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Revision 338 as of 2005-12-27 01:31:52
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Comment: added link to CDRipping
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= UserDocumentation =

This page acts both as a (not complete but getting there) master index for documentation and a sketch pad for ideas. However at the moment it has no structural definition. We are working on changing that. For the moment please try searching the whole page for what you are looking for. If you want to get involved with editing and organising the Wiki please visit DocumentationTeam.

Also please visit IdeasForNewFrontPageStructure and comment!

= Documentation Area =

'''Please discuss major/structural changes to this page on [ Documentation Email list].'''

== Getting Started / Installation ==

 * UbuntuCommunityPhilosophy - Ubuntu Philosophy
 * GettingUbuntu - How to obtain the Install CD
 * SmartBootManagerHowto - Installing from PC which will not boot from CD
 * FrequentlyAskedQuestions - Answers for questions not yet in the [ FAQ database] <-- broken link
 * HardwareSupport - List of supported hardware
 * InstallFromKnoppixHowto - If the Ubuntu installer lets you down
 * InstallFromDebianSargeCDHowto - When the only thing you have is a debian 3.0 CD set.
##Please discuss major/structural changes to this page on the Documentation team mailing list at:
##If you want to get involved with editing and organising the Wiki please visit DocumentationTeam.

||<tablestyle="float:right; font-size: 0.9em; width:40%; background:#F1F1ED; margin: 0 0 1em 1em;" style="padding:0.5em;">'''Contents'''[[BR]][[TableOfContents]]||

Welcome to the Ubuntu Wiki. Here you can:
 * Find existing solutions to known issues
 * Learn how to use Ubuntu better and faster
 * Find links to other resources for Ubuntu, Linux and much more
 * Write documentation to help other Ubuntu Linux users

This page is the master index for '''documentation''' To find what you need you can:
 * Look at the Table of Contents
 * Search the page with your browser (press Ctrl + F and enter a search term, such as "mp3")
 * Use the SEARCH dialogue in the top right hand corner

This page is an index and links to a topic, not the actual guides. So if you know of a guide which doesn't fit - you'll need to make a new topic!

Before editing this page, please read the page WikiGuide. Thanks!

== Ubuntu Documentation Topics ==

 * [ Official Documentation Website] - the website of the Ubuntu Documentation project, home to [ The Ubuntu Starter Guide] (among other things).
 * HowToGetHelp - This page lists guides to finding support for Ubuntu so you can choose the best method for you.
 * [:Installation] - Guides to basic and advanced methods of installing Ubuntu, and the supported architectures and hardware. Also dual booting guides if you also have another operating system.
 * SoftwareManagement - This page lists guides to the different ways of adding and removing software from your system

=== After you've installed Ubuntu ===
 * '''Multimedia support''' for MP3, DVD and other formats, and Java support: RestrictedFormats
 * '''Computer Administration''' is done using 'sudo'. This page explains why: RootSudo
 * Information on other applications is currently available from SoftwareManagement
 * '''[ Glossary]''' of words related to computers, linux, and Ubuntu.
 * '''FAQ''' at [ FAQ database] and FrequentlyAskedQuestions for questions not yet in the database
 * '''Help me!''' HowToGetHelp - this page lists all the various resources available to you, to find help with your Ubuntu system!
 * [:WhatWindowsUsersWant:What Windows Users Want] has a list of common Windows applications and their Ubuntu counterparts.
 * UbuntuBackports - adding official backport repositories

== Software - Installing and Running Software ==

                   Below are documents on how to install software

=== Multimedia & Graphics ===

 * RestrictedFormats lists how to get MP3, DVD and other formats to play.
 * MultimediaApplications - Introduction to most commonly used multimedia applications available on Ubuntu.
 * ["CDRipping"] - How to "rip" your audio CDs to your hard disk.
 * Sound not working? See DebuggingSoundProblems, SoundProblemsHoary.

