
Revision 92 as of 2005-07-19 01:18:52

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This page is the master index for documentation on the Ubuntu wiki. To find documentation, look at the Table of Contents below and go to the relevant part of the page. Alternatively:

  • Just browse the page Smile :)

  • Use firefox to search the page (press Ctrl + F and enter a search term, such as "mp3")
  • Use the SEARCH dialogue in the top right hand corner to search the whole wiki, either by page titles or by text.
  • This wiki uses Categories which can be attached to pages. To see a list of all the pages in the category "Documentation", see this page: CategoryDocumentation.

New Ubuntu Users - Start Here!

If you are new to Ubuntu or Linux in general, in this category you'll find basic information and things that make your linux journey easier and more fun.

Ubuntu, getting and installing it

After Installation

Installing Ubuntu

Basic Installation

  • HardwareSupport and SupportedArchitectures - Check if your hardware works with Ubuntu

  • GettingUbuntu - How to obtain the Install CD

  • BurningIsoHowto - Once you've obtained the CD image, burn it to CD with this guide

  • ["InstallationHowToI386"] - Guide to the install process on Intel based computers

  • ["InstallationHowToAMD64"] - Guide to the install process on AMD 64-bit computers
  • ["InstallationHowToPowerPC"] - Guide to the install process of Power-PC (MAC) computers

Advanced Installation Methods

Software - Installing and Running Software

Here you'll find documentation about how to install software.

Multimedia & Graphics

  • RestrictedFormats - Ubuntu does not come with support for mp3/dvd/flash/java. This page tells you how to install it

  • MplayerInstallHowto - Install the popular and powerful media player

  • ["AudioCDCreation"] - How to create audio cds on Ubuntu
  • AcrobatHowTo - Install Adobe Acrobat

  • TheGimpHowto - Resources to help learn The Gimp, graphics program

  • ["GJay"] - Playlist generator which chooses appropriate songs to follow the previous one
  • ["BMPInvalidUTF8"] - Fix the error "Invalid UTF-8" in Beep-Media-Player

  • ["BMPWMA"] - How to get WMA support in Beep Media Player

Networking & Internet

  • ["XChatHowto"] - How to use Xchat to connect to the Ubuntu chatroom!
  • GaimHowto - guide to Gaim, multi-protocol internet chat program

  • SkypeHowto - guide to Skype, internet telephony software

  • WiFiHowto - set up wireless internet

  • ["SSHHowto"] - How to use SSH to log into other machines
  • ["ApachePHPMySQL"] - How to install Apache web server with PHP and MySQL
  • ["HulaHowTo"] - How to install Hula, the mail and calendar server

  • UbotuFactoids - How to use ubotu and common factoids


  • EnemyTerritory - How to install Enemy Territory

  • AmericasArmy - How to install Americas Army

  • ["Doom3"] - How to install Doom 3 for Linux (Native)
  • VegaStrike - How to install Vega Strike

  • ["Cedega"] - How to install, configure and use Cedega


  • ["KOffice"] - Information about KOffice, the office package for the KDE desktop

Mobile devices


  • NanoHowto - guide to the simple text editor

  • DeveloperResources - This section gives you all information on building packages and other material for developers.

  • ["InstallingCompilers"] - How to get started for programming in C, C++, and Fortran

  • ["MATLAB"] - How to install and troubleshoot MATLAB
  • ZopeOnUbuntu - Install Zope


  • ["Accessibility"] - docs related to accessibility
  • WallpaperTray - GNOME Applet for random wallpaper

  • GnomeLaunchBox - Eyecandy GNOME Application Launcher

  • ["Unp"] - Extract any and multiple archive files
  • BasicCommands - Basic Shell/command line/console commands for Newbies

  • ["Repositories"] - What are repositories?

Maintain and Administer your System

Hardware & Drivers - Setting up and Configuring Hardware

Here you'll find documentation about how to setup different hardware and drivers.

Other Resources

HINT: Many of the below applications come with extensive Help Sections-check these first!!!
