but as serfus said...who'd pay for the domain..and host
199 [20:18] <bilalakhtar> ThomasB2k: Wordpress is for blogs, but for general-purpose websites its better to have Drupal
200 [20:18] <ThomasB2k> I honestly have no knowledge with Drupal
201 [20:19] * bilalakhtar has contributed a few patches to Drupal
202 [20:19] <shadeslayer> bilalakhtar: not really.. you can use wp for sites as well
203 [20:19] <bilalakhtar> ThomasB2k: your choice
204 [20:19] <ThomasB2k> I honestly say WP, and I can provide hosting on my server and the domain.
205 [20:19] <MichealH> +1 for Drupal
206 [20:19] <AndrewMC> +1 for Wordpress
207 [20:19] <shadeslayer> +1 for wp
208 [20:19] <bilalakhtar> MichealH: it appears ThomasB2k prefers WP, its his choice after all
209 [20:19] <MichealH> Yeah
210 [20:19] <zkriesse_> +1 for wordpress
211 [20:20] <bilalakhtar> ok, so I and MichealH lose
212 [20:20] <smeag0l> +1 wp
213 [20:20] <JoeMaverickSett> +1 wp.
214 [20:20] <zkriesse_> #idea ThomasB2k to make a Ubuntu Youth site via wordpress
215 [20:20] <MichealH> bilalakhtar: Aye ^_^
216 [20:20] <Kaia> tbh, i think this could be discussed as a separate issue. I think we should use what ThomasB2k is comfortable with
217 [20:20] <zkriesse_> So it's agreed? bilalakhtar should make us a site?
218 [20:20] <bilalakhtar> zkriesse_: no ThomasB2k
219 [20:20] <serfus> i think that if you want to do it, it will be great but it's not essential right now
220 [20:20] <zkriesse_> Duh
221 [20:21] <MichealH> zkriesse_: I can make one
222 [20:21] <bilalakhtar> zkriesse_: let ThomasB2k go ahead
223 [20:21] <zkriesse_> MichealH: Ah no...
224 [20:21] <ThomasB2k> I will provide hosting and the domain too, so vote me :D
225 [20:21] <MichealH> zkriesse_: One project at a time?
226 [20:21] <bilalakhtar> well I have my current website running Drupal
227 [20:21] <bilalakhtar> +1 for ThomasB2k
228 [20:21] <zkriesse_> MichealH: yes my young padawan
229 [20:21] <MichealH> zkriesse_: Im learning
230 [20:21] <smeag0l> +1 for ThomasB2k
231 [20:21] <zkriesse_> Ok so,
232 [20:22] <ThomasB2k> sorry, brb, scrounging for mouse batteries :/, I'll read back when I get back. Sorry
233 [20:22] <MichealH> ThomasB2k: np
234 [20:22] <zkriesse_> #action ThomasB2k and UY Council to discuss and put into affect a website for the team
235 [20:22] * meetingology ThomasB2k and UY Council to discuss and put into affect a website for the team
236 [20:22] <zkriesse_> Ok, back to our original topic
237 [20:22] <zkriesse_> #topic Getting the team together!
238 [20:22] <meetingology> TOPIC: Getting the team together!
239 [20:24] <MichealH> We can have like a Planet Youth?
240 [20:24] <zkriesse_> Ok, so as a team is it just me or do we all seem dead...
241 [20:24] <zkriesse_> MichealH: Hold on buddy
242 [20:24] <smeag0l> i'm partly dead to zkriesse
243 [20:24] <ThomasB2k> okay i'm back, putting in the batteries
244 [20:24] <zkriesse_> This team has failed in the past when it was attempted, as such there has been some doubt (actually a LOT of doubt) as to whether I and you guys can make this team a success
245 [20:25] <shadeslayer> im partly dead for the next 1.5 weeks starting Wednesday :P
246 [20:25] <MichealH> shadeslayer: Why? lol
247 [20:25] <zkriesse_> The ones who have doubted this team are very well established, and top contributors in the Ubuntu Community
248 [20:25] <smeag0l> correction totally dead
249 [20:25] <shadeslayer> MichealH: minors in 10 days ;)
250 [20:26] <serfus> i have to say, after been thinking about it, i see the team in the best place is under the UB teem
251 [20:26] <serfus> as a focus group
252 [20:26] <zkriesse_> So as they are usually quite right in their opinions and judgements, it's safe to say that so far we've not made much of an impact
253 [20:26] <zkriesse_> serfus: Meaning?
