Meeting opened by jledbetter at 17:05
<jledbetter> Ah ha!
<lexvegas> yes, I am.
<jledbetter> Great.
<jledbetter> We've added a few folks to the administering of the account so that we can spread the paperwork a bit.
<jledbetter> What do you think? Expire after a year good?
<lexvegas> As in a year of inactivity?
<jtatum> well, that's what it's set for, so hopefully it's good
<jledbetter> I think after a year, you have to say "Yes, I want to be a member still."
<jtatum> lexvegas: when folks sign up, it defaults to expiration in a year. sometime before you expire from the team you get an email like "if you want to stay on this team, click [here]"
<jtatum> and you're renewed. pretty simple, helps us keep the counts to people who are really still users.
<lexvegas> sounds good. that makes sense to do that.
<jledbetter> Great. Was that what the revisit was, jtatum?
<jtatum> i'm not sure. it's done though. i never did find a way to change existing users. i think it is doable with something like selenium
<jledbetter> Ok.
<jledbetter> #topic Discuss leadership options/elections
<jledbetter> Drat. Guesses aren't always perfect
Pardon my n00bness but haven't messed with the bot before.
<jledbetter> jtatum, Do you know what this one was about? I missed last meeting
<lexvegas> totally forgiven
that would have been my guess too
<jtatum> yeah. there isn't a real elected leadership in the va loco. basically we need to do nominations and run a real election.
<jtatum> launchpad has the facilities for this so, it's probably the best option
<jledbetter> The poll?
<jtatum> yes
<jtatum> for nominations, we can solicit them via email or some such
<jledbetter> Haven't used that for voting before. I guess folks interested will put a blurb on their wiki pages?
<jledbetter> How many? 3?
<jtatum> VA is really small. i reckon 1
<jtatum> it's unusual to see more than one
<jledbetter> Reckon, eh?
Alright, 1. I'll send out an email to get names.
<jtatum> let's figure out dates now
<jtatum> so the email can say nominations due by <date> and election will be from <date> to <date>
<jledbetter> I'll email within the week. So, hm.
<lexvegas> Wednesday or Friday of next week for end of nominations?
<jledbetter> I like that.
<Jagged> ah hi
<jledbetter> And close of voting by the next meeting so we can announce? Looks like it's March 7
<Jagged> had to make dinner
<jledbetter> Jagged, Howdy
No worries. As long as you brought enough for us all.
<Jagged> I made 4 burgers
<jledbetter> veggie?
<lexvegas> maybe give a day of padding in there, so close at the end of the 5th?
<jledbetter> lexvegas, Great idea. * marks it down *
<jledbetter> So, nominations due by 2/16. Voting 2/18-3/5. Announcement: 3/7
<jledbetter> Work for everyone?
<jtatum> awesome!
<lexvegas> sounds good!
<jtatum> that's great
<lexvegas> maybe throw in a reminder halfway through voting on the mailing lists
<jledbetter> Sure, I can do that. That way I can attach bribery--I mean...
<lexvegas> haha
<jledbetter> Anything else re: leadership options/elections?
<jtatum> can we nominate others?
<jledbetter> They need to agree, in my opinion.
<jledbetter> It's flattering though to be nominated.
<jledbetter> Anything else before the next topic?
<jtatum> negative
<lexvegas> nope
<jledbetter> Alrighty.
<jledbetter> [topic] VirginiaTeam mailing list
VirginiaTeam mailing list
<jledbetter> jtatum or Jagged, do you know what we needed to cover on this?
<Jagged> uhhh
<Jagged> do not remember
<jtatum> who added that one?
<jledbetter> Jagged, I think. If I'm reading this history right.
<Jagged> I think we took care of that though
<Jagged> because we enacted the annual renewal
<jledbetter> Sweet.
<Jagged> I've been useless the past two months
<jledbetter> Then that's all of the topics on the agenda that I see.
<jledbetter> Jagged, I've been quite busy too. It's all good
<jtatum> no worries Jagged
<jtatum> short meeting is good
<jledbetter> That it is.
<jledbetter> Unless there's anything else, I'll close the meeting and we can chit chat.
<jledbetter> Alright!
<jledbetter> #endmeeting
Meeting closed at 17:34
People Present
- jledbetter
- lexvegas
- jtatum
- Jagged
Actions Recorded
VirginiaTeam/Meetings/20110207 (last edited 2011-04-05 00:57:12 by 64)