
Xubuntu team report for March, 2010

This has been our best month ever.

Thanks to the combined team efforts, Lucid Lynx is shaping up to be the best release ever.

Bug Triage

  • Thanks to the assistance of a Gnumeric upstream developer, many bugs were fixed or marked as fix-committed. The efforts of Andreas Guelzow (gnumeric developer) has been outstanding.
  • Bug-triage has caught up on most of the old bugs. We are in the process of forwarding upstream those bugs that should be.

Packaging, Development, & Testing

  • Testing of the Alpha3 pre-release of Lucid Lynx was completed. Several bugs were discovered and fixed. Thanks to all those that participated in testing to make Lucid a really great LTS release.
  • Alpha3 of Lucid Lynx released on February 25.
  • Beta1 of Lucid Lynx released on March 19 after extensive testing.

Artwork and marketing

  • A new branding and logo theme was announced. This is to keep Xubuntu aligned with Ubuntu's announcement of the new light branding theme. The new logo is still WIP.
  • A new website mockup was done.
  • Albatross 0.2 from Shimmer is now in Lucid.


Preparations are underway for Ubuntu Developer Summit taking place at Dolce La Hulpe Hotel and Resort in Brussels, Belgium from the 10 – 14 May 2010.


Xubuntu/TeamReports/10/March (last edited 2010-03-21 18:42:19 by nblzone-227-162)