254 [20:26] <shadeslayer> MichealH: i might even keep this core offline :P
255 [20:26] <zkriesse_> serfus: The Ubuntu Beginners team has had such a focus group also failed
256 [20:26] <MichealH> shadeslayer: minors?
257 [20:27] <MichealH> shadeslayer: Use irssi
258 [20:27] <shadeslayer> MichealH: minor exams :P....
259 [20:27] * MichealH hides
260 [20:27] <zkriesse_> So, here's the skinny. We need a common goal as a team and as a grou
261 [20:27] * smeag0l lacking the knowled
262 [20:27] <MichealH> shadeslayer: Ahh
263 [20:27] <smeag0l> *g
264 [20:27] <zkriesse_> We need to figure out what we wish to contribute most to and whom in the community we wish to reach
265 [20:28] <bilalakhtar> ^^ that WHAT is still not clear
266 [20:28] <MichealH> zkriesse_: We should guide youths to the ubuntu community, teaching them about irc ect.
267 [20:28] <serfus> we have similar goals as the Beginners team, combined we have better chances to succeed
268 [20:28] <zkriesse_> Now I know ya'll will be going back to school soon so I don't expect any of us to have that much time to do so
269 [20:28] <shadeslayer> MichealH: and dude.. if you have a quassel core... thats the ultimate thing :P
270 [20:28] <MichealH> shadeslayer: Naw
271 [20:28] <MichealH> screen + irssi ftw
272 [20:29] <MichealH> Can you access Your Precious core via a ssh session?
273 [20:29] <zkriesse_> Heck, I'll be going to school in a matter of days (college but nevertheless it's school) :-D
274 [20:29] <ThomasB2k> Yes, we should focus on other people in our age group. Not really contributing directly to Ubuntu code and stuff, we should more or less just focus on spreading Ubuntu and how Linux is great to show people that there are other things in the world besides Windows.
275 [20:29] * MichealH goes to school Sept 7th
276 [20:29] <smeag0l> agreed ThomasB2k
277 [20:29] <bilalakhtar> zkriesse_: ok, could you please explain what is the ultimate goal of the Ubuntu Youth Project (Project, not Team)
278 [20:29] <ThomasB2k> 3/4s of the kids at my school didn't even know about Mac or Windows until I managed to persuade the administration to convert a computer lab to Ubuntu.
279 [20:29] <MichealH> agreed ThomasB2k
280 [20:30] <ThomasB2k> *Mac or Linux
281 [20:30] <bilalakhtar> well, I magaed to get 2 of my classmates to use Ubuntu and dump Windows
282 [20:30] <ThomasB2k> They always thought "Windows is the only thing in the world and I have to end the task of a frozen program every 5 minutes"
283 [20:31] <bilalakhtar> The biggest problem in getting youngsters to use Ubuntu is that they prefer Windows games
284 [20:31] * JoeMaverickSett have been unsuccessful at converting people! :(
285 [20:31] <bilalakhtar> thats something we could target in our campaign
286 [20:31] <smeag0l> indeed you're right ThomasB2k
287 [20:31] * MichealH has tried countless times to get Ubuntu spread, But I amwaiting for the ulyimate moment
288 [20:31] <MichealH> *ultimate
289 [20:31] <zkriesse_> bilalakhtar: Ok far as a Project is concerned, I feel that we should be reaching out, whether it's at school, friends house(s), parties what have you, and show that Ubuntu is out there, and while it's not perfect, neither is windows
290 [20:31] <bilalakhtar> So, we could showcase Ubuntu games like FlightGear and Tremulous
291 [20:31] <zkriesse_> But that's just my opinion...
