
  • Team Meetings
  • Team Updates
    • Xfce 4.12 has been uploaded to vivid and the xubuntu-staging PPA.
    • Unit193 set up a package tracker for the xfce projects in Debian, Ubuntu, and our PPAs

    • Gmusicbrowser 1.1.14 has been released. It now supports gstreamer1.0, we should try to get it in the staging-PPA and test it for a potential FFe for 15.04
    • We'll be updating the team/subteam descriptions on Launchpad shortly to conform to a standard layout
    • Upcoming milestone: Final Beta Freeze on Monday, Final Beta on Thursday
    • Xubuntu 12.04 EOL is next month, we should make a formal announcement

Xubuntu/TeamReports/15/March (last edited 2015-04-20 02:14:52 by lyz)