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Revision 1 as of 2007-06-01 00:50:10
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Editor: 71
Revision 126 as of 2012-04-13 21:13:36
Size: 2929
Editor: static-50-53-79-63
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This page is to serve as a gathering point for various X-related specs, howtos, todo lists, and other assorted resources. #title Ubuntu-X Team
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== Driver Info == === Troubleshooting Resources ===
 * Community support pages:
   * [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto|Binary Driver Howto]]
   * [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics|Hybrid Graphics Howto]]
   * [[http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=326|Absolute Beginner Talk Forum]]
   * [[http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=332|Hardware & Laptops Support Forum]]
 * [[X/Debugging|X Debugging]] Handbook
   I. [[X/Reporting|X Reporting]] - How to create good X bug reports
   I. [[X/Triaging|X Triaging]] - How to ensure new X bug reports have enough info to troubleshoot
   I. [[X/Backtracing|X Backtracing]] - How to collect a backtrace for an X crash
   I. [[X/Glossary|X Glossary]] - Explanations for confusing terms often seen in logs and error messages
   I. [[X/FixingCrashes|X Crash Fixing]] - How to fix X crashes
   I. [[X/Quirks|X Quirks]] - Fixes for some common hardware-specific issues
   I. [[X/Troubleshooting|X Troubleshooting]] - How to analyze X bugs to make them solvable
   I. [[X/Bisecting]] - Using bisection techniques to solve regressions or backport fixes
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 * [http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/ nouveau] === Advanced Topics ===
 * [[X/Config]] - How to configure Xorg /* the page being linked to needs to have each of its links checked for currency, accuracy, validity, and if a page passes those, then for readability and phrasing */
 * [[X/NonGraphicalBoot]] - Running X manually, without gdm
 * [[X/KernelModeSetting]] - Configuring and using KMS (in Karmic)
 * [[X/Rootless]] - Running X as a user process, not as the root user
 * [[X/InterpretingIntelGpuDump]] - Ringbuffers, batchbuffers, and the meaning of `intel_gpu_dump` output
 * [[X/InputCoordinateTransformation]] - How to set the mapping of an input device to a display through X
 * [[X/HybridGraphics]] - How to make the most of your system with hybrid graphics
 * [[https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers|XorgOnTheEdge]] - for bleeding edge packages
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== Teams ==

 * ["XSwat"] - Xorg bug triage team

== Blueprints ==

=== Current Specifications ===

These specifications are likely to be included in an upcoming Ubuntu release.

 * ["Xorg7.3Integration"] - Integrate Xorg 7.3 components, adopt config autodetection
 * ["DisplayConfigGTK"] - New GUI utility for configuring Xorg
 * ["BulletProofX"] - Failsafe mode when X doesn't start, with displayconfig-gtk to configure
 * ["CompositeByDefault"] - Switch default window manager from Metacity to Compiz, use Beryl effects
 * ["XorgCtrlAltBackspace"] - Disable the Ctrl-Alt-Bksp shortcut

=== Pending Specifications ===

These specifications need further discussion and drafting, but are likely to be accepted for future Ubuntu releases if this work is done.

 * ["MouseExtraButtons"] - Enable extra buttons present on Microsoft Explorer mice

=== Historical Specifications ===

 * ["XRoadmap"] - Xorg 7.0, discusses the X modularization and XKB work (for Warty?)
 * ["XRoadmapDapper"] - Plans for continuing maintenance of X, Mesa packaging in Dapper
=== Development Foundations ===
 * Development Documentation
   * [[X/Architecture]] - High level architectural overview of X.org
   * [[X/DriverDevelopment]] - Developing new Xorg drivers for Ubuntu
   * [[X/DriverBuilding]] - Building debs of upstream drivers
 * Quality Assurance
   * [[X/Testing/Touch]] - Touchscreen and multi-touch testing
   * [[X/Drivers]] - Current status of X drivers
   * [[X/Bugs]] - Analysis of collection of similar bugs
 * [[X/Development|Ubuntu X Development]]
   * [[X/SwatTeam]] - Joining the Ubuntu X.org team /* note that this is the main Ubuntu-X team page...also, it needs to be looked over for possible updates */
   * [[X/Blueprints]] - Specifications of interest for X
   * [[X/GitUsage]] - Instructions for using git


Troubleshooting Resources

Advanced Topics

Development Foundations

X (last edited 2016-01-10 21:04:44 by penalvch)