292 [20:31] <ThomasB2k> Yes, we could focus on games. Honestly, a lot of children and teenagers just play browser games like Farmville. World of Warcraft would be the only thing we'd actually have to worry about :p
293 [20:31] <bilalakhtar> zkriesse_: yup I got it
294 [20:32] <kvarley> bilalakhtar Many youngsters have consoles now though. Also steam is coming to linux along with mavericks ubuntu store which will have paid games in there too
295 [20:32] <AndrewMC> and one thing i though is that us *as a group* can get together and maybe work on some bugs etc...
296 [20:32] <zkriesse_> bilalakhtar: Urban Terror is SOOO Much more kick ass than tremuouls
297 [20:32] <ThomasB2k> TF2 > All :p
298 [20:32] <ThomasB2k> But yes
299 [20:32] <MichealH> ThomasB2k: Farvill FTW!
300 [20:32] <ThomasB2k> World of Goo showed that great games can be made for Linux.
301 [20:32] <MichealH> *Farmvuille
302 [20:32] <shadeslayer> imo
303 [20:32] <zkriesse_> ThomasB2k: Not to mention Oblivion
304 [20:32] <kvarley> ThomasB2k agreed
305 [20:32] <shadeslayer> most companies are now shutting down PC versions of games
306 [20:32] <JoeMaverickSett> AndrewMC: agreed.
307 [20:32] <MichealH> Whole of Facebook = win
308 [20:33] <shadeslayer> switching to consoles they are
309 [20:33] <MichealH> shadeslayer: lol?
310 [20:33] <shadeslayer> and new HTML5 games are pretty awesome
311 [20:33] <ThomasB2k> Yes, and this could be a great opportunity for indie developers in Linux really
312 [20:33] <MichealH> shadeslayer: Agreed
313 [20:33] <shadeslayer> MichealH: look a the facts...
314 [20:33] <shadeslayer> piracy pwns everything else
315 [20:33] <MichealH> shadeslayer: I thought you meant TTy's, sorry
316 [20:33] <ThomasB2k> Games are going to the consoles or the browsers...
317 [20:33] <bilalakhtar> well, we could tell youngsters that Ubuntu has cool desktop effects, plays media very well, has cool games, has free software, doesn't crash that much, etc
318 [20:33] <shadeslayer> you cant pirate a XBox CD/DVD and play without a XBox
319 [20:34] <zkriesse_> Ok guys let's steer this back to the topic at hand....
320 [20:34] <ThomasB2k> Bilalakhtar, we can't lie. Ubuntu really doesn't play media too well. 99% of people own iPods and we're just now getting mediocre support for that. I can't play Bluray on my laptop in Ubuntu, I have to boot into windows for that
321 [20:34] <MichealH> shadeslayer: Take it to a PM?
322 [20:35] <JoeMaverickSett> i think that we should also be getting some eduction from the Ubuntu Mentors, like C/C++ sessions,[ which did not happen.]
323 [20:35] <bilalakhtar> ThomasB2k: ok, so that point of mine was incorrect
324 [20:35] <shadeslayer> i agree ^^
325 [20:35] <AndrewMC> +1 JoeMaverickSett
326 [20:35] <shadeslayer> +1 JoeMaverickSett
327 [20:35] <smeag0l> +1 JoeMaverickSett
328 [20:35] <ThomasB2k> -1
329 [20:35] <meetingology> -1 received from ThomasB2k
330 [20:35] <meetingology> -1 received from a private vote
331 [20:35] <ThomasB2k> Why, why focus on coding?
332 [20:36] <ThomasB2k> Isn't the goal to spread Ubuntu?
