2011-03-03 Meeting Minutes

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Any Other Business

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2011-03-03 Meeting Log

Started logging meeting in #ubuntu-meeting

[13:02:08] <charlie-tca> If I go away, just keep going

[13:02:18] <highvoltage> good afternoon charlie-tca

[13:02:27] <charlie-tca> Welcome to the weekly Xubuntu Community Meeting

[13:02:30] <charlie-tca> Hello, highvoltage

[13:02:49] <charlie-tca> The full meeting agenda is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings

[13:02:59] <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Old business

[13:03:16] <charlie-tca> Xubuntu marketing plans

[13:03:25] <charlie-tca> any word on these yet?

[13:04:02] <charlie-tca> ochosi and knome will put together some logo designs to be discussed as the menu icon

[13:04:18] <charlie-tca> running out of time for this, aren't we, mr_pouit

[13:04:45] <charlie-tca> we need someone to update the slideshows displayed during the installation, they are badly outdated (they were made for karmic or lucid)

[13:04:56] <BillyBob> i have a small opinion to make; xubuntu is trying to fit into the same niche as ubuntu, maybe we need to find a different one?

[13:05:01] <charlie-tca> I think we can close this one, knome and ochosi got a start on it

[13:05:08] <mr_pouit> we have 3 weeks before UI freezen so it might be ok

[13:05:12] <mr_pouit> *freeze

[13:05:17] <charlie-tca> Thanks, mr_pouit

[13:05:27] <BillyBob> i could do that if u want

[13:05:34] <charlie-tca> BillyBob: that would fit better in "Any other business"

[13:05:44] <charlie-tca> do which one?

[13:05:59] <BillyBob> soz, first time

[13:06:12] <charlie-tca> marketing plans?

[13:07:07] <beardygnome> hi all, stuck at work, so I'm going to have to skip this meeting. will catch up on the minutes when they are published.

[13:07:19] <charlie-tca> Thanks for letting us know, beardygnome

[13:07:48] <charlie-tca> BillyBob: which one do you think you could help with?

[13:08:37] <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Team updates

[13:08:43] <BillyBob> charlie-tca: the slideshow, and i think my mate and i could get it onto the website too

[13:09:22] <charlie-tca> Slideshow should be about done now. I believe ochosi is going to supply some new snapshots of the greybird theme to finish it up

[13:09:49] <charlie-tca> But, by all mean, talk to knome or ochosi about it and see if they can use some help?

[13:10:01] <BillyBob> OK, have you got someone to put it on website? we could do that

[13:10:16] <beardygnome> charlie-tca: np

[13:10:38] <charlie-tca> The website is being redone in wordpress, I think that is part of the reworking.

[13:11:01] <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Packaging & Development

[13:11:06] <charlie-tca> mr_pouit: updates?

[13:11:43] <mr_pouit> Nothing much this week, it was rather calm because of the alpha freeze

[13:11:49] <mr_pouit> * Updated xubuntu-default-settings/xubuntu-meta for the changes decided last meeting.

[13:11:52] <mr_pouit> * Fixed xfce4-indicator-plugin to support changing volume on scroll events with indicator-sound.

[13:11:55] <mr_pouit> * Uploaded update-manager patch from last week (Bug #530161).

[13:11:56] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 530161 in update-manager "Restart is not supported if not using gnome session manager (affects XFCE & LXDE)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/530161

[13:12:06] <mr_pouit> That's all.

[13:12:14] <charlie-tca> Calm is good for a change

[13:12:42] <charlie-tca> I saw an indicator-sound-??? crash a few times in testing, was that the one abouve?

[13:13:15] <mr_pouit> yeah, it's this indicator in the panel

[13:13:20] <charlie-tca> Great!

[13:13:45] <charlie-tca> the other one causing concern was the update-manager crashing on first update after installing.

[13:13:55] <charlie-tca> that is being looked at by Ubuntu devs

[13:14:10] <charlie-tca> Any questions for mr_pouit ?

[13:14:42] <charlie-tca> Thank you, mr_pouit. Your work is greatly appreciated!

[13:14:54] <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Bug Triage & Testing

[13:15:13] <charlie-tca> Not much on bugs this week, but we did test the ISO images for Natty Alpha3.

[13:15:34] <charlie-tca> Testing went pretty good this time around, however, wubi is broken

[13:15:48] <charlie-tca> Any questions?

[13:16:15] <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Website & Marketing

[13:16:39] <charlie-tca> Any updates from knome or pleia2 ?

[13:17:22] <charlie-tca> hm, it is a bad day for freenode today.

[13:17:46] <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Artwork

[13:18:14] <BillyBob> are you at all interested in photographs for some desktop wallpapers?

[13:18:23] <charlie-tca> The new themes and layouts are now in alpha3. Greybird is a really neat theme!

[13:19:02] * mvo has fixed the u-m issue in bzr

[13:20:02] <charlie-tca> yes, they can be submitted, but all the wallpaper will be submitted through the community artwork project at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Specs/0007_Xubuntu_Natty_Wallpaper

[13:20:02] <BillyBob> photos?

[13:20:16] <BillyBob> right, i'll upload them then

[13:20:23] <charlie-tca> photos will be considered, as they as they meet the specs

[13:20:42] <charlie-tca> The upload site is http://www.flickr.com/groups/uawt-7/

[13:21:01] <charlie-tca> thank you, mvo

[13:21:23] <charlie-tca> any other questions on artwork?

[13:21:55] <charlie-tca> I see ochosi made it, any news on

[13:21:59] <charlie-tca> # ochosi and knome will put together some logo designs to be discussed as the menu icon

[13:22:10] <ochosi> yeah, sry, didn't make it with the menu icon

[13:22:14] <ochosi> was busy with other stuff

[13:22:18] <ochosi> xfwm4 theme is finished

[13:22:24] <ochosi> so basically the greybird theme is pretty final

[13:22:30] <charlie-tca> Okay, we got about three weeks to freeze

[13:22:38] <charlie-tca> the greybird theme is fantastic!

[13:22:50] <ochosi> so with greybird we're basically in a bugfix phase

[13:22:56] <charlie-tca> Next week we should be reviewing wallpapers

[13:22:57] <ochosi> yeah, feedback is pretty good

[13:23:02] <ochosi> mhm

[13:23:17] <ochosi> maybe discuss them a bit before the meeting even

[13:23:26] <charlie-tca> sure.

[13:23:37] <ochosi> knome and me did a new gmusicbrowser icon for xubuntu

[13:23:40] <ochosi> it's pretty nice Smile :)

[13:23:53] * ochosi digs up the link

[13:23:57] <charlie-tca> Is it the one in the alpha3?

[13:24:21] <ochosi> no, up to now it was monochrome

[13:24:22] * micahg is back

[13:24:23] <ochosi> which was problematic

[13:24:40] <ochosi> you can see it here: https://github.com/shimmerproject/gmusicbrowser/blob/master/pix/gmusicbrowser.png

[13:25:14] <ochosi> i guess that's about it from my side

[13:25:24] <charlie-tca> WoW! I like that one a lot

[13:25:32] <ochosi> (the new icon also created good feedback by the way)

[13:25:34] <ochosi> thanks Smile :)

[13:25:46] <charlie-tca> that does give a real nice idea of what the app does

[13:25:54] <ochosi> it's designed to be kinda generic, so it would give a good idea of the function

[13:25:57] <ochosi> exactly

[13:26:15] <charlie-tca> Anything for artwork?

[13:26:29] <ochosi> nope, i'm done )

[13:26:30] <charlie-tca> else, that is?

[13:26:45] <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Announcements

[13:26:55] <ochosi> sry, g2g again

[13:26:58] <charlie-tca> Natty Narwhal Alpha3 released today!

[13:27:02] <charlie-tca> Thanks, ochosi

[13:27:03] <ochosi> i'll read the log Smile :)

[13:27:05] <ochosi> np

[13:27:06] <ochosi> ->

[13:27:09] <charlie-tca> Glad for your input

[13:27:46] <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Any Other Business

[13:27:57] <micahg> did we get gmusicbrowser in the seed for alpha3

[13:28:04] <micahg> or are we waiting on the new artwork?

[13:28:16] <charlie-tca> Next meeting is on March 10, same place, 19:00 UTC

[13:28:26] <charlie-tca> micahg: as far as I know, it is there

[13:28:39] <charlie-tca> I know it was on the panel, and started with the launcher

[13:29:24] <charlie-tca> This was brought up earlier, and deserves an answer:

[13:29:25] <charlie-tca> i have a small opinion to make; xubuntu is trying to fit into the same niche as ubuntu, maybe we need to find a different one?

[13:29:57] * micahg doesn't think so

[13:30:14] <micahg> xubuntu is a lighter alternative to ubuntu, not lightest though

[13:30:14] <charlie-tca> Ubuntu with Unity and Gnome has always been aimed at the the new user coming from windows

[13:30:27] <charlie-tca> We have not aimed at the new user, intentionally.

[13:30:45] <charlie-tca> We are looking more at the user with at least some experience

[13:31:13] <BillyBob> OK, but xfce has almost the same configuration of programs (so far as i know) as GNOME, why change?

[13:31:17] <charlie-tca> And, as micahg just stated, Xubuntu is a lighter alternative

[13:31:19] <Sysi> we're hitting far from gnome3 and kde with xfce 4.8

[13:31:32] <charlie-tca> um, BillyBob, I think you should look again

[13:31:43] <charlie-tca> no open office/libreoffice

[13:31:52] <charlie-tca> no rythmbox/banshee

[13:31:59] <charlie-tca> no unity/compiz

[13:32:01] <Sysi> browser is same, shortly said

[13:32:08] <micahg> yes, and lighter default apps

[13:32:09] <BillyBob> OK, i'm just a noob i guess

[13:32:47] <micahg> I think the only default shared with Ubuntu is Firefox

[13:32:53] <BillyBob> but if there was like a killer reason to change, maybe more people would?

[13:32:56] <charlie-tca> There are many differences, even though we do use some of the gnome applications

[13:33:13] <Sysi> we could market xubuntu to old gnome users that don't like unity

[13:33:32] <Sysi> natty-time

[13:33:40] <charlie-tca> yes, that would be good, also to those experienced users who want more configurability

[13:34:04] <charlie-tca> Many things can be changed in Xubuntu that are harder to change in Ubuntu

[13:35:13] <BillyBob> maybe if we marketed with that, customisability?

[13:35:24] <BillyBob> forgive me if u do

[13:35:39] <charlie-tca> We need help with the marketing part of things

[13:36:35] <BillyBob> have you thought about removing the rat from the logo, because rats are sneaky and annoying, and pests?

[13:36:48] <maco> s/rat/mouse/

[13:37:27] <BillyBob> maco: what about a mouse?

[13:37:38] <Sysi> it's xfce's mouse

[13:38:03] <BillyBob> oh, a mouse!

[13:38:21] <charlie-tca> BillyBob: here is the start to our Marketing plans - feel free to add to it

[13:38:22] <charlie-tca> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Marketing

[13:38:34] <charlie-tca> The mouse is the Xfce logo

[13:38:47] <charlie-tca> just as the footprint is the gnome logo

[13:39:04] <BillyBob> but maybe we don't have to use it, the ubuntu logo doesn't have a foot

[13:39:52] <charlie-tca> ideas accepted

[13:40:11] <PsynoKhi0> ubuntu now has pretty much its own DE though Smile :)

[13:40:12] <charlie-tca> Please add them to the marketing page

[13:40:30] <PsynoKhi0> well... own shell rather

[13:40:35] <Unit193> It's nice to have the minimize/maximize/close buttons on the top right

[13:40:51] <charlie-tca> Yes, even though the underlying stuff is gnome, they are putting more and more of their own into Ubuntu

[13:41:07] <charlie-tca> heh, gnome3 does away with minimize and maximize buttons

[13:41:07] <BillyBob> mmm, true

[13:41:39] <charlie-tca> Xubuntu gives the user the option to use the buttons or hide them all

[13:42:01] <charlie-tca> There's that configurability again, huh?

[13:42:18] <BillyBob> before i go, perhaps a freash new icon theme, like the 'breathe' one, the xfce one looks kinda old

[13:43:11] <charlie-tca> too late for this cycle

[13:43:20] <Sysi> discuss with knome about that :P

[13:43:24] <charlie-tca> Anything else to discuss

[13:43:37] <charlie-tca> knome does not run things, he can make suggestions too

[13:43:48] <charlie-tca> the icons are there for Natty, already

[13:44:05] <charlie-tca> going....

[13:44:17] <charlie-tca> going 2.....

[13:44:26] <PsynoKhi0> then again, having the ubuntu logo

[13:44:33] <charlie-tca> Thanks for participating in this meeting!

[13:44:57] <charlie-tca> huh? what "having the ubuntu logo"?

[13:45:00] <charlie-tca> where is that?

[13:45:32] <charlie-tca> Of course, we walk a fine line, being a separate distribution but officially supported by Ubuntu

[13:45:43] <PsynoKhi0> having the ubuntu logo instead of the xfce one would brand xubuntu as a distro with stronger tie with ubuntu, instead of strong tie with xfce

[13:46:13] <charlie-tca> That would be a wrong suggestion. We really do have a strong tie with Xfce

[13:46:25] <charlie-tca> since that is the desktop environment we use.

[13:47:03] <charlie-tca> We could consider a logo that shows both, again, as we had in the past.

[13:47:19] <PsynoKhi0> was wondering where this one went Smile :)

[13:47:36] <charlie-tca> but we will not confuse the user by using the Ubuntu logo. That does designate Ubuntu, a different distribution.

[13:47:51] <PsynoKhi0> fair point

[13:48:54] <charlie-tca> Development happens in #xubuntu-devel, support happens in #xubuntu

[13:48:54] <Unit193> How about the Ubuntu logo with the mouse in the middle?

[13:49:28] <charlie-tca> um, it would be better to use a similar but different design then the Ubuntu logo.

[13:49:32] <Sysi> getting complicated for small sizes

[13:49:53] <charlie-tca> yeah, we tried to get the mouse in the wheel, it did not work well

[13:50:46] <charlie-tca> WE need one that designates lightweight, tied to ubuntu, tied to Xfce, with great configurability!

[13:50:55] <PsynoKhi0> does it really have to show the entire logo? my only gripe about natty alpha is that the menu button is really small

[13:50:58] <charlie-tca> a few designs to look at would be nice

[13:51:21] <charlie-tca> We are trying to get some new designs drawn up

[13:51:39] <charlie-tca> The fact that it is the logo does not mean it has to be tiny

[13:52:21] <PsynoKhi0> let me upload a pic real quick

[13:53:04] <charlie-tca> better to do a couple of pictures, and give us a chance to see them. We will not make a decision today, anyway.

[13:53:10] <PsynoKhi0> kk

[13:53:32] <charlie-tca> Hopefully, we will have logos to look at next week, right?

[13:54:00] <charlie-tca> PsynoKhi0 and ochosi and maybe knome will get some together for us?

[13:54:22] <PsynoKhi0> can give it a try

[13:54:30] <charlie-tca> PsynoKhi0: feel free to tell us in #xubuntu-devel any links to see a preview of it, okay?

[13:54:40] <PsynoKhi0> sure thing

[13:54:48] <charlie-tca> I would like to end this meeting, if we can?

[13:55:27] <charlie-tca> Thanks again for participating. It is great to see interest being generated!

[13:55:32] <charlie-tca> #endmeeting

Meeting ended.

Xubuntu/Meetings/Archive/Minutes/2011-03-03 (last edited 2011-03-04 18:52:01 by 71-209-55-185)