
  • Highvoltage (Jonathan Carter) from Edubuntu agreed to work with Xubuntu on testing as Xubuntu packages are included on Edubuntu's second CD.
  • It was decided that we need an official team to ensure proper Quality Assurance (specifically for ISOs).
  • j1mc agreed to lead the Xubuntu Quality Assurance Team
  • Jmak agreed to finalize the artwork for the upcoming artwork deadline by creating a page for each proposed "package" that will clearly portrait how Xubuntu would look under that package. He agreed to have it done for the 22nd so that we can vote on it at the next meeting.
  • It was decided to defer any big changes to documentation and focusing on making sure documentation is accurate and useful as possible in it's current state.
  • It was agreed that organizing an xubuntu doc sprint was a Good Idea (TM) and a date would be set via discussion on the mailing lists.

Xubuntu/Meetings/Archive/Minutes/2007-02-17 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:21:03 by localhost)