333 [20:36] <bilalakhtar> JoeMaverickSett: could you elaborate on your point? Why would we need those?
334 [20:36] <AndrewMC> perl and python are good to learn too
335 [20:36] <ThomasB2k> Do we need C/C++ coding knowledge to spread Ubuntu?
336 [20:36] <serfus> i think that we should focus on teaching how to use ubuntu,IRC,LP and how the community works rather then spread ubuntu as other teams already do
337 [20:36] <smeag0l> hm still kind of tired :P
338 [20:37] <zkriesse_> +1 serfus
339 [20:37] <AndrewMC> ThomasB2k~ No but we dont HAVE to spread ubuntu there are other places we are needed like bugs... irc... forums etc
340 [20:37] <MichealH> +1 JoeMaverickSett
341 [20:37] <JoeMaverickSett> well, getting some education is good. helpful. + you could code your own.
342 [20:37] <MichealH> +1010101010100101 serfus
343 [20:37] <AndrewMC> +1 serfus +1 JoeMaverickSett both very good idea
344 [20:37] <AndrewMC> s
345 [20:37] <JoeMaverickSett> i'm not saying C/C++ in particular, python would be more essential to Ubuntu.
346 [20:38] <ThomasB2k> +1 serfus now that I think about it
347 [20:38] <noplamodo> +1 serfus
348 [20:38] <bilalakhtar> in case there is need of development, I can be helpful, and I am sure lfaraone will also help
349 [20:38] <smeag0l> +1 serfus +1 JoeMaverickSett educating kids is very important teach em how think for them self
350 [20:39] <serfus> yup
351 [20:39] <zkriesse_> Ok so spreading Ubuntu and Teaching the basics
352 [20:39] <zkriesse_> Sounds like a plan
353 [20:39] <ThomasB2k> Wait, we're going to get the code training or the other people who we try to appeal to?
354 [20:39] <AndrewMC> i think JoeMaverickSett's idea is good if thats something you want to do as it may not be everyone's interest serfus's idea seems better for a whole group
355 [20:39] <ThomasB2k> I'm confused
356 [20:39] <bilalakhtar> Basics doesn't have to deal with python
357 [20:39] <ThomasB2k> Basics doesn't have to deal with any code language. The average person doesn't want to have to learn that stuff.
358 [20:39] <JoeMaverickSett> AndrewMC: i think so. i'll go with serfus as it's more group centered.
359 [20:40] * AndrewMC will BRB
360 [20:40] <JoeMaverickSett> than mine.
361 [20:40] <zkriesse_> Ok so,
362 [20:40] <ThomasB2k> The average person wants to read email, type up documents, and go on facebook to play farmville. No coding or anything. That will make people turn away from Ubuntu.
363 [20:40] <smeag0l> i'm agree with JoeMaverickSett
364 [20:40] <serfus> although, the group *can* be a place where you can find a mentor to help you with more then the basics such as python etc
365 [20:41] <zkriesse_> #idea Team/Team's Goal & Projects is to Spread Ubuntu and Teach the basics
366 [20:41] * AndrewMC is back
367 [20:41] <zkriesse_> #agreed
368 [20:41] <ThomasB2k> See, will we be learning python and stuff, or we be helping others to learn it?
369 [20:41] <ThomasB2k> I'm confused.
