Currently we have
- blue (usplash, logo)
- steel (gdm greeter)
- green (desktop background)
- tango aluminium
- brown (while gdm loads)
So unless there are other ideas these 3 colors are the porposed ones to participate in the poll. However to not only vote for an idea only we will need to have implemented (using those colors):
- logo
- usplash
- gdm greeter
- wallpaper
- Preferably being exaclty identical except the color shades themselves
- The wallpaper can have a transparent background
- It would be better to attach svg files too
- size small: 64x64 (#convert image.png -resize 64 image-small.png)
Name |
Logo |
Colors |
Wallpaper |
Gdm Greeter |
Usplash |
Current |
#55BDFF |
#0081D3 |
#154374 |
#a3C1C8 |
#99A9C0 |
#d3d7cf |
#babdb6 |
#888a85 |
#a0b7c9 |
#3a5065 |
#789abd |
xubuntu-devel: color theme poll, and decided artwork elements]
xfce images which you can use in order to create Xfce-related artwork