

Welcome to the wiki page of the West Virginia Local Community Team, a group of Linux enthusiasts who have joined together to share and spread Ubuntu Linux across the Commonwealth . Our aim is to provide community support for users of Ubuntu Linux, it's various distributions, and promote it's use by both individuals and organizations alike.

Contact us at jgribble@movlug.com

Who is this group for?

Based in Parkersburg, WV, the group aims to help increase awareness and provide support to the Linux and Ubuntu communities, and is target to include anyone and everyone with any level of interest in the community.


  • To educate the public about Linux and open source options
  • Provide consultancy and tutoring for new users.
  • Distribute Ubuntu CDs to businesses, schools, institutions, organizations, and individuals.
  • Develop an Ubuntu identity.
  • Become a local community developer.
  • Advocate free and open source solutions (FOSS) as alternatives, where they exist.


Upcoming: More events coming soon!

Currently in discussion:

Past Events: 10.10 Release party in Buckhannon, WV on October 10th 2010

  • (see how the party went here)

Team Resume


Other Resources


Code of Conduct

WestVirginiaTeam (last edited 2010-10-15 08:10:31 by campus)