Meeting information
#xubuntu-devel Meeting, 15 Jul at 10:08 — 10:58 UTC
Full logs at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2014/xubuntu-devel.2014-07-15-10.08.log.html
Meeting summary
Open action items
The discussion about "Open action items" started at 10:11.
ACTION: slickymaster Add core information to FAQ
Default irc client
The discussion about "Default irc client" started at 10:15.
ACTION: elfy Inform the team on the mailinglist about potential bugs/regressions of hexchat over xchat
The discussion about "Gksu/do" started at 10:21.
LINK: https://trello.com/c/wn31wIF5/81-add-core-information-to-faq
LINK: http://pastebin.com/G2nGpEdt <- for xfce4-terminal
ACTION: ochosi to talk with folks in #ubuntu-devel about the upsides/downsides of gksu and pkexec and then inform the team
ACTION: bluesabre to set up a page on the ubuntu-wiki collecting apps that potentially need a pkexec profile and send an email to the list to get users to contribute to the list
Team updates
The discussion about "Team updates" started at 10:34.
The Marketing blueprint has been updated with plans for this cycle https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-u-marketing
- bug #1299743 is now Fix Committed status
- bluesabre now has upload rights for the xubuntu packageset
ACTION: bluesabre to review applications shipped by xubuntu to make sure they are in the xubuntu packageset (menulibre is not currently included)
ACTION: ochosi and bluesabre to work on blog posting for xubuntu.org about the resolved black screen bug (for 14.04.1)
ACTION: slickymaster to write up a draft for "things to do after a 12.04->14.04 upgrade"
xubuntu-dev PPAs are growing with an increased number of packages for trusty and utopic - https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/xubuntu-staging - https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/extras
The discussion about "Discussion" started at 10:51.
ACTION: bluesabre to investigate what packages would be pulled in for being able to use Parole's clutter backend
The discussion about "Announcements" started at 10:56.
- Xfce packages are now accepted under the MRE (micro release exceptions). Thanks Jackson!
Schedule next meeting
The discussion about "Schedule next meeting" started at 10:57.
ACTION: bluesabre is to set up the next meeting
Action items, by person
- bluesabre
- bluesabre to set up a page on the ubuntu-wiki collecting apps that potentially need a pkexec profile and send an email to the list to get users to contribute to the list
- bluesabre to review applications shipped by xubuntu to make sure they are in the xubuntu packageset (menulibre is not currently included)
- ochosi and bluesabre to work on blog posting for xubuntu.org about the resolved black screen bug (for 14.04.1)
- bluesabre to investigate what packages would be pulled in for being able to use Parole's clutter backend
- bluesabre is to set up the next meeting
- ochosi
- ochosi to talk with folks in #ubuntu-devel about the upsides/downsides of gksu and pkexec and then inform the team
- ochosi and bluesabre to work on blog posting for xubuntu.org about the resolved black screen bug (for 14.04.1)
- slickymaster Add core information to FAQ
- elfy Inform the team on the mailinglist about potential bugs/regressions of hexchat over xchat
slickymaster to write up a draft for "things to do after a 12.04->14.04 upgrade"
Done items
- (none)
People present (lines said)
- ochosi (129)
- bluesabre (62)
- slickymasterWork (42)
- pleia2 (16)
- meetingology (13)
- ubottu (2)
- xubutrello (1)
Xubuntu/Meetings/Archive/Minutes/2014-07-15 (last edited 2014-07-15 11:03:56 by ochosi)