Meeting Info
Meetings are held every 4th Tuesday of each month at 20:30 SAST (UTC+2) and are pretty informal. Anyone is free to join in and give comments and suggestions, its even encouraged. Please introduce yourself to the bot at the start of the meeting so he can take note of all members present as follows:
- When: 24 February 2015
Where: #ubuntu-za on Freenode.
Website: http://ubuntu-za.org/
Meeting link: irc://freenode.net/ubuntu-za
IRC Introduction: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat
- Welcoming and Introduction
Review minutes of previous meeting (meeting chair: nuvