
Meeting information

Meeting summary

lightdm-gtk-greeter 1.8.5 is stuck, working on it menulibre SRU in progress LINK: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/menulibre/+bug/1323405

Team updates

The discussion about "Team updates" started at 20:06.


The discussion about "Announcements" started at 20:13.


The discussion about "Discussion" started at 20:18.

  • The mailinglist will get moderated on a per-offender basis, "two strikes and you're flagged".
  • ACTION: knome to describe the -devel ML moderation policy to Processes in the wiki

  • Trello (20:31)

    • Unit193 set up a Trello bot for interaction with the board from within IRC.
    • LINK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/StrategyDocument#Xubuntu_Team

    • Those in -team not yet on the trello access list to get account so they can be added
    • ACTION: knome to create a Trello account

    • Whoever has questions to Trello can get in touch with elfy.
  • Meeting times during the U cycle (20:46)

    • ACTION: slickymaster to announce the next meeting time ASAP

    • ACTION: knome updates the Processes page for the new meeting chair/scheduling policy

    • ACTION: knome adds a list of cycling chairs in the Meetings page

  • Route testing requirements through xubuntu-qa (20:53)

    • Talk to QA for testing requirements
    • Check Trello calendar before talking to QA

Vote results

Action items, by person

  • knome
    • knome to describe the -devel ML moderation policy to Processes in the wiki
    • knome to create a Trello account
    • knome updates the Processes page for the new meeting chair/scheduling policy
    • knome adds a list of cycling chairs in the Meetings page

Done items

  • (none)

People present (lines said)

  • ochosi (149)
  • knome (103)
  • elfy (62)
  • bluesabre (31)
  • pleia2 (13)
  • meetingology (11)
  • Unit193 (9)
  • Noskcaj_ (3)
  • ubottu (3)

Xubuntu/Meetings/Archive/Minutes/2014-05-26 (last edited 2014-05-26 21:05:17 by 93)