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About Me

Greetings! I'm Joe Smith, and I've been an active member of the Ubuntu community since summer 2007. After I attended Ubuntu Live and realized how awesome the community is, I wanted to get much more involved in Ubuntu. I am a Senior at Chapman University in Orange, California, where I am studying Computer Science. I am the president of the ACM chapter at school where I have hosted dozens of events, most having an Open Source or Ubuntu theme. I am a Student Network Technician at my school's IS&T department, where I have pushed for greater adoption of Open Source and use it daily. This semester I am also an IT Dev Intern at Dreamworks Animation, where we use a huge amount of Open Source frameworks and utilities. I love Open Source, and the people involved with it, and am excited by the potential for change we all have.


Ubuntu A leader of Ubuntu California LoCo since Summer 2007 - presentations at LUGs, host meetings, plan events.

Ubuntu Attended Ubuntu Live and OSCON 2007

Ubuntu Plan and Exhibit a booth at SCaLE6x, SCaLE7x, SCaLE8x, OSCON 2009

Ubuntu Host several Release Parties and Global Jams at Chapman University, give several presentations.

Ubuntu Presentation about Conference Exhibition at Ubuntu Open Week.

Ubuntu Future Plans: Continue to improve Ubuntu California, eventually get back into development after I graduate in May 2010.


I've done a lot of work to promote Open Source at my school, and have taken full advantage of my positions as president of our Computer Science club and network technician to use it everywhere possible. At Network Operations, most of our infrastructure takes advantage of Linux and other Open Source projects; I was stoked to flash the open source DD-WRT firmware on all of our Linksys Access Points in the Fall of 2008. I've used Python and Bash to do a lot of scripting, and have used many other Open Source technologies in the line of duty.

As President of the ACM, I've given several presentations about using Linux, the command line, and other free tools, which have been well received, and instrumental in the slow conversion to Open Source. I spoke about some of the possibilities for College and Open Source at SCaLE7x, and am constantly working on new ways to make it easier for students to take advantage of the free tools available to them. I'm doing research with my advisor, creating a repository of Open Source Science projects.


I've done general bug triage for a few years now; I'm quite familiar with the bug trackers for Gnome and Mozilla, as well as Launchpad. I have a few patches here and there, but am just starting to get the time and programming chops to start doing real development work. I helped merge miro at the beginning of the Jaunty cycle, which was a very involved but enlightening experience. I think that I'm more interested in upstream work rather than packaging, and have been happily delving into Robert Love's Linux Kernel Development book the past few months.


I have been a leader of the Ubuntu California team since the summer of 2007, and have helped run several events hosted at Chapman, including our participation in the first Global Bug Jam, where I gave a Bug Triage presentation, and our Intrepid Release Party. I was also involved with our Ubuntu presentations at Cal State Long Beach, the North Orange County Computer Club, and the SGVLUG at Cal Tech. We've come a long way, and I'm really excited to continue to help spread awareness and increase participation in the LoCo.


I seem to be oddly drawn to kernel development, as well as the "people" aspect of Open Source. I find myself most often spending time helping others work together and bring out the best in themselves, as can be seen with my work with SCaLE and the ACM. I'm looking toward helping contribute more code to Ubuntu through the next year, especially since I have the majority of my classes done. I've also gotten pretty comfortable with setting up booths at conferences, so I hope to take my presentation and start working on the wiki pages, as well as put together a good "conference box" that teams can use with minor tweaks at their shows.


I grew up in Anaheim Hills, California, and didn't move too far to get to Chapman, preferring to stay close to my parents and two younger sisters. I was on the Crew team my freshman year at Chapman, and last year was a member of the Cross Country team. I was Captain of my Cross Country, Wrestling, and Track teams in High School, and my personal record for the mile was 4:59. I'm a big fan of metal, trance, and Mozart, which I'd like to think means I have varied and sophisticated taste. Although I don't play as much as I used to, I love the guitar and bass, and have a passable Van Halen-esque finger-tap.



Yasumoto (last edited 2010-03-09 08:49:05 by adsl-68-127-155-226)