370 [20:41] <zkriesse_> ThomasB2k: Well when teaching I find that I learn myself
371 [20:41] <shadeslayer> well... those who want to learn to code should be provided with opportunities to do so
372 [20:41] <shadeslayer> and for that we need proper mentors
373 [20:41] <ThomasB2k> ahh
374 [20:42] <ThomasB2k> +1
375 [20:42] <meetingology> +1 received from ThomasB2k
376 [20:42] <meetingology> +1 received from a private vote
377 [20:42] <smeag0l> +1
378 [20:42] <meetingology> +1 received from smeag0l
379 [20:42] <meetingology> +1 received from a private vote
380 [20:42] <serfus> shadeslayer, +1
381 [20:42] <noplamodo> +1
382 [20:42] <meetingology> +1 received from noplamodo
383 [20:42] <meetingology> +1 received from a private vote
384 [20:42] <AndrewMC> +1
385 [20:42] <meetingology> +1 received from AndrewMC
386 [20:42] <meetingology> +1 received from a private vote
387 [20:42] * zkriesse_ smacks meetingology for being a silly bot
388 [20:42] <zkriesse_> +1
389 [20:42] <meetingology> +1 received from zkriesse_
390 [20:42] <meetingology> +1 received from a private vote
391 [20:42] <JoeMaverickSett> +1
392 [20:42] <meetingology> +1 received from JoeMaverickSett
393 [20:42] <meetingology> +1 received from a private vote
394 [20:42] <shadeslayer> so i guess we could take this up in #ubuntu-devel or such and start a small mentor program ?
395 [20:42] <bilalakhtar> +1
396 [20:42] <meetingology> +1 received from bilalakhtar
397 [20:42] <meetingology> +1 received from a private vote
398 [20:43] <zkriesse_> shadeslayer: That will have to be ironed out
399 [20:43] <shadeslayer> zkriesse_: just a suggestion ;)
400 [20:43] <MichealH> +1
401 [20:43] <meetingology> +1 received from MichealH
402 [20:43] <meetingology> +1 received from a private vote
403 [20:43] <ThomasB2k> I think we should keep everything in this channel. While it won't be as organized, it will be more controlled.
404 [20:43] <shadeslayer> because we do not have a mentoring program for ubuntu as such
405 [20:43] <MichealH> ThomasB2k: +1
406 [20:43] <bilalakhtar> Why not have an #ubuntu-youth-mentors ?
407 [20:43] <MichealH> It keeps it cleaner
408 [20:44] <zkriesse_> bilalakhtar: Because this is what this channel is mainly for..a mentorship unto the broader scope of the community
409 [20:44] <zkriesse_> #topic Topic 5 - Any concerns, questions, or ideas? Please, bring them up!
410 [20:44] <meetingology> TOPIC: Topic 5 - Any concerns, questions, or ideas? Please, bring them up!
411 [20:44] * MichealH seconds zkriesse_
412 [20:44] <ThomasB2k> micheal, are you just agreeing to everything? :p
413 [20:45] <zkriesse_> Ok enough MichealH
414 [20:45] <bilalakhtar> What is this for ?
415 [20:45] <zkriesse_> bilalakhtar: Ah thank you
416 [20:45] <serfus> shadeslayer, take a look at this there is a place for mentoring
417 [20:45] <shadeslayer> serfus: ok lemme see
418 [20:45] <zkriesse_> #link
419 [20:45] <shadeslayer> serfus: not really.. see what i mean is directed at coding
420 [20:46] <zkriesse_> #link
421 [20:46] <shadeslayer> the page you mention is for #ubuntu-youth only
422 [20:46] <shadeslayer> for beginners...
423 [20:46] <serfus> oh shadeslayer got you
424 [20:46] <zkriesse_> shadeslayer: It will eventually entail our entire spectrum of mentorship
425 [20:47] <shadeslayer> zkriesse_: good to know :D
426 [20:47] <zkriesse_> But as the team is a work in progress it stands to reason that the wiki for the team is also a work in progress
427 [20:47] * shadeslayer can help with packaging bits
428 [20:47] * bilalakhtar can also help with packaging
429 [20:48] <zkriesse_> #action shadeslayer and bilalakhtar to help with packaging/packaging training if needed
430 [20:48] * meetingology shadeslayer and bilalakhtar to help with packaging/packaging training if needed
431 [20:48] <zkriesse_> Ok who here likes wiki?
432 [20:48] <shadeslayer> zkriesse_: as in look?
433 [20:48] * serfus does!!
