
   1 17:02:17 <jledbetter>   Welcome everyone. Figured we'd (jtatum) would give folks an extra minute to arrive.
   2 17:02:35 <dasnipa|arpy> good call
   3 17:02:38 <jledbetter>   Did everyone have a chance to look at the agenda?
   4 17:02:54 <tarvid>       no
   5 17:02:55 <dasnipa|arpy> no
   6 17:03:06 <tarvid>       why post it here
   7 17:03:26 <jledbetter>   I like agendas. :)
   8 17:03:44 <tarvid>       i meant why not post it here
   9 17:03:53 <jledbetter>   hm ok
  10 17:04:15 <jledbetter>   Old Business --> Ubuntu hour: Any one done this yet? Interested?
  11 17:04:45 <jledbetter>   Doesn't paste well.
  12 17:04:48 *      dasnipa|arpy googles 'ubuntu hour'
  13 17:05:24 <jledbetter>   Ubuntu Hour is an informal gathering in a public place. Folks come wearing Ubuntu stuff and with laptops. If I understand it correctly, it's to show a public presence and answer questions.
  14 17:05:39 <jledbetter>   Also to geek out. I think jtatum brought it up last time. Care to elaborate, jtatum?
  15 17:06:54 <jtatum>       Thank you, madam chairman. As stated, it is to provide a public presence for Ubuntu. You pick a spot like a coffee shop or bookstore, advertise on mailing lists, and ubuntu it up by using the software and bringing along CDs and any other promotional material you can find. I really wanted to run one but haven't done it yet.
  16 17:07:13 <dasnipa|arpy> nice
  17 17:07:27 <dasnipa|arpy> i would totally do one if i lived in a larger city
  18 17:07:56 <jtatum>       i was thinking of driving to the norfolk area for one, although i lived in newport news, for exactly that reason, dasnipa|arpy
  19 17:08:47 <jledbetter>   True, we are a bit spread out.
  20 17:09:03 <tarvid>       We have occasional gatherings in Galax. We have a modest conference room with a projector and a coffee pot. Might get a few more folks with added publicity
  21 17:09:28 <jledbetter>   tarvid, Ubuntu ones? Or general geekness?
  22 17:10:05 <tarvid>       Ubuntu specifically a few times each year. Software Freedom Day once (in September)
  23 17:11:15 -->    dotblank (~eli@pool-71-176-226-7.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) has joined #ubuntu-us-va
  24 17:11:26 <tarvid>       J Mark Cox does them in Winston-Salem. I drove to one recently and missed the organizer.
  25 17:11:37 <jtatum>       welcome dotblank
  26 17:11:46 <dotblank>     Hello
  27 17:11:52 <tarvid>       welcome
  28 17:12:00 <jledbetter>   That's an idea: checking another local LoCo. I'm close-ish to NC.
  29 17:12:04 <jledbetter>   Hi dotblank :)
  30 17:12:14 <dasnipa|arpy> yeah it makes me sad how separated we all are distance wise
  31 17:12:27 <jledbetter>   dotblank, We are chatting about Ubuntu hour possibility.
  32 17:12:31 <dotblank>     Are we all scattered throughout va?
  33 17:12:38 <jledbetter>   SE Virginia here.
  34 17:12:46 <dotblank>     central
  35 17:13:00 <dasnipa|arpy> north/central (not far enough north to be called NoVA)
  36 17:13:39 <tarvid>       10.04.1 is scheduled for release on July 29th. Might be a good reason for a party.
  37 17:14:09 <dasnipa|arpy> I hadnt heard. why the need for a .1 minor?
  38 17:14:25 <jtatum>       LTS releases get dots throughout their lifecycle
  39 17:14:39 <tarvid>       Policy.
  40 17:14:49 <dasnipa|arpy> ah ha.
  41 17:14:53 *      dasnipa|arpy headdesks.
  42 17:14:56 <dasnipa|arpy> I knew that
  43 17:15:29 <jledbetter>   tarvid, And you are offering your area to host it?
  44 17:15:31 <tarvid>       10.04 wasn't that clean and .1s are often better
  45 17:15:37 <tarvid>       Yes
  46 17:15:57 <jledbetter>   Great. What do you need from us, tarvid?
