
The Xubuntu development team is proud to announce the immediate availability of the next version of the Xubuntu Linux operating system, version 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbon".

New features

Xfce 4.4.1

The latest version of Xfce, 4.4.1, is included in this release, featuring many bug fixes and updated translations. More information can be found here.

New theme

Xubuntu 7.10 features a new theme, MurrinaStormCloud, using the Murrine Engine so it is faster than the themes in previous releases.

Software updates

The most important software updates in Gutsy are the new Pidgin 2.2.0, which is the new name for Gaim, and the new Gimp 2.4, but also includes minor updates to other software.

Easy Firefox extension installation

Firefox extensions and plug-ins can now be installed through Add/Remove...

Screens and Graphics configuration

The new Screens and Graphics applications allows you to easily change your graphics settings and configure the use of multiple screens. Furthermore, if your Xserver happens to crash, you will be brought into a "safe graphics mode" which will allow you to reconfigure it using this application.


With ntfs-3g, it is now possible to not only read, but also write to your Windows NTFS-partitions using Xubuntu.


AppArmor adds another layer of security to Xubuntu.

Archive Manager

Instead of Xarchiver, Xubuntu Gutsy ships a new Archive Manager.

Totem Media Player

To replace Gxine as media player, Xubuntu now includes Totem using xine as backend.

Brasero disk burner

To replace the under-featured Xfburn which was no longer in development, Xubuntu now ships Brasero to burn disks.

System Monitor

To replace and complement xfce4-taskmanager, Xubuntu brings you System Monitor.

Notification of updates

When there are updates available for Xubuntu Gutsy, you will now get a notification that makes it easy to install updates.

Network Management

NetworkManager makes it easy to switch networks on the fly and is now installed by default on Xubuntu.

Character Map

Easy selection of special characters with the Character Map application.


Xubuntu includes 17 games from Gnome to fill your dull moments.

When saving or opening files, the file chooser dialogs now allow you to search for documents or view a list of recently used documents.

Get it now

Want to give the new Xubuntu a try? Visit the download page and discuss the new release on the xubuntu-users mailinglist. You can also download a torrent of the Desktop CD and a torrent of the alternate CD. If you know how to download using torrents, that is the preferred method.

These release notes are adapted from a review and are licensed under CC-BY-SA.

Xubuntu/ReleaseNotes/GutsyGibbon (last edited 2012-03-25 16:38:24 by nblzone-227-162)