Website Themes for Community Use
Who should use these
This webpage includes information relevant to the Ubuntu Web Presence Team and official Local Communities. Here you'll find resources to build up a loco website or other useful community web services.
If you plan to use listed resources in other ways than described above, please remove the branding parts.
To follow this team progress, please subscribe to mailing list.
What we need
Currently a team of community volunteers is being created. Those people will create teams to work for supporting web resources across a list of software packages like CMS and bulletin boards.
Code Hosting
Three Bzr Branches have been created for the development of the new community themes. There is a branch for the base theme (lp:ubuntu-website/light-base-theme). After the theme in this branch has been agreed upon, work will begin on the WordPress (lp:ubuntu-website/light-wordpress-theme) and Drupal (lp:ubuntu-website/light-drupal-theme) basing them on the base theme.
Base theme
Goal: Create a plain HTML/CSS file that can serve as a basis for the other themes, ideally even sharing the CSS and images created for this theme. This theme may be translated into many different human languages and be implemented in several different CMSs.
Bzr Branch: lp:ubuntu-website/light-base-theme
Updated Web Guidelines (14th Oct) Hello, here are some updated web guidelines from Alejandra:
The previous guidelines we were using were not designed with community sites in mind, they were more for sites that should provide a seemless experience to These guidelines attached are for use across all of the sites in the Ubuntu ecosystem and features
- A global "mothership" navigation directing people back to if they're looking for it
- A logo that gives clear context of the current site and links to the current site's homepage
- Room for a site-specific navigation that won't confuse people as they switch from site to site
- A dual-layered fat footer, one for the current site's mini site map and a small one (the bottom portion) linking the site back to the main site.
People working on this theme:
Stas Sușcov (you may count on me for xHTML/CSS work)
KuZeKo (you may count on me for HTML5/CSS with progressive enhancement and a little of jQuery)
handheldcar (you may count on me for HTML5, CSS and maybe some JavaScript)
- List your names here
Drupal theme
Goal: Adapt the Base theme for use as a drupal module
Bzr Branch: lp:ubuntu-website/light-drupal-theme
People working on this theme:
Pierre Buyle (count on me for basic HTML/CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Drupal's theme layer and Drupal's APIs)
- List your names here
WordPress theme
Goal: Adapt the Base theme for use with WordPress, write documentation on how to deploy a multi-language loco-website and maintain the plugins it will require.
Bzr Branch: lp:ubuntu-website/light-wordpress-theme
People working on this theme:
Stas Sușcov (initiator of wordpress-loco and currently GSoC student at WordPress)
Adnane Belmadiaf (count on me for HTML/CSS, JavaScript, jQuery)
- List your names here
The Fridge
(added per newz2000 suggestion by akgraner)
Here are the changes to the mock-up for the new (Word Press) Fridge these changes are based on -
Not sure we need the picture area all the time but it would be nice to have if we can mange to have a pic with each story or even an Ubuntu Photo of thew week.. or something
Since we want the Fridge to be the information radiator of the community and link to all areas in the community as well as link to the offical news in the community then we need a lot of changes
I am not a web designer so if these would make sense arranged some other please do so.
To the left of "Page 1" in the red/orange header area should be Fridge Logo. (We need an updated one to match the new theme. I've asked doctormo if he or someone he knows could create one but haven't heard back yet. - I'll email him this week)
Page 1 - link Ubuntu Weekly News Letter (new page)
(Would like this to be the page where we can put the full version of the Newsletter in HMTL format and we can make it search able)
Page 2 - Link to - - More about Ubuntu
Page 3 - Link to - - More about Canonical
Page 4 - Link to LoCo Team Wiki Pages - - Ubuntu LoCo Information
Page 5 - Link to Release Schedule Wiki - - Current Release Schedule
(not sure if there is a redirect page that will be set to link to Current Release Schedule. If there isn't then at the end of each cycle we'll need to change the link)
SubItem 1 - Fridge Calendar - <iframe src="" style="border: 0" width="800" height="600" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
SubItem 2 - Classroom Calendar - <iframe src="" style="border: 0" width="800" height="600" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
SubItem 3 - LoCo Calendar - <iframe src="" style="border: 0" width="800" height="600" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
SubItem 4 - FOSSEvents Calendar - - Upcoming FOSS Events
SubItem 5 - Can we change this to a bright Red/Orange Tab with the new Circle of Friends Logo and make this say SUBMIT NEWS STORY OR IDEA HERE? and this would email the story to UWN/FRIDGE Team but not the current mailing list. I would like to create a new mailing list that goes to the active Fridge and UWN editors this way people won't feel like their ideas are being seen by everyone and they are more comfortable. Many people don't send stories to the list but send them straight to me. I would like to encourage people to send to a "Contribute Here area" I can talk to jcasto and get that created as well. I also have a webform for this too. Either one will be fine with me please tell me what you think. Other ideas welcome, but people need to have a place were they can contribute without feeling embarrassed if story ideas are rejected.
ShowCase Heading - Leading Fridge NewsStory - Should Match what is happening in Main Content
Minor Content - Last two stories posted on Fridge
Sub Content 1 Ubuntu Weeks - need description then the following links Ubuntu User Days Ubuntu Developer Week Ubuntu App Developer Wee Ubuntu Open Week
Sub Content 2
LoCo Team Information - Description of LoCo teams then the following links
List of Team
Ubuntu Global Jam
Ubuntu Release Parties
Other Ideas for LoCo Team Events
Sub Content 3
Ubuntu Governance - description then the following links
Code of Conduct
Community Council
IRC Council
Forum Council
LoCo Council
Membership Boards
Sub Content 4
Ubuntu Development Teams (any other team you think needs to go here) - description of some sort then links their wiki pages and/or lastest meeting minutes
Sub Content 5
Community Participation - Description of why Community participation is important then link to following areas
Use links from contribute on
Bug Squad
Sub Content 6
Where you can find out more about the People who contribute to Ubuntu
Hall of Fame
The Planet
Canonical Voices
Canonical News
Ubuntu-UK Podcast
Weekly Ubunty Q&A with Jono Bacon
Place for other Things
Maybe this could the About the News team? Or would that be better as one of the links across the top. If so can you add an about as page one then just remember the other ones.
Would like this to stand out and be link to how to contribute, join the news team, and other ways to contact the team.
The rest of the text on the page can be deleted.
What we have
1. Drupal project is maintained by ubuntu-drupal team on launchpad.
2. WordPress project is maintained by wordpress-loco team on launchpad.
How to get them