  47 17:16:41 <tarvid>       We are self-sufficient in media. Coffee and donuts are easy to come by.
  48 17:17:18 <tarvid>       We can arrange some crash space and there are nice spots along the creek by my house.
  49 17:17:44 <jledbetter>   I assume you'd move it to the weekend?
  50 17:18:04 <tarvid>       Yes.
  51 17:18:28 <tarvid>       One or two often come in Friday night from North Carolina
  52 17:18:41 <--    maco has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
  53 17:18:44 <jledbetter>   Nice. Ok, writing it down. I'll email to the list and see what kind of interest we get. That's a long drive for me but maybe if I stock up on caffeine... ;)
  54 17:18:52 <tarvid>       We will get a handful of day trippers locally.
  55 17:19:02 <dotblank>     tarvid, where are you located?
  56 17:19:06 <dasnipa|arpy> mark me down as an unlikely
  57 17:19:25 <tarvid>       Office - Galax, home - Independence
  58 17:19:41 -->    maco (~maco@ubuntu/member/maco) has joined #ubuntu-us-va
  59 17:20:04 <jtatum>       wb maco
  60 17:20:14 <tarvid>       The Galax Fiddler's convention is mid August and attracts 20,000 or so
  61 17:20:50 <dasnipa|arpy> I didnt know violins were that popular
  62 17:20:59 <tarvid>       Fiddles
  63 17:21:05 <dasnipa|arpy> I guess down south they have a bigger following
  64 17:21:13 <jledbetter>   Heh
  65 17:21:48 <tarvid>       We're often busy with wireless for the convention
  66 17:21:48 <jledbetter>   Ok, made a note of the tentative date. We can hash it out over email where we can reach more folks.
  67 17:22:28 <dotblank>     Maybe we can get RMLUG in on this as well
  68 17:22:28 <jledbetter>   Next on the agenda: New Business
  69 17:22:44 <jledbetter>   dotblank, RMLUG?
  70 17:23:06 <dotblank>     Richmond-Metro Linux Users Group
  71 17:23:15 <jledbetter>   Good idea.
  72 17:23:26 <dotblank>     They have a fairly active mailing list
  73 17:23:33 <jtatum>       as does TWUUG
  74 17:23:49 <dotblank>     TWUUG?
  75 17:23:50 <tarvid>       http://www.rmlug.org/
  76 17:24:11 <jledbetter>   Tidwater unix user group. They're actually having a weekend meeting so I can finally attend next month.
  77 17:24:28 <jledbetter>   tarvid, Thank you
  78 17:24:34 <maco> oh look a meeting
  79 17:24:43 <tarvid>       http://www.twuug.org/mediawiki/index.php/Main_Page
  80 17:25:34 <jledbetter>   maco, Yep :)
  81 17:25:39 <jtatum>       great :) so everyone should hit up their lugs as well when the gathering time comes :) what's on the agenda for new business?
  82 17:25:54 <jledbetter>   ^H^H^H^H
  83 17:26:07 <jledbetter>   New business:
  84 17:26:11 <jtatum>       stty -e <backspace>
  85 17:26:30 <jledbetter>   Quick review of SouthEast LinuxFest
  86 17:27:04 <jledbetter>   Sessions ranging from Non-Technical User level to advanced. Ubucon, DrupalCamp.
  87 17:27:04 <jledbetter>   Summation: http://jeremysands.com/?p=166
  88 17:27:18 <jledbetter>   I think 3 of us were there: maco, jtatum and me. Any one else?
  89 17:28:02 <maco> i can think of two other virginians, but they use slackware
  90 17:28:03 <jtatum>       the ubuntu table got a ton of traffic. they gave away boxes of lucid cds. 
  91 17:28:18 <maco> they ran out of lucid cds
  92 17:28:23 <maco> kubuntu went first
  93 17:28:24 <jledbetter>   Yeah, I did post to the local unix group (TWUUG) and got 2 more people on our mailing list at least.
  94 17:28:48 <jledbetter>   maco, Yeah, when we were sitting there we found one copy.
  95 17:29:26 <maco> some random folks wandered by "oh wow a LIE-nix conference!"
