Meeting information
#xubuntu-devel Meeting, 26 Aug at 10:05 — 11:14 UTC
Full logs at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2014/xubuntu-devel.2014-08-26-10.05.log.html
Meeting summary
gksu/do versus pkexec
The discussion about "gksu/do versus pkexec" started at 10:09.
- we now have pkexec policy files for thunar and mousepad
ACTION: slickymaster and knome will work on docs for pkexec
ACTION: bluesabre will send a call for translations for all our projects to the mailinglist
Open Action Items
The discussion about "Open Action Items" started at 10:18.
ACTION: marketing team to support xfce's bug bounty programme by informing people on website and social media
- DONE: bluesabre to put list of xubuntu packageset packages on wiki (somebody beat me to it by adding the link)
- DONE: bluesabre to upload new xubuntu-default-settings
- DONE: bluesabre to enable clutter in parole, set as default in xubuntu-default-settings
LINK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Processes#Maintained_packages
- DONE: skellat to mail list to see if anyone wishes to identify specific low-hanging fruit tasks for the Global Jam
Team Updates
The discussion about "Team Updates" started at 10:22.
- ochosi did a new release of the icon theme that adds support for the new power-manager amongst others
- new versions of catfish, lightdm-gtk-greeter, xfce4-power-manager, xfce4-settings, light-locker-settings have landed
- ochosi talked to ubuntu devs about gtk3.12 affecting our default applications like evince. they will all remain in their gtk3.10 versions for 14.10, so we have nothing to worry about with headerbars and client-side decorations
- outside of that, headerbars and CSD work well enough with xubuntu... with compositor on they are fine, with it off, they have an extra xfwm titlebar on top
- apt-offline is fixed in utopic, courtesy of Unit193
The discussion about "Announcements" started at 10:30.
- Beta1 freeze is in effect
- Beta1 release on Thursday
- Feature freeze is also in effect
- Following freezes: UI freeze Sept 11, Doc string freeze Sept 18 ...
Beta 1 is Thursday, we'll need iso testing, see elfy's mail: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2014-August/010387.html
The discussion about "Discussion" started at 10:37.
Incentives to get more people to help with QA and testing (10:38)
ACTION: elfy shall set up a page for the QA incentive programme, collecting proposals/ideas for rewards and a general outline of it
Jenkins for image testing (10:49)
Trello and launchpad blueprints (again) (10:53)
UI Updates (10:59)
- lightdm-gtk-greeter no longer supports proper centering, wondering if you guys think we should keep the "kinda-centered" layout, or consider others
Vote results
Action items, by person
- bluesabre
- bluesabre will send a call for translations for all our projects to the mailinglist
- knome
- slickymaster and knome will work on docs for pkexec
- marketing team to support xfce's bug bounty programme by informing people on website and social media
- elfy shall set up a page for the QA incentive programme, collecting proposals/ideas for rewards and a general outline of it
Done items
- (none)
People present (lines said)
- ochosi (139)
- bluesabre (65)
- knome (36)
- slickymasterWork (26)
- meetingology (12)
- skellat (8)
- xubutrello (1)
- ubottu (1)
Xubuntu/Meetings/Archive/Minutes/2014-08-26 (last edited 2014-08-26 11:23:15 by ochosi)