=== Networking & Internet ===

 * [:WiFiHowto:WiFi (802.11a/b/g) wireless networking] - how to set it up
 * [:XChatHowto:XChat] - connect to the Ubuntu chatroom!
 * ["UbotuUsage"] - the IRC robot
 * [:GaimHowto:Gaim] - multi-protocol internet chat program (e.g. MSN)
 * [:SkypeHowto:Skype] - internet telephony software
 * [:Gizmo:Gizmo] - internet telephony software
 * ["OperaBrowser"] - an alternative web-browser.
 * [:CactiHowTo:Cacti] - This guide is for setting up a base install of Cacti on Ubuntu (Alternative to MRTG)
 * [:SSHHowto:SSH] - you can use this to log into other machines remotely
 * [:MountWindowsSharesPermanently:Mount Windows Shares Permanently] - How to mount a Windows Share permanently with Samba
 * [:EthernetOverFirewire:Ethernet Over Firewire] - How to enable Ethernet over Firewire
 * [:Building_iFolder] - Install and configure '''iFolder 3.0 with Simpleserver''' to share and synchronize files over the network
 * [:NFSClientHowTo:NFS Client How-To] - How to set up Ubuntu to connect to an NFS server
 * [:ADSLPPPoE:ADSL PPPoE connect] - How to set up Ubuntu to login to an ADSL modem using PPPoE
 * [:DynamicDNS:Dynamic DNS] - How to set up a free DNS and redirection service with No-IP
 * [:P2PHowTo:Peer-2-Peer How-To] - How to install p2p software, like Azureus (Bit Torrent), Limewire, DC++ and Amule.
 * FirefoxTipsAndTricks - How to tweak Firefox to make surfing the web faster, easier and more pleasant.
 * [:FirefoxStreamingVideo:Firefox Streaming Video] - To view movie clips embedded in web pages
 * [:FirefoxNewVersion] - How to install Firefox beta 1.5 from

=== Games ===

 * [:LokiInstaller:Loki-Installer] - Information about games with the Loki-Installer
 * [:RushingBender:Rushing Bender] - a futuristic single and a multiplayer racing game.
 * [:EnemyTerritory: Enemy Territory] - How to install '''Enemy Territory'''
 * [:AmericasArmy: Americas Army] - How to install '''Americas Army'''
 * [:Doom3: Doom 3] - How to install '''Doom 3'''
 * ["Cube"] - an open-source first person online shooter
 * ["Nexuiz"] - an open-source first person online shooter
 * ["Frenesia"] - an addictive retro arcade Linux game.
 * ["Tutris"] - a simple Tetris clone
 * ["Cedega"] - to run Windows games on linux.
 * ["WorldofWarcraftHowto"] - describes howto install and play WoW with wine

=== Office ===

 * ["OpenOffice2Beta"] - The latest beta version of OpenOffice

=== Server ===

 * [:ApacheMySQLPHP:Apache] - web server with PHP and MySQL support
 * [:HulaHowTo:Hula] - the mail and calendar server
 * [:Mailman:Mailman Mailing List Server] - How to set up your own mailing list server with {{{Mailman}}} (the software used on the Ubuntu mailing lists!)
 * [:MYSQL5FromSource:MySQL5] - How to set up a MySQL5 server in ubuntu
 * [:NFSServerHowTo:NFS Server How-To] - How to set up Ubuntu as an NFS server
 * [:PHP5Installation:PHP5] - How to setup php5 with apache http server

=== Mobile devices ===

 * [:MultisyncHowto:Multisync] - Syncronization Program for Smart Phones/PDA's
 * [:BluetoothSetup:Bluetooth] - Bluetooth Setup
 * [:BluetoothSkype:BluetoothSkype] - Setup Bluetooth connection to Mobile Phone and use Skype with a Bluetooth Headset
 * [:PocketPCHowto] - How to get your Pocket PC working (copy files to/from it, and synchronize the pim data with Evolution)

=== Programming ===

 * [:NanoHowto:Nano] - the simple text editor
 * DeveloperResources - building packages and other material for developers.
 * [:InstallingCompilers:Compilers] - get started for programming in '''C, C++,''' and '''Fortran'''
 * ["MATLAB"] - Matlab technical computing
 * ZopeOnUbuntu - Install '''Zope'''

=== X Window System (Graphical Environment) ===

 * ["UbuntuEyeCandy"] - Ubuntu eye candy/artwork index
 * [:CustomXSession:Custom X Session] - How to create custom X sessions