  96 17:29:37 <jtatum>       was good times, but really the florida team did all the work. the other locos need to get their acts together imo.
  97 17:29:49 <maco> so we snatched a suse cd and got markdude's fedora cd and found cjohnston to dig up an ubuntu cd
  98 17:30:16 <jtatum>       ah, that's why he needed the cd :) it was one that i brought home from brussels. lol
  99 17:30:27 <jledbetter>   I wondered too. Neat.
 100 17:30:51 <maco> oh ok well thanks for the cd :)
 101 17:31:00 <jtatum>       hahaha
 102 17:31:34 <dotblank>     I swear I have 20 burned ubuntu cds
 103 17:31:40 <dotblank>     can never find them when I need them
 104 17:31:49 <maco> markdude and slackware people and i explained linux to them and the lady was really happy to hear she could ditch window
 105 17:32:04 <maco> i just bought paper sleeves for cds so i can carry burnt discs in purse safely
 106 17:32:41 <maco> $5.99 at radio shack for 50 of 'em made from supposedly sustainably managed forests
 107 17:32:41 <dotblank>     I'm working on a way my phone can boot up computers with an iso file on an sd card
 108 17:32:55 <dotblank>     uses the usb-gadget modules
 109 17:33:03 <jtatum>       cool idea maco
 110 17:33:15 <jtatum>       wow, slick dotblank
 111 17:34:04 <jledbetter>   Noting those ideas. :)
 112 17:34:04 <dasnipa|arpy> maco, sounds like jtatum wants some for his purse too
 113 17:34:10 <dasnipa|arpy> ;)
 114 17:34:19 <jtatum>       it was a good meeting. i'm glad we got to go. 
 115 17:34:21 <dasnipa|arpy> tis a good idea nonetheless
 116 17:34:33 <jledbetter>   Yawp
 117 17:34:48 <jledbetter>   Next LinuxFest folks were talking about is Ohio http://www.ohiolinux.org/ September 10-12, 2010. Anyone going?
 118 17:35:00 <dotblank>     also thinking about making an app that generates a preseed file and  creates a netinstall image and then boots up the computer and auto-magically installs ubuntu
 119 17:35:36 <dasnipa|arpy> does anyone here ever make it up to shmoocon?
 120 17:35:42 <maco> o/
 121 17:35:45 <maco> 3 years running
 122 17:35:51 <dasnipa|arpy> Ive thought about going, but have never managed to make it
 123 17:35:58 <maco> and i only had to pay once ;-)
 124 17:36:13 <jledbetter>   maco, Nice
 125 17:36:27 <jledbetter>   dasnipa|arpy, No, I haven't. You?
 126 17:36:36 <dasnipa|arpy> Ive thought about going, but have never managed to make it
 127 17:37:17 <jledbetter>   So many good conferences that it's hard to pick and choose. SELF was great and I recommend it.
 128 17:37:26 <dasnipa|arpy> yeah...
 129 17:38:11 <dasnipa|arpy> hackers have a love/hate relationship with ubuntu... many elitists who despise it, but yet the most popular and widely  used pentesting distro is built from it
 130 17:38:54 <jledbetter>   Sounds like we should have a table at it ;)
 131 17:39:51 <dotblank>     The real elitist would make their own pen-testing distro
 132 17:40:04 <dasnipa|arpy> dotblank, they do.
 133 17:40:12 <dotblank>     I know :)
 134 17:40:23 <dasnipa|arpy> the biggest ubuntu hater I know of made is own distro called pentoo based off of gentoo
 135 17:40:40 <dasnipa|arpy> it is the most awkward and difficult thing lol
 136 17:40:47 <dasnipa|arpy> but hey whatever works for him
 137 17:40:58 <dotblank>     ubuntu can sometimes get under my skin but 90% of the time its ok
 138 17:41:04 <dotblank>     I have arch on my laptop
 139 17:41:22 <dasnipa|arpy> dotblank, understandable
 140 17:41:43 <jledbetter>   Since we still have a few items on the agenda, I'm going to continue on. :)
 141 17:41:52 <dasnipa|arpy> jledbetter, ah yes carry on
 142 17:42:02 <dasnipa|arpy> </tangent>
 143 17:42:21 <jledbetter>   lol
 144 17:42:38 <jledbetter>   LoCo Council Health Check session will be run on the 1st Tuesday of the month in #ubuntu-locoteams from 5-7pm (UTC)/6-8pm (BST)/ 1 pm EDT Meeting was. Minutes available here: http://is.gd/dhHmm
 145 17:42:56 <jledbetter>   Meeting was today, even.