434 [20:48] <zkriesse_> shadeslayer: As in editing it
435 [20:48] <zkriesse_> serfus: You like to edit wiki work?
436 [20:48] <shadeslayer> oh that
437 [20:48] <serfus> but i'm not a master *yet*
438 [20:48] <zkriesse_> serfus: How good are you at it...
439 [20:49] <shadeslayer> i just copy paste from other people :P
440 [20:49] <zkriesse_> serfus: Ok I'll help you learn the wiki if you wish
441 [20:49] <serfus> i started with this
442 [20:49] <shadeslayer> bilalakhtar: heh.. daily builds are scored above regular builds now i think
443 [20:49] <serfus> zkriesse,
444 [20:49] <zkriesse_> Just so ya'll know, I'm a HUGE wiki advert
445 [20:49] <shadeslayer> zkriesse_: i know :P
446 [20:49] <zkriesse_> so much so that I applied to be a wiki admin just so i could do more!
447 [20:49] <zkriesse_> wb JoeMaverickSett
448 [20:50] <bilalakhtar> shadeslayer: I don't think so. My daily build yesterday got built today
449 [20:50] <smeag0l> zkriesse, i would also like to learn the wiki but my life seams to be a lot of ups and downs
450 [20:50] <shadeslayer> bilalakhtar: that would be the queue... im talking about build scores, dailly builds are now scored at 2405, normal builds are scored at 2205 i think
451 [20:50] <bilalakhtar> ah ok shadeslayer
452 [20:50] <zkriesse_> #action zkriesse to team and explain the ways of the wiki to those who wish to take on that challengeful road
453 [20:50] * meetingology zkriesse to team and explain the ways of the wiki to those who wish to take on that challengeful road
454 [20:51] <shadeslayer> currently we have what... 300 packages for 32 bit waiting to be built :P
455 [20:51] <zkriesse_> Ok!
456 [20:51] <AlanBell> ah, voting is still very broken in meetingology!
457 [20:51] <zkriesse_> I think we had a good meeting...any other things ya'll might wanna bring up?
458 [20:51] <shadeslayer> zkriesse_: can you add quassel to the JoinTheChannel ?
459 [20:51] <zkriesse_> AlanBell: And you now show up?
460 [20:51] <shadeslayer> hehe
461 [20:51] <AndrewMC> what does the team think of about getting together and assigning packages to bugs as a collaborative effort... i think it could be a project we could start with
462 [20:51] <zkriesse_> shadeslayer: ask's his page
463 [20:52] <shadeslayer> serfus: ^^
464 [20:52] <serfus> AndrewMC, i have been thinking of something like this as well, great idea imho
465 [20:52] <shadeslayer> AndrewMC: or we could just all go to ubuntu-bugs on their bug hug days
466 [20:52] <zkriesse_> shadeslayer: Agreed
467 [20:53] <shadeslayer> they announce bug hug days on ubuntu-devel
468 [20:53] <shadeslayer> every monday/thursday i think
469 [20:53] <zkriesse_> shadeslayer: We shall have to announce that here as well
470 [20:53] <shadeslayer>
471 [20:53] <shadeslayer> thats the latest one
472 [20:53] <shadeslayer> ah gone by
473 [20:53] <zkriesse_> lol
474 [20:53] <AndrewMC> shadeslayer~ well yes you could do that but it would be helpful to be able to talk amung us all if we are unsure what package goes to this particuar bug.... a team effort
475 [20:54] <JoeMaverickSett> i would like to learn about wiki, zkriesse_. :)
476 [20:54] <zkriesse_> Ok so...any ideas left?
