This page intends to list all applications which currently present problems with window matching in the Unity launcher.


How to see the problem

Has a .desktop file?

Has an executable?

How to fix

Bluetooth Wizard

Execute bluetooth-wizard. Icon is fuzzy and the launcher obtained by pinning does not work.


Yes, bluetooth-wizard

Simply creating .desktop file pointing to the executable seems to work

Send via Bluetooth

Execute bluetooth-sendto. Icon is fuzzy and the launcher obtained by pinning does not work.


Yes, bluetooth-sendto

Simply creating .desktop file pointing to the executable seems to work

Evolution Backup

Execute the backup wizard in Evolution. Icon is fuzzy and the launcher obtained by pinning does not work.


The closest thing is /usr/lib/evolution/<version>/evolution-backup

Creating a .desktop file pointing to /usr/lib/evolution/<version>/evolution-backup works to fix the icon, but the launcher doesn't make sense because it cannot be launched as a standalone app


Open anything that requires authorization, for example adjusting Date & Time. Icon is fuzzy and the launcher obtained by pinning does not work.

Yes, /etc/xdg/autostart/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1.desktop

The closest thing is /usr/lib/policykit-1-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1

Copying the .desktop to /usr/share/applications works to fix the icon, but the launcher doesn't make sense because it cannot be launched as a standalone app


Open pango-view with any document as the argument. Goes completely insane: opens two icons, each one indicating three instances, and with no icon


Yes, pango-view


Create a launcher

Right-click on the desktop and choose "create a launcher". Icon is fuzzy. I'm not sure if the launcher does not work or it simply fails silently because it requires a parameter.


Yes, gnome-desktop-item-edit

Creating a .desktop file pointing to gnome-desktop-item-edit seems to fix the icon, but the pinned launcher won't work.

Network Manager

Click on the network indicator and choose "connection indicator" or "about". Icons are fuzzy and pinned launchers do not work.

Yes, but for the applet and not to open directly those windows

Yes, but for the applet and not to open directly those windows



Install Abiword, right click on a document file, select "open with", enter the command "abiword", double click the file

No idea

Yes, abiword


Unity/WindowMatching (last edited 2011-04-23 08:54:00 by 90-230-163-184-no130)