 146 17:43:25 <jledbetter>   To become approved, we need to apply for it. Not sure if we have. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/Agenda
 147 17:43:39 <jledbetter>   If someone wants to head up getting us approved, feel free to volunteer now. :)
 148 17:43:57 <dasnipa|arpy> why do they choose that time I wonder. is the biggest quantity of loco members in euro timezones?
 149 17:44:24 <jledbetter>   She said she'd move it around depending on interest. I attended during my lunch.
 150 17:44:30 <dasnipa|arpy> what are the current req's for approval jledbetter? as I recall them, we would have difficultly qualifying
 151 17:44:34 <dotblank>     dasnipa|arpy, I found most users are from Europe
 152 17:44:49 <dasnipa|arpy> though I havent looked at them in a few years
 153 17:45:07 <jledbetter>   dasnipa|arpy, Have events, activity, roadmap and such. If someone makes sure that we document what we're doing, we'd probably do better than no one making sure we keep track.
 154 17:45:47 <dasnipa|arpy> yeah
 155 17:45:57 <jledbetter>   dasnipa|arpy, Are you volunteering?
 156 17:46:11 <jtatum>       sounds like jledbetter is voluntelling ;)
 157 17:46:44 <dotblank>     lets vote
 158 17:46:55 <dasnipa|arpy> jledbetter, well I was involved when I lived in Illinois and the illinois loco was renewing their loco
 159 17:47:15 <jledbetter>   dotblank, Sure, you would like to do it too?
 160 17:47:32 <dasnipa|arpy> what they did was fleshed out their website with their events. and got members to sign a renewal petition
 161 17:47:51 <dotblank>     I don't know enough of ubuntu's organization or preceding
 162 17:48:37 <jledbetter>   There's a how-to off of the Lococouncil's wiki page. We'll help as much as we can. The lococouncil are also very helpful.
 163 17:49:29 <jledbetter>   tarvid, How about you? What say you?
 164 17:49:40 <dotblank>      Tuesday 20-July-2010, I will be in las vegas
 165 17:49:53 <tarvid>       Specifics sent my way will get attention
 166 17:50:02 <jledbetter>   We don't have to do it this month. Just would like to work toward it :)
 167 17:50:47 <dasnipa|arpy> jledbetter, agreed
 168 17:51:02 <dasnipa|arpy> jledbetter, perhaps that should be our goal for this year... or next perhaps
 169 17:51:07 <jledbetter>   Unless anyone else would like to volunteer, I move that dotblank and dasnipa|arpy research/work on this for us :) Feel free to add to next month's agenda or use the mailling list.
 170 17:51:22 <jledbetter>   dasnipa|arpy, Exactly. Just need a roadmap so that we can focus on key items.
 171 17:51:25 <tarvid>       The journey of a thousand miles begins ...
 172 17:51:43 -->    Othor (~Othor@ip68-110-212-207.rn.hr.cox.net) has joined #ubuntu-us-va
 173 17:51:51 <tarvid>       Do we have a destination?
 174 17:51:56 <jledbetter>   Hi Othor :)
 175 17:51:56 <jtatum>       welcome Othor
 176 17:52:08 <dasnipa|arpy> yeah thats good. I think what I'll do first is use my googlefu to find what the illinois guys did back when I helped out and that should be a good model since they are one of the oldest and decently active
 177 17:52:12 <jledbetter>   tarvid, Destination is Virginia Loco to be approved
 178 17:52:13 <Othor>        hi everyone, sorry i'm late
 179 17:52:39 <jledbetter>   Othor, It's all good. We're on the Loco council check part of the agenda. I'll send out minutes later.
 180 17:52:40 <tarvid>       Why? If we have no events, no actions.
