
Contact Us

Social Media Channels

General Mailing List

For Emails related to the stable releases of Ubuntu GNOME.

  • Please read this before joining to any mailing list.

  • Support, Questions, Feedback, Suggestions, etc.
  • Please do subscribe to the mailing list so the administrators of the team don't have to approve each and every email you send.

  • Ubuntu GNOME General Mailing List.

Development & QA Mailing List

ONLY for Emails related to the development releases of Ubuntu GNOME.

  • Please read this before joining to any mailing list.

  • Support, Questions, Feedback, Suggestions, Testing Reports, Bugs, etc. Whatever related to QA.
  • Please do subscribe to the mailing list so the administrators of the team don't have to approve each and every email you send.

  • Ubuntu GNOME QA Team


Slack is a team and project communication platform with so many great features. The core and active members of Ubuntu GNOME team are available on that platform. You are more than welcome to join. To do that, you first need to join the main mailing list and ask for an invite to our Slack team.

For more information about Slack, please see this YouTube video.

Specific Topics

If you have a very specific topic, please see Ubuntu GNOME Sub-Teams.

UbuntuGNOME/ContactUs (last edited 2016-11-18 00:35:20 by awjinahn)