477 [20:54] * AndrewMC would like to learn wiki too
478 [20:54] <zkriesse_> JoeMaverickSett and AndrewMC Ok I'll help ya'll out too
479 [20:55] <shadeslayer> AndrewMC: um.. #ubuntu-bugs has more experienced people who can guide us properly imo
480 [20:55] <shadeslayer> also.. its on ubuntu-bugsquad mailing list : : not ubuntu-devel
481 [20:55] <zkriesse> #action zkriesse to speak to #ubuntu-bugs about possible collaberation between the two teams
482 [20:55] * meetingology zkriesse to speak to #ubuntu-bugs about possible collaberation between the two teams
483 [20:56] <shadeslayer> my tags say ubuntu-devel :P
484 [20:56] <AndrewMC> +1
485 [20:56] <meetingology> +1 received from AndrewMC
486 [20:56] <meetingology> +1 received from a private vote
487 [20:56] <zkriesse> Ok so anyone else have anything to add?
488 [20:56] <bilalakhtar> shadeslayer: are you member of Ubuntu BugControl?
489 [20:56] <shadeslayer> bilalakhtar: planning to apply after minors
490 [20:56] <bilalakhtar> shadeslayer: well, I am one
491 [20:56] <shadeslayer> oh :D
492 [20:56] <smeag0l> +1
493 [20:56] <meetingology> +1 received from smeag0l
494 [20:56] <meetingology> +1 received from a private vote
495 [20:57] <bilalakhtar> zkriesse: I am a BugControl member and so is lfaraone . We can help in such a case
496 [20:57] <zkriesse> bilalakhtar: ty
497 [20:57] <shadeslayer> i havent done alot of triaging, but the ones ive touched, i fix them up pretty good
498 [20:58] <ThomasB2k> I am very sorry
499 [20:58] <MichealH> I have a idea
500 [20:58] <ThomasB2k> Unfortunately I must go
501 [20:58] <zkriesse> ThomasB2k: It's ok my friend...there will be logs
502 [20:58] <ThomasB2k> okay
503 [20:58] <zkriesse> MichealH: Speak now..
504 [20:58] <serfus> bye ThomasB2k , thanks
505 [20:58] <ThomasB2k> i will read them
506 [20:58] <ThomasB2k> bye
507 [20:58] <MichealH> We could have like a Ubuntu Youth Planet
508 [20:58] <zkriesse> ThomasB2k: Thanks for participating
509 [20:59] <JoeMaverickSett> see ya, ThomasB2k.
510 [20:59] <MichealH> Where we... The community of youths can add our streams to
511 [20:59] <MichealH> Good Idea?
512 [20:59] <bilalakhtar> MichealH: It won't help that much
513 [20:59] <zkriesse> MichealH: No...I'll probably make an Ubuntu Youth Blog and a twitter for ubuntu-youth but a planet? we can add the streams to the ubuntu planet
514 [21:00] <serfus> zkriesse, only members can
515 [21:00] <bilalakhtar> -1 for MichealH, sorry
516 [21:00] <MichealH> Yup
517 [21:00] <MichealH> np bilalakhtar
518 [21:00] <zkriesse> serfus: I know...i'm a member.. :)
519 [21:00] <bilalakhtar> zkriesse: BTW, how many Ubuntu Members are there in the team?
520 [21:00] <MichealH> bilalakhtar: Well...
521 [21:00] <zkriesse> bilalakhtar: Ah you me and a couple others... AlanBell and somebody else for now
522 [21:00] <zkriesse> Puck`: ping
523 [21:00] <MichealH> Theres you and zkriesse
524 [21:00] <MichealH> Then lfaraone
525 [21:01] <serfus> shadeslayer
526 [21:01] <serfus> jpds
527 [21:01] <MichealH> lhavelund
528 [21:01] * shadeslayer is already member ;)
529 [21:01] <smeag0l> afk food
530 [21:01] <zkriesse> If ya'll are ok with it I'll work on making us a Wordpress blog and a Twitter account for the Ubuntu Youth Team
531 [21:01] <serfus> shadeslayer, ya, he asked how many ubuntu members are here
532 [21:01] <shadeslayer> +!
