
  • Team Meetings
  • Team Updates
    • xubuntu-core seed changes have been merged, task is installable now and the package will be installable next xubuntu-meta upload
    • Notes about testing from 6/3 meeting:
      • Very little package testing being done
      • Images currently uninstallable
    • marketing flyer completion is still pending, content is done, we just need to line up sides for printing
    • Image was uninstallable up until 6/10 - nothing has been done, no testing calls went out - normal service appears to have resumed
    • ochosi is working towards replacing light-locker-settings with settings in xfce4-power-manager. Might or might not happen for 14.10 though.
    • bluesabre is preparing to apply for upload-rights to the xubuntu package-set
    • ACTION: Team leads should try to finalize their blueprints for Utopic until the next meeting (in two weeks) so the release-team can ack them.

Xubuntu/TeamReports/14/June (last edited 2014-07-07 01:08:04 by lyz)