 181 17:52:49 <dotblank>     What are the benefits to an approved loco
 182 17:53:08 <tarvid>       Good question.
 183 17:53:18 <Othor>        jledbetter, ok
 184 17:53:20 <jledbetter>   Approved loco looks like a healthy loco. If we don't have events, we can look into having some. Even if it's a simple ubuntu hour in a coffee shop
 185 17:53:31 <dotblank>     I mean should we focus more on the loco getting more members and events then worry about approval later
 186 17:53:41 <jledbetter>   If 3 of us are going to a convention, we can set up a table to educate peeps about Ubuntu
 187 17:53:58 <tarvid>       There are over 100 members
 188 17:54:00 <jledbetter>   dotblank, True. I guess I like game plans. This seems like a start to one.
 189 17:54:06 <dasnipa|arpy> dotblank, the other side to that is being an official loco can get us more active members
 190 17:54:21 <dasnipa|arpy> just due to the higher visibility
 191 17:54:25 <tarvid>       Or is it the other way around
 192 17:54:25 <dasnipa|arpy> and the more officialness
 193 17:54:33 <dasnipa|arpy> tarvid, both, actually
 194 17:55:04 <tarvid>       Canonical needs/wants all the evangelism it can get
 195 17:55:06 <dasnipa|arpy> also, I think you can get sent ubuntu schwag to give out at events
 196 17:55:19 <jledbetter>   Oh, that'd be nice dasnipa|arpy :)
 197 17:55:29 <dotblank>     100 members and 8 people in irc... I think we need to use the mailing list more, I think a lot of people just signed up and are remaining dormant
 198 17:55:57 <tarvid>       that would be a justifiable observation
 199 17:56:11 <jledbetter>   We could have more discussions through it.
 200 17:56:26 <maco> dasnipa|arpy: yep
 201 17:56:29 <maco> conference packs
 202 17:56:42 <maco> get a few shirts, some lanyards, pens, stickers, and fliers
 203 17:56:52 <jledbetter>   maco, That only for approved locos?
 204 17:56:54 <maco> and of course after each ubuntu release you get a pile of cds
 205 17:56:57 <maco> jledbetter: right
 206 17:57:11 <jledbetter>   Gotcha.
 207 17:57:13 <maco> i believe the loco contact has to be the one to request it
 208 17:57:23 <jledbetter>   I think that's tarvid :)
 209 17:57:51 <tarvid>       I am merely the one who poked a stick in the sand
 210 17:58:12 <jledbetter>   And here I come messing up the sand ;)
 211 17:58:24 <tarvid>       Travis Newman is probably the official Grand Poobah
 212 17:58:27 <dotblank>     then I show up and say we need more sand
 213 17:58:33 <tarvid>       He is not here
 214 17:58:39 <jledbetter>   lol
 215 17:58:41 <dasnipa|arpy> jledbetter, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChicagoTeam/ReApprovalApplication
 216 17:58:54 <jledbetter>   tarvid, He emailed saying that he's been a bit busy so he turned it to you I think
 217 17:58:55 <dasnipa|arpy> that is what the illinois loco did for their reapproval app
 218 17:59:18 <tarvid>       If I dig through the archives, there was a fellow willing to mentor
 219 17:59:25 <jledbetter>   Very cool, thank you dasnipa|arpy
 220 17:59:38 <tarvid>       The Canonical Partners can provide swag.
 221 18:00:13 <tarvid>       presensit.com is my closest Partner contact.
 222 18:00:37 <tarvid>       I hold few keys. Maybe only one - the mailing list
 223 18:00:43 <jledbetter>   Ok, noted dasnipa|arpy and dotblank as the ones seeing how we can get approved. Recruit help as you need :)
 224 18:01:29 <jledbetter>   It's 9 so I'll rush through the rest. Two items on the "new business" list were dates. July 10-11 Ubuntu User days and July 12-16 Ubuntu Developer week
 225 18:02:01 <jledbetter>   I'll post links to more information in the email I send out.
 226 18:02:19 <tarvid>       One bene for approved teams is a domain name
 227 18:02:43 <jledbetter>   That'd be nice.
