

We are preparing Ubuntu MATE Xenial Xerus (16.04) for distribution on April 21st, 2016. With this Alpha 2 pre-release, you can see what we are trying out in preparation for our next (stable) version.


This is Alpha 2 Release. Ubuntu MATE Alpha Releases are NOT recommended for:

  • Regular users who are not aware of pre-release issues
  • Anyone who needs a stable system
  • Anyone uncomfortable running a possibly frequently broken system
  • Anyone in a production environment with data or workflows that need to be reliable

Ubuntu MATE Alpha Releases are recommended for:

  • Regular users who want to help us test by finding, reporting, and/or fixing bugs
  • Ubuntu MATE, MATE, and GTK+ developers

Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Alpha 2 Release Notes

When Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Alpha 2 is released you'll be able to access the release notes from:

Getting Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Alpha 2

When Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Alpha 2 is released you'll be able to access the downloads via:

XenialXerus/Alpha2/UbuntuMATE (last edited 2016-01-22 08:55:27 by flexiondotorg)