
Revision 17 as of 2008-11-04 09:55:18

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About me

  • 31 years old.
  • Academic cursus : Computing Engineer
  • IT Manager in a Government Institution. Consultant and approved trainer.

  • An exclusively Linux user since 18 years, Red Hat Contributor since 6 years and now an exclusively Ubuntu user since 3 years. My 2 years old son is also an Ubuntero and he likes specially Frozen-Bubble.

  • I'm doing my best to contribute to the development of the Ubuntu community mainly via my LoCo Team and massively

  • Strong supporter of the use of Free Software and follower of the philosophy ofOpen Source '. Since my contact with Ubuntu I'm doing my best to spread its ideology in my family and professionally nearby.


  • Linux & Ubuntu

  • Computer
  • Games
  • Humanitarian and associative activities
  • Reading
  • Cinema
    • ...


  • Email : mawale.me(at)gmail.com

  • IRC : MaWaLe on freenode : #ubuntu-tn #ubuntu-fr and other channels.

  • Launchpad page

Ubuntu activity

  • Tunisian LoCo Team Member

  • Coordinator of the redaction team : I participate actively in drafting content for the site or other media for tue use of the Team. I also coordinate and mentor the activities of the other members who participates in the activities of the Redaction Team.
  • Web Team Member : I participate actively in configuring the hosting server of the alpha site of my LoCo Team. In the future, i'll look after the administration of the final server and the site with the Web Team.

  • in my work, i am doing consulting task which always leads to the migration of customers to Ubuntu

  • I actively paricipated in the TunisianTeam apparition in the Software Freedom Day 2008. Here is a pic of me in that event and here is another one. Durant cette journée j'ai animé aussi des install-parties

  • Modest participation on the Launchpad
  • Modest participation on the IRC channels (ubuntu-tn, ubuntu-tn-meeting, ubunbut-tn-classroom, ubuntu-fr)
  • Actif on the ubuntu-tn ML
  • Participate in drafting and validating WiKi pages for the ubuntu-tn Team