 228 18:02:55 <jtatum>       awesome! what's next :)
 229 18:03:06 <tarvid>       But we need some concrete actions
 230 18:03:19 <jledbetter>   tarvid, dotblank and dasnipa|arpy will start us off with them
 231 18:03:31 <tarvid>       If we want to meet Canonical's aspirations
 232 18:03:34 <jledbetter>   Maybe they can use the mailing list to gather two birds with one hand?
 233 18:04:02 <tarvid>       Any member can user the list.
 234 18:04:13 <jledbetter>   Yes. I spam it lately ;)
 235 18:04:38 <jtatum>       time is running short. let's try to move through the agenda and if we need to setup another meeting for the loco approval process - which sounds like a great idea - we should do that
 236 18:04:40 <jledbetter>   Other stuff on the agenda: 100 Ubuntu Users Project and #locoteams tag.
 237 18:04:46 <jledbetter>   jtatum, yes sir
 238 18:05:01 <jledbetter>   Users project: Based loosely on the 100 Papercuts concept lead by David Siegel of the Design Team, this project aims to introduce Ubuntu to 100 new users in this cycle. Project team members and individuals are encouraged to each introduce Ubuntu to a new person and track that work on the team or personal wiki.
 239 18:05:08 <jledbetter>   For the first three individuals who introduce Ubuntu to 100 new users each, Dinda will send you an Ubuntu t-shirt!
 240 18:05:48 <dotblank>     That should be easy
 241 18:05:57 <jtatum>       holy cow! sounds like a massive task to me :) i am a hermit though
 242 18:05:59 <jledbetter>   dotblank, The race is on ;) I have 1
 243 18:06:06 <dotblank>     I know about 20 people who use ubuntu already just not on a list
 244 18:06:09 <jledbetter>   jtatum, Well, that's why we need to get out...
 245 18:06:30 <jtatum>       i could imagine sitting at a mall like, "hey lemme show you this OS!" 
 246 18:06:34 <jtatum>       heh
 247 18:06:42 <dotblank>     Libraries are good
 248 18:06:46 <jtatum>       really need media to hand out then
 249 18:06:50 <jledbetter>   dotblank, Great idea!
 250 18:07:06 <dotblank>     Also computer shows
 251 18:07:18 <maco> eh
 252 18:07:21 <tarvid>       That makes sense. Make posters, CDs and volunteer support during specific windows
 253 18:07:29 <maco> computer people have heard about and formed their own opinions about linux already
 254 18:07:40 <maco> go for the normal people
 255 18:07:45 <jledbetter>   lol "normal"
 256 18:07:59 <jtatum>       muggles
 257 18:08:05 <dotblank>     I'm more in tuned will school related things but I can probably create a free software club at my college
 258 18:08:10 <tarvid>       You cannot help people who are smarter than you are.
 259 18:08:41 <tarvid>       I did leave Lucid/Wubi on a machine that went out today but I am not sure the poor fellow can get through the boot.
 260 18:10:17 <jledbetter>   dotblank, If we do that, that would probably go towards our approval application :)
 261 18:10:17 <tarvid>       Can virtue be taught?
 262 18:10:22 <dasnipa|arpy> tarvid, thats not true. someone may be smarter in one area but less experienced in another that you may be an expert
 263 18:10:45 <dasnipa|arpy> I would argue that nobody is flat out 100% better than another in every single area
 264 18:10:51 <dotblank>     Offer as a community service installations of ubuntu software in computer labs
 265 18:11:05 <dotblank>     I did one at my school while i was in high school
 266 18:11:06 <tarvid>       My tongue is in my cheek and your leg is getting shorter
 267 18:11:58 <tarvid>       If you did that again, someone will probably demand you drink hemlock
 268 18:12:25 <jtatum>       tarvid, sometimes i have no idea what you're talking about. lol
 269 18:12:44 <tarvid>       corrupting the youth of Athens
 270 18:13:11 <jledbetter>   Hm.
 271 18:13:23 *      maco ^5 tarvid
 272 18:13:47 <jledbetter>   Unless there's anything else, I'm going to wrap up the official part of meeting so that those of us with little'uns can tuck them in bed.

VirginiaTeam/MeetingMinutes/July062010MeetingLog (last edited 2010-07-07 02:01:59 by ihas)