533 [21:01] <bilalakhtar> +1
534 [21:01] <meetingology> +1 received from bilalakhtar
535 [21:01] <meetingology> +1 received from a private vote
536 [21:01] <smeag0l> +1
537 [21:01] <meetingology> +1 received from smeag0l
538 [21:01] <meetingology> +1 received from a private vote
539 [21:01] <shadeslayer> +1
540 [21:01] <meetingology> +1 received from shadeslayer
541 [21:01] <meetingology> +1 received from a private vote
542 [21:01] <MichealH> (sorry for highlights)
543 [21:01] <shadeslayer> serfus: oh..i thought ubuntu-youth member :P
544 [21:02] <AlanBell> I would suggest a wordpress blog with multiple contributors rather than a planet
545 [21:02] <MichealH> See yous
546 [21:02] <zkriesse> shadeslayer: No...we were discussing the planet
547 [21:02] <zkriesse> AlanBell: As I said, wordpress blog
548 [21:02] <bilalakhtar> If its for a planet then -1, otherwise for a blog and twitter, its +1 from me
549 [21:02] <shadeslayer> wp blog + contributors seems good
550 [21:03] <AndrewMC> +1
551 [21:03] <meetingology> +1 received from AndrewMC
552 [21:03] <meetingology> +1 received from a private vote
553 [21:03] <shadeslayer> planet would take too much time to setup imo
554 [21:03] <bilalakhtar> It would be a team blog, established members could blog
555 [21:03] <zkriesse> shadeslayer: Hence a wordpress blog
556 [21:03] <zkriesse> bilalakhtar: Yes!
557 [21:03] <shadeslayer> AlanBell: your bot seems broken ;)
558 [21:03] <bilalakhtar> shadeslayer: the idea of a planet has been dropped
559 [21:03] <zkriesse> shadeslayer: It's not broken, a work in progress it is
560 [21:03] <AlanBell> shadeslayer: one sec . . .
561 [21:03] <shadeslayer> ah :P
562 [21:03] <shadeslayer> AlanBell: is it a ruby bot?
563 [21:03] <zkriesse> Ok so,
564 [21:03] <AlanBell> python
565 [21:03] <shadeslayer> oic
566 [21:03] <AlanBell> supybot plugin
567 [21:03] <shadeslayer> right...
568 [21:04] <AlanBell> +1
569 [21:04] <meetingology> +1 received from AlanBell
570 [21:04] <meetingology> +1 received from a private vote
571 [21:04] <zkriesse> #action zkriesse to establish a Ubuntu Youth Wordpress blog and Twitter account
572 [21:04] * meetingology zkriesse to establish a Ubuntu Youth Wordpress blog and Twitter account
573 [21:04] * bilalakhtar is now off
574 [21:04] <AlanBell> hmm, will fix that in a sec
575 [21:04] <bilalakhtar> sorry
576 [21:04] <shadeslayer> bilalakhtar: bye :)
577 [21:04] <zkriesse> goodbye bilalakhtar ~
578 [21:04] <bilalakhtar> bye everyone! I will read the logs later
579 [21:04] <zkriesse> bilalakhtar: Thanks for showing
580 [21:04] <zkriesse> Argh, he's gone
581 [21:05] <zkriesse> Ok that's pretty much a wrap!
582 [21:05] <zkriesse> Thanks everybody for showing and giving your awesome ideas!
583 [21:05] <serfus> i have to say it was a much better meeting then the last one :)
584 [21:05] <zkriesse> serfus: Definitely agreed my man
585 [21:06] <zkriesse> Anyone have anything to add before I end the meeting?
586 [21:06] * Kaia can't judge on previous meeting, she wasn't there
587 [21:06] <serfus> naughty Kaia
588 [21:06] <zkriesse> Kaia: You just didn't "attend" perce
589 [21:06] <shadeslayer> hehe
590 [21:06] <zkriesse> Ok!
591 [21:06] <zkriesse> #endmeeting
UbuntuYouth/Meetings/10/August (last edited 2010-09-12 03:49:39 by 173-161-113-147-Illinois)