
Revision 46 as of 2009-01-05 07:46:35

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About me

  • 31 years old.
  • Academic cursus : Computing Engineer
  • IT Manager in a Government Institution. Consultant and approved trainer.

  • An exclusively Linux user since 18 years, Red Hat Contributor since 6 years and now an exclusively Ubuntu user since 3 years. My 2 years old son is also an Ubuntero and he likes specially Frozen-Bubble Smile :) .

  • I'm doing my best to contribute to the development of the Ubuntu community mainly via my LoCo Team and massively

  • Big supporter of the use of Free Software and follower of the philosophy of Open Source. Since my contact with Ubuntu I'm doing my best to spread its ideology in my family and professionally nearby.


  • Linux & Ubuntu

  • Computer
  • Games
  • Humanitarian and associative activities
  • Reading
  • Cinema
  • ...


  • Email : mawale.me(at)gmail.com

  • IRC : MaWaLe on freenode : #ubuntu-tn #ubuntu-fr and other channels.

  • Launchpad page

Ubuntu activity

Future involvement

  • I'll propose the creation of a documentation team which will draft help documents.
  • I manage a little start-up which hope to be a Canonical Partner.
  • Insure the development and the administration of ubuntu-tn.org.
  • I'll be a member of the association which will represent the LoCo Team with the Government Institution.

  • Continue my involvement in the LoCo Team and planning to monitor the certification (LPI) of the members of my LoCo Team.


Wajih is a dynamic member of the Tunisian LoCo with a good involvement. He was one of the most active members in organizing our participation in the Software Freedom Day. Rafik

Nizarus : Mawale joined our young Loco Team after the approval in July 2008. He quickly integrate the group an began one of the most active members. In Loco team management committee we elected him as a members because we believe in his contribution to spin up the Loco activity. He heavily participated to Loco team organisation and participation in the Tunisia SFD'2008. Mawale will make a good Ubuntu member.

Bayrem : I am the manager of a company specialized in open-source solutions (DevAgora). Wajih is our dedicated expert in Ubuntu. For each mission, his goal is to convince the customer to migrate its platform to ubuntu and provide the training. He is active, he contribues as well in the community and at entreprises missions both in a very professional and undeniable way.