Differences between revisions 128 and 140 (spanning 12 versions)
Revision 128 as of 2012-04-13 21:58:06
Size: 2929
Editor: static-50-53-79-63
Revision 140 as of 2012-04-14 00:11:50
Size: 1024
Editor: static-50-53-79-63
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto|Binary Driver Howto]]
 * [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics|Hybrid Graphics Howto]]
Line 9: Line 7:
 * [[X/Reporting|X Reporting]] - How to create good X bug reports
Line 10: Line 9:
 * [[X/Reporting|X Reporting]] - How to create good X bug reports
 * [[X/Config]] - How to configure Xorg /* the page being linked to needs to have each of its links checked for currency, accuracy, validity, and if a page passes those, then for readability and phrasing */
Line 13: Line 10:
=== Advanced Topics ===
 * [[X/Triaging|X Triaging]] - How to ensure new X bug reports have enough info to troubleshoot
 * [[X/Troubleshooting|X Troubleshooting]] - How to analyze X bugs to make them solvable
 * [[X/Backtracing|X Backtracing]] - How to collect a backtrace for an X crash
 * [[X/Bisecting]] - Using bisection techniques to solve regressions or backport fixes
 * [[X/Testing/Touch]] - Touchscreen and multi-touch testing
 * [[X/Bugs]] - Analysis of collection of similar bugs
 * [[X/Bugs/Transitions]] - Explanation for "installing xserver-xorg-core would break existing software"
 * [[X/i8xxUnsupported - Explanation of why i845, i855, i865, etc. chips aren't supported
 * [[X/NonGraphicalBoot]] - Running X manually, without gdm
 * [[X/KernelModeSetting]] - Configuring and using KMS (in Karmic)
 * [[X/Rootless]] - Running X as a user process, not as the root user
 * [[X/InterpretingIntelGpuDump]] - Ringbuffers, batchbuffers, and the meaning of `intel_gpu_dump` output
 * [[X/InputCoordinateTransformation]] - How to set the mapping of an input device to a display through X
 * [[X/HybridGraphics]] - How to make the most of your system with hybrid graphics
 * [[https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers|XorgOnTheEdge]] - for bleeding edge packages
 * [[X/Quirks|X Quirks]] - Fixes for some common hardware-specific issues
 * [[X/FixingCrashes|X Crash Fixing]] - How to fix X crashes
=== Common Problems ===
<<Include(X/Troubleshooting, , from="=== Common Problems ===", to="=== Troubleshooting Techniques ===")>>
Line 32: Line 13:
=== Development Foundations ===
 * [[X/SwatTeam]] - Joining the Ubuntu X.org team /* note that this is the main Ubuntu-X team page...also, it needs to be looked over for possible updates */
 * [[X/Development|Ubuntu X Development Info]]
   * [[X/Architecture]] - High level architectural overview of X.org
   * [[X/DriverDevelopment]] - Developing new Xorg drivers for Ubuntu
   * [[X/DriverBuilding]] - Building debs of upstream drivers
   * [[X/Glossary|X Glossary]] - Explanations for confusing terms often seen in logs and error messages
   * [[X/Blueprints]] - Specifications of interest for X
   * [[X/GitUsage]] - Instructions for using git
=== Troubleshooting Techniques ===
<<Include(X/Troubleshooting, , from="=== Troubleshooting Techniques ===", to="^----")>>

=== Configuration Recipes ===
<<Include(X/Config, , from="== Configuration Recipes ==", to="^=")>>

=== Development Topics ===
<<Include(X/Dev, , from="== Development Topics ==", to="^=")>>


Basic Troubleshooting Resources

Common Problems

Include: Nothing found for "=== Common Problems ==="!

Include: Nothing found for "=== Troubleshooting Techniques ==="!

Identifying if the issue is a bug or not

If you aren't sure if you have encountered a software bug in Ubuntu, then you would want to seek help in determining if the issue is a bug or not from here.

If you have confirmed the issue is a bug, please read on.

Determining which type of bug you have

Not all bugs where X seems to be the root cause are in fact an X related bug. Hence, here is documentation on potential root causes:


Display Issues

General Issues

Input Issues

Reporting a confirmed X bug to Launchpad

Initial filing of the report

First, please install the package xdiagnose.

Next, ensure you click the Yes button for attaching additional debugging information after running the following via a terminal:

ubuntu-bug xorg

Include developer information in your report

One will want to answer the following questions in order for a developer to address the issue:

  • Does the report include debugging information from the relevant article relating to the reported issue?
  • Is this a regression?
  • Does this happen in the latest version of Ubuntu?
  • Does this happen in the latest version available from upstream?

Debugging techniques

Crashes and Freezes

Other Techniques

Triaging and tagging X bugs

Please see here for more on triaging X bugs, and here for tagging.

Fixing an X crash

  • For more on this, please see here.

  • X Quirks - Fixes for some common hardware-specific issues.

Other Resources


Troubleshooting Techniques

Include: Nothing found for "=== Troubleshooting Techniques ==="!

Identifying if the issue is a bug or not

If you aren't sure if you have encountered a software bug in Ubuntu, then you would want to seek help in determining if the issue is a bug or not from here.

If you have confirmed the issue is a bug, please read on.

Determining which type of bug you have

Not all bugs where X seems to be the root cause are in fact an X related bug. Hence, here is documentation on potential root causes:


Display Issues

General Issues

Input Issues

Reporting a confirmed X bug to Launchpad

Initial filing of the report

First, please install the package xdiagnose.

Next, ensure you click the Yes button for attaching additional debugging information after running the following via a terminal:

ubuntu-bug xorg

Include developer information in your report

One will want to answer the following questions in order for a developer to address the issue:

  • Does the report include debugging information from the relevant article relating to the reported issue?
  • Is this a regression?
  • Does this happen in the latest version of Ubuntu?
  • Does this happen in the latest version available from upstream?

Debugging techniques

Crashes and Freezes

Other Techniques

Triaging and tagging X bugs

Please see here for more on triaging X bugs, and here for tagging.

Fixing an X crash

  • For more on this, please see here.

  • X Quirks - Fixes for some common hardware-specific issues.

Other Resources

Configuration Recipes

General Configuration

Display Configuration

Development Topics


X (last edited 2016-01-10 21:04:44 by penalvch)