This BOF featured Erinn Clark from the Debian Women Project
The Debian Women Project
- The original idea: Get more women involved in Debian, especially in technical parts of the project.
- Provide a starting point for women, who want to get involved in the Debian project
- Currently: 8 women involved in the Debian project, (~9 women have ever been Debian-Developers)
- Problems addressed:
It's hard to get into the Debian Project (even if you're a man) => might scare off women very likely
- Women who were interested in development, were rejected for many different reason
- Motivation of the Project: Can we make a difference?
Women & Open Source Software in general
- Distinction between technical and non-technical work
- Most women are involved in non-technical parts of a project
Example: OpenOffice.org-Marketing project - mainly driven by women
- Cultural problem: technology unfortunately is often considered a male thing
Women & Ubuntu
- Why are there no women involved in Ubuntu development? It's a case of scale of the project!
- Major Plus: Ubuntu is newer than Debian
- This means: We can do everything to not run into the problems other projects face(d)
- First Part of this philosophy: Code of Conduct
- Whether it works, has still to be proved (so far, so good)
- If there is something like Code of Conduct, "unsocialiced people" are more likely to not show up in the Ubuntu project
- Adaption of behavoir:
- Most people on mailing list and irc act according to the Code of Conduct
- New users first watch and then act the same way
- Meetings on IRC tend to be more like a true conversation
Possible actions to take
- Docs should be more precise, more documentating the "process" of doing something (esp. bug reporting, because it's an important task and the task with the most cryptic docs)
- Women shall be more "visible": encourage all female users you know to get involved!
- Encourage women to go to conferences (or sponsor them!)
- New project: a question day
- Learning together, mentoring on a local scale (local teams)
- More social events
- Adding something more specific about sexism into the Code of Conduct
- Use gender-neutral language in any language
- Encourage women to use female nicks on IRC
- There should be a doc on how people can help the project
- Go to schools, attract young people to Ubuntu
- Promoting Ubuntu in Cybercafés
- A ubuntu-love / ubuntu-family mailing list
- Something similiar to debian-jr
- Marketing targeted at female customers: Use it, even if you are a woman
WomenInUbuntu (last edited 2008-08-06 16:24:47 by localhost)