
Ubuntu GNOME 16.10 (codename "Yakkety Yak") Beta 1 is now available. The development team is proud to offer this first beta to encourage testing to ensure the final release is as good as possible.

Ubuntu GNOME 16.10 will be released October 13, 2016. The next milestone on the schedule is Beta 2. The regular release will be supported for 9 months from October 2016 until July 2017. If you need longer support, we encourage you to use Ubuntu GNOME 16.04 LTS which is supported until April 2019.

Please note that you do not have to wait for a milestone to test Ubuntu. All of our daily images from now until the release date are considered beta and should be usable with the usual warnings about pre-release software.

Getting Ubuntu GNOME 16.10 Beta 1

Download a Disk Image

Instructions for burning the image to a DVD or USB flash drive can be found on the Burning ISO Howto.

Check MD5SUM for the downloaded ISO

It is recommended to check your image file so your pre-release is as it’s supposed to be. Compare your MD5 checksum with the correct ones found alongside the images.

Beta 1 Highlights

Software Updates

Known Bugs

New since Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Also affecting Ubuntu 16.04 LTS


Development of Ubuntu GNOME Yakkety Yak (16.10) is ongoing and bugs are fixed every day. Before reporting bugs, please ensure your system is up to date and you're installing the latest build. For verifying installation related bugs, updated disk images are available from Daily bootable images for standard PCs/laptops/netbooks.

Testing Ubuntu GNOME

More Information about Testing Ubuntu GNOME is here

Contact Us

Ubuntu GNOME Official Channels are here

YakketyYak/Beta1/UbuntuGNOME (last edited 2016-08-26 01:41:49 by jbicha)