=== Miscellaneous ===
 * ["SwitchingToUbuntu"] - Already a Linux user? Learn about what makes Ubuntu special
 * ["AccessibilityHowto"] - Docs related to accessibility
 * SensorInstallHowto - Using lm-sensors to report CPU temp, fan speeds and other system data.
 * [:Expocity:Expocity] - Howto Expose like functionality from Apple’s OSX
 * [:Skippy:Skippy] - Howto for another Expose like functionality from Apple’s OSX
 * ["Unp"] - Extract any and multiple archive files
 * [:ManageDiscImages:Manage Disc Images] - How to convert CloneCD to ISO and mount ISO files
 * ["CdDvdBurning"] - How to burn CD-R and DVR/+-R/+-RW/DL
 * ["FileCompression"] - dealing with .tar.gz, .zip, .rar and other files
 * ["Filer"] - Filer is a small, fast and efficient Norton Commander clone
 * [:EjectCDLauncher:Eject CD] - How to add a launcher on your panel to eject your cdrom
 * [:GnomeTranslate:Gnome Translate] - Translate a text or web page between several natural languages
 * [:InstallingVMWare:Installing VMWare] - Install VMWare in Breezy
 * [:InstallingVmPlayer:Installing VMPlayer] - Install VMPlayer in Breezy
 * [:Oracle10g:Installing Oracle 10g] - Install Oracle 10g Enterprise Database in Hoary
 * [:FoldingAtHome:Folding@Home] - Do some good with your idle CPU cycles.
 * [:TransparentTerminals:Transparent Terminals] - Howto for transparent borderless terminals
 * [:RotateWallpapers:Rotating Wallpapers] - Small program to rotate wallpapers over specified amount of time.
 * ["32bit and 64bit"] - running 32 bit programs in a 64 bit environment and other 64 bit issues.
 * ["Nautilus Scripts"] - Using nautilus scripts to extend the funtionality of nautilus.

== Maintain and Administer your System ==

 * ["BasicCommands"] - Basic Shell/command line/console commands
 * AddUsersHowto - add users to your system
 * [:forum/community/BugReports:Bug Reports] When and how to report a bug
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 * NetbootInstallHowto - Installing over the net, e.g. with no CDROM or non-bootable SCSI CDROM
 * NetbootInstallLowMemHowto - Installing over the net to a system with no floppy, cdrom, and low memory
 * WartyWarthog/UpgradeNotes - upgrading from pre-Release or Debian Woody to Warty Warthog

== Documentation ==

 * - lists all Wiki Pages in Alphabetical Order
 * BasicCommands - Basic Shell/command line/console commands for Newbies
 * RestrictedFormats - Discusses use and installation of mp3/dvd/flash/java
 * RootSudo - Discussion of use of sudo and lack/use of root account
 * StartingTheJourney - A conceptual, terminology discussing guide, not practical by any sense
 * [Repositories] - What are repositories?
 * UsefulDocumentation - Useful documentation not specific to Ubuntu/from External sites

== External Documentation ==

=== Ubuntu-specific ===
 * [ The Unofficial Ubuntu Guide]
 * [ Ubuntu links section on]

=== Debian-specific ===
 * AddingRepositoriesHowto - Increase the number of packages available to install on your system
 * SynapticHowto - How to use the Synaptic package manager (graphical tool for apt-get)
 * AptGetHowTo - How to use apt-get package management system
 * AptitudeSurvivalGuide - Using aptitude for package management
 * GnomeMenuEditingHowTo - various ways to add items to your Gnome menu
 * GrubHowto - learn about the grub boot manager
 * BackupYourSystem - this page describes how to backup your system
 * KernelHowto - make a custom kernel for your system
 * FilePermissions - Understanding and using file permissions
 * ChangeTimezoneHowto - change your timezone
 * NautilusScriptsHowto - enhance nautilus by adding scripts
 * CronHowto - guide to cron, to schedule commands
 * [:BootText:Boot Text] - Spice up your boot text (font resolution and color)
 * [:UPower:upower] - is a next generation bootsplash for linux systems
 * [:GnomeComputerMenu:Gnome Computer Menu] - How to add missing disks in computer:///
 * [:MigrateEvolutionToNewComputer: Migrate Evolution] - How to migrate your email in Evolution to another Ubuntu computer
 * FakeRaidHowto - Information on setting up hardware fakeRAID, such as Promise or Via SATA RAID controllers
 * [:HowtoPartition] - Partion your HD for other OS's and swap space.
 * [:DiskSpace] - How to setup disk space for your HD needs.
 * [:BootServices:Boot Services] - Disable start of unnecessary services during boot.
 * [:AptMoveHowto:Create a Packages CD] - How to easily move downloaded packages from one machine to another one which is not connected to the internet.
=== Security ===

