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 * Immunity from search timeouts

The Team

What is this team for?

The Unanswered Posts Team is a specialized team here on the forums dealing with one thing: Topics with zero replies. (aka. empty topics.) The team goal is to try to answer as many unanswered posts on the forums as possible, dealing in subjects ranging from installing Ubuntu to configuring video cards. The less empty topics there are, the better. We don't want users to go away from the forums thinking that no one cares about their topic or problem.

What makes this team different from the Beginners and Hardware teams?

The Beginners team will specialize with posts in Absolute Beginner Talk, and the Hardware team will deal with anything relating to hardware, such as wireless, graphics cards, etc. The Unanswered Posts team will overlap in both areas, as needed, and will collaborate with the Hardware and Beginners teams whenever necessary.

Can I join?

If you have a decent amount and helpful history of posts, feel free to join the team. We're looking for something around 300+ posts, however if you have a good history we might be lenient. Also, you will want to be registered for a while, so I know you are not just a flyby user. Simply go to the [http://ubuntuforums.org/profile.php?do=editusergroups usergroups] page and click on the Join Group option next to Unanswered Posts Team. You should provide a reason for wanting to join to justify your request. All requests generally are reviewed in less than 48 hours, however it may take up to a week so please be patient.

When and where are the meetings?

The [:UnansweredPostsTeam/Meetings:team meetings] are the last Sunday of every month, at 00:01 UTC. This may be either Saturday night or Sunday morning, depending on your location. The meetings are held in #ubuntuforums-unanswered on irc.freenode.net. Anyone and everyone is welcome to the meetings, regardless if you are on the team or not.

Why was I denied when I submitted a join request?

The number one reason we deny requests is because of lack of posts. You are free to re-join at any time, so if you were previously denied but have posted more since then feel free to reapply.

What can I get for being on the team?

The main thing you get for joining the team is a sense of pride. Your support on the team is valued on the forums, and the people whose questions you answer will be grateful for it. Some smaller, more "tangible" benefits include:

Searching and Posting

Is there an easy way to find unanswered topics and posts?

Yes! Please see [:UnansweredPostsTeam/SearchLinks:SearchLinks] for some helpful search tools.

Is there a method for responding to posts that have very similar or common problems?

See [:UnansweredPostsTeam/Canned:Canned Messages] for some sample responses and a browser script that will automatically fetch these on demand to paste right into your post.

What is this tracker I am hearing about?

The tracking system is used internally by the team to help keep statistics on topics on the forums and to provide a convenient bug-style tracking system to request help. If you are on the team and would like an account, please contact any of the following members:

You may also drop by our IRC channel (#ubuntuforums-unanswered on irc.freenode.net) and request an account. New members will have their accounts created upon approval in the future.

See [http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=475327 kidders' proposal] for more information.


Who is this "uab"?

uab is a topic tracking bot that integrates with the online tracker service. It works very much in the way that ubotu does with bug reports. It also has some easter eggs buried in it, if you are up for finding them.

uab can be found idling in #ubuntuforums-unanswered on irc.freenode.net. However, the bot service code is currently being rewritten to better handle topics, and so service may be halted at any time.

UnansweredPostsTeam/FAQ (last edited 2013-12-02 16:59:15 by li424-21)