 * [:PandaAntivirus:Panda Antivirus] - How to install Panda Antivirus for Linux
 * [:GPGKey:GPG Key] - How to create/manage a GPG key and use it in your favorite E-Mail client
 * ["GPGKeyOnUSBDrive"] - How to store your GPG key securely on an encrypted USB flash drive
 * ["BitDefender"] - How to install Bit Defender Linux Edition
 * ["ProactiveSecurity"] - An overview of security options and thoughts
 * ["InstallingSecurityTools"] - A guide to installing several security applications in Ubuntu
 * ["AutomaticSecurityUpdates"] - How to set up Ubuntu to install security updates automatically
 * ["IptablesHowTo"] - An introduction to the powerful Linux IPTables firewall
 * ["UnsafeDefaults"] - Default settings that you should change if you run any services
 * ["EncryptedFilesystemHowto"] - How to transparently encrypt hard discs
 * [:ClamAV] - How to install ClamAV on your HD
 * ["StrongPasswords"] - Generating strong passwords
 * ["BastilleLinux"] - The Bastille Linux Security Hardening Tool

== Hardware & Drivers - Setting up and Configuring Hardware ==

Here you'll find documentation about how to setup different hardware and drivers
 * [:HardwareSupport: Ubuntu Hardware Support] - index of the wiki's main hardware support pages
 * [:HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters:Printers in Ubuntu] - reports of printer functionality in Ubuntu
 * [:InstallingANewHardDrive:Installing a new harddrive]

=== Mouse & Keyboard ===
 * [:MultimediaKeys:Multimedia Keyboard Help] - how to get your button-festooned keyboard working in Ubuntu
 * [:ManyButtonsMouseHowto:Multi-buttoned Mouse] - getting the fourth, fifth or other extra buttons on your mouse working

=== Network, Wireless & Modem ===
 * WiFiHardware - Links to help on installing WiFi hardware in your Ubuntu system
 * HowToSetUpNdiswrapper - install and setup ndiswrapper to make difficult wifi cards work
 * [:DialupModemHowto] - How to get your modem installed correctly.
 * [:NetworkCards] - How to get your card detected.

=== Video ===
 * BinaryDriverHowto - install support for your new ATI or NVIDIA graphics card
 * [:NvidiaTroubleshooting:Nvidia Troubleshooting] - How to solve OpenGL Problems with Nvidia Drivers
 * [:NvidiaTVOut:Nvidia TV Out] - View X simultaneously on your monitor and TV
 * [:NvidiaManual:Nvidia manual drivers installation] - How to install the Nvidia accelerated drivers without apt
 * [:i915Driver:i915G video cards] - 845G/855G/865G/915G/945G chipset installation workaround on Breezy preview
 * [:Webcam:Webcam] - Automated installation of your webcam

=== Sound & Misc ===
 * [:HowToSetupSoundCards] - Getting your *old* sound card to run. Look here if your sound card was not deteted.
 * [:LircHowto] - How to install and configure LIRC - Linux Infrared Remote Control systems.
 * MacOnLinuxHowto - install Mac-On-Linux
 * [:ACPIBattery:Getting laptop battery state] - How to add a fixed DSDT to initrd to fix battery problems
 * KernelCompileHowto - How to compile kernels

== Related pages ==
 * To see a list of all the pages in the category "Documentation", read: CategoryDocumentation

== Other Resources ==

 * UsefulDocumentation - Useful documentation not specific to Ubuntu from External sites
 * [ Ubuntu Forums]: a massive forum for Ubuntu users
 * [ Unofficial Ubuntu guide]
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=== Gnome-specific ===
 * [ Learn to use Gnome website]

=== Support for Included Applications ===

HINT: Many of the below applications come with extensive Help Sections-check these first!!!

[ OpenOffice Suite]
[ Mozilla Firefox]
[ The GIMP]
 * [ Learn to use Gnome]
 * [ KDE Documentation]
 * [ Linux Command]: good basic CLI tutorial
 * [ Tuxfiles]: newbie-friendly command-line information
 * [ Ubuntu Document Storage facility]: A lot of handy HOWTOs


Welcome to the Ubuntu Wiki. Here you can:

  • Find existing solutions to known issues
  • Learn how to use Ubuntu better and faster
  • Find links to other resources for Ubuntu, Linux and much more
  • Write documentation to help other Ubuntu Linux users

This page is the master index for documentation To find what you need you can:

  • Look at the Table of Contents
  • Search the page with your browser (press Ctrl + F and enter a search term, such as "mp3")
  • Use the SEARCH dialogue in the top right hand corner

This page is an index and links to a topic, not the actual guides. So if you know of a guide which doesn't fit - you'll need to make a new topic!

Before editing this page, please read the page WikiGuide. Thanks!

Ubuntu Documentation Topics

  • [ Official Documentation Website] - the website of the Ubuntu Documentation project, home to [ The Ubuntu Starter Guide] (among other things).

  • HowToGetHelp - This page lists guides to finding support for Ubuntu so you can choose the best method for you.

  • [:Installation] - Guides to basic and advanced methods of installing Ubuntu, and the supported architectures and hardware. Also dual booting guides if you also have another operating system.
  • SoftwareManagement - This page lists guides to the different ways of adding and removing software from your system

After you've installed Ubuntu

Software - Installing and Running Software

  • Below are documents on how to install software

Multimedia & Graphics

Networking & Internet

  • [:WiFiHowto:WiFi (802.11a/b/g) wireless networking] - how to set it up

  • [:XChatHowto:XChat] - connect to the Ubuntu chatroom!

  • ["UbotuUsage"] - the IRC robot

  • [:GaimHowto:Gaim] - multi-protocol internet chat program (e.g. MSN)

  • [:SkypeHowto:Skype] - internet telephony software

  • [:Gizmo:Gizmo] - internet telephony software

  • ["OperaBrowser"] - an alternative web-browser.

  • [:CactiHowTo:Cacti] - This guide is for setting up a base install of Cacti on Ubuntu (Alternative to MRTG)

  • [:SSHHowto:SSH] - you can use this to log into other machines remotely

  • [:MountWindowsSharesPermanently:Mount Windows Shares Permanently] - How to mount a Windows Share permanently with Samba

  • [:EthernetOverFirewire:Ethernet Over Firewire] - How to enable Ethernet over Firewire

  • [:Building_iFolder] - Install and configure iFolder 3.0 with Simpleserver to share and synchronize files over the network

  • [:NFSClientHowTo:NFS Client How-To] - How to set up Ubuntu to connect to an NFS server

  • [:ADSLPPPoE:ADSL PPPoE connect] - How to set up Ubuntu to login to an ADSL modem using PPPoE

  • [:DynamicDNS:Dynamic DNS] - How to set up a free DNS and redirection service with No-IP

  • [:P2PHowTo:Peer-2-Peer How-To] - How to install p2p software, like Azureus (Bit Torrent), Limewire, DC++ and Amule.
  • FirefoxTipsAndTricks - How to tweak Firefox to make surfing the web faster, easier and more pleasant.

  • [:FirefoxStreamingVideo:Firefox Streaming Video] - To view movie clips embedded in web pages

  • [:FirefoxNewVersion] - How to install Firefox beta 1.5 from


  • [:LokiInstaller:Loki-Installer] - Information about games with the Loki-Installer

  • [:RushingBender:Rushing Bender] - a futuristic single and a multiplayer racing game.

  • [:EnemyTerritory: Enemy Territory] - How to install Enemy Territory

  • [:AmericasArmy: Americas Army] - How to install Americas Army

  • [:Doom3: Doom 3] - How to install Doom 3

  • ["Cube"] - an open-source first person online shooter
  • ["Nexuiz"] - an open-source first person online shooter
  • ["Frenesia"] - an addictive retro arcade Linux game.
  • ["Tutris"] - a simple Tetris clone
  • ["Cedega"] - to run Windows games on linux.
  • ["WorldofWarcraftHowto"] - describes howto install and play WoW with wine



  • [:ApacheMySQLPHP:Apache] - web server with PHP and MySQL support

  • [:HulaHowTo:Hula] - the mail and calendar server

  • [:Mailman:Mailman Mailing List Server] - How to set up your own mailing list server with Mailman (the software used on the Ubuntu mailing lists!)

  • [:MYSQL5FromSource:MySQL5] - How to set up a MySQL5 server in ubuntu
  • [:NFSServerHowTo:NFS Server How-To] - How to set up Ubuntu as an NFS server

  • [:PHP5Installation:PHP5] - How to setup php5 with apache http server

Mobile devices

  • [:MultisyncHowto:Multisync] - Syncronization Program for Smart Phones/PDA's

  • [:BluetoothSetup:Bluetooth] - Bluetooth Setup

  • [:BluetoothSkype:BluetoothSkype] - Setup Bluetooth connection to Mobile Phone and use Skype with a Bluetooth Headset

  • [:PocketPCHowto] - How to get your Pocket PC working (copy files to/from it, and synchronize the pim data with Evolution)


  • [:NanoHowto:Nano] - the simple text editor

  • DeveloperResources - building packages and other material for developers.

  • [:InstallingCompilers:Compilers] - get started for programming in C, C++, and Fortran

  • ["MATLAB"] - Matlab technical computing
  • ZopeOnUbuntu - Install Zope

X Window System (Graphical Environment)

  • ["UbuntuEyeCandy"] - Ubuntu eye candy/artwork index

  • [:CustomXSession:Custom X Session] - How to create custom X sessions


  • ["SwitchingToUbuntu"] - Already a Linux user? Learn about what makes Ubuntu special

  • ["AccessibilityHowto"] - Docs related to accessibility

  • SensorInstallHowto - Using lm-sensors to report CPU temp, fan speeds and other system data.

  • [:Expocity:Expocity] - Howto Expose like functionality from Apple’s OSX

  • [:Skippy:Skippy] - Howto for another Expose like functionality from Apple’s OSX

  • ["Unp"] - Extract any and multiple archive files
  • [:ManageDiscImages:Manage Disc Images] - How to convert CloneCD to ISO and mount ISO files

  • ["CdDvdBurning"] - How to burn CD-R and DVR/+-R/+-RW/DL

  • ["FileCompression"] - dealing with .tar.gz, .zip, .rar and other files

  • ["Filer"] - Filer is a small, fast and efficient Norton Commander clone
  • [:EjectCDLauncher:Eject CD] - How to add a launcher on your panel to eject your cdrom

  • [:GnomeTranslate:Gnome Translate] - Translate a text or web page between several natural languages

  • [:InstallingVMWare:Installing VMWare] - Install VMWare in Breezy

  • [:InstallingVmPlayer:Installing VMPlayer] - Install VMPlayer in Breezy

  • [:Oracle10g:Installing Oracle 10g] - Install Oracle 10g Enterprise Database in Hoary
  • [:FoldingAtHome:Folding@Home] - Do some good with your idle CPU cycles.

  • [:TransparentTerminals:Transparent Terminals] - Howto for transparent borderless terminals

  • [:RotateWallpapers:Rotating Wallpapers] - Small program to rotate wallpapers over specified amount of time.

  • ["32bit and 64bit"] - running 32 bit programs in a 64 bit environment and other 64 bit issues.
  • ["Nautilus Scripts"] - Using nautilus scripts to extend the funtionality of nautilus.

Maintain and Administer your System

  • ["BasicCommands"] - Basic Shell/command line/console commands

  • AddUsersHowto - add users to your system

  • [:forum/community/BugReports:Bug Reports] When and how to report a bug

  • LowEndSystemSupport - Making the desktop interface snappier on machines without much memory

  • AddingRepositoriesHowto - Increase the number of packages available to install on your system

  • SynapticHowto - How to use the Synaptic package manager (graphical tool for apt-get)

  • AptGetHowTo - How to use apt-get package management system

  • AptitudeSurvivalGuide - Using aptitude for package management

  • GnomeMenuEditingHowTo - various ways to add items to your Gnome menu

  • GrubHowto - learn about the grub boot manager

  • BackupYourSystem - this page describes how to backup your system

  • KernelHowto - make a custom kernel for your system

  • FilePermissions - Understanding and using file permissions

  • ChangeTimezoneHowto - change your timezone

  • NautilusScriptsHowto - enhance nautilus by adding scripts

  • CronHowto - guide to cron, to schedule commands

  • [:BootText:Boot Text] - Spice up your boot text (font resolution and color)

  • [:UPower:upower] - is a next generation bootsplash for linux systems

  • [:GnomeComputerMenu:Gnome Computer Menu] - How to add missing disks in computer:///

  • [:MigrateEvolutionToNewComputer: Migrate Evolution] - How to migrate your email in Evolution to another Ubuntu computer

  • FakeRaidHowto - Information on setting up hardware fakeRAID, such as Promise or Via SATA RAID controllers

  • [:HowtoPartition] - Partion your HD for other OS's and swap space.

  • [:DiskSpace] - How to setup disk space for your HD needs.

  • [:BootServices:Boot Services] - Disable start of unnecessary services during boot.

  • [:AptMoveHowto:Create a Packages CD] - How to easily move downloaded packages from one machine to another one which is not connected to the internet.


  • [:PandaAntivirus:Panda Antivirus] - How to install Panda Antivirus for Linux

  • [:GPGKey:GPG Key] - How to create/manage a GPG key and use it in your favorite E-Mail client

  • ["GPGKeyOnUSBDrive"] - How to store your GPG key securely on an encrypted USB flash drive
  • ["BitDefender"] - How to install Bit Defender Linux Edition

  • ["ProactiveSecurity"] - An overview of security options and thoughts

  • ["InstallingSecurityTools"] - A guide to installing several security applications in Ubuntu

  • ["AutomaticSecurityUpdates"] - How to set up Ubuntu to install security updates automatically

  • ["IptablesHowTo"] - An introduction to the powerful Linux IPTables firewall

  • ["UnsafeDefaults"] - Default settings that you should change if you run any services

  • ["EncryptedFilesystemHowto"] - How to transparently encrypt hard discs

  • [:ClamAV] - How to install ClamAV on your HD
  • ["StrongPasswords"] - Generating strong passwords

  • ["BastilleLinux"] - The Bastille Linux Security Hardening Tool

Hardware & Drivers - Setting up and Configuring Hardware

Here you'll find documentation about how to setup different hardware and drivers

  • [:HardwareSupport: Ubuntu Hardware Support] - index of the wiki's main hardware support pages

  • [:HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters:Printers in Ubuntu] - reports of printer functionality in Ubuntu

  • [:InstallingANewHardDrive:Installing a new harddrive]

Mouse & Keyboard

  • [:MultimediaKeys:Multimedia Keyboard Help] - how to get your button-festooned keyboard working in Ubuntu

  • [:ManyButtonsMouseHowto:Multi-buttoned Mouse] - getting the fourth, fifth or other extra buttons on your mouse working

Network, Wireless & Modem


  • BinaryDriverHowto - install support for your new ATI or NVIDIA graphics card

  • [:NvidiaTroubleshooting:Nvidia Troubleshooting] - How to solve OpenGL Problems with Nvidia Drivers

  • [:NvidiaTVOut:Nvidia TV Out] - View X simultaneously on your monitor and TV

  • [:NvidiaManual:Nvidia manual drivers installation] - How to install the Nvidia accelerated drivers without apt

  • [:i915Driver:i915G video cards] - 845G/855G/865G/915G/945G chipset installation workaround on Breezy preview
  • [:Webcam:Webcam] - Automated installation of your webcam

Sound & Misc

  • [:HowToSetupSoundCards] - Getting your *old* sound card to run. Look here if your sound card was not deteted.

  • [:LircHowto] - How to install and configure LIRC - Linux Infrared Remote Control systems.

  • MacOnLinuxHowto - install Mac-On-Linux

  • [:ACPIBattery:Getting laptop battery state] - How to add a fixed DSDT to initrd to fix battery problems

  • KernelCompileHowto - How to compile kernels

Other Resources


UserDocumentation (last edited 2008-08-06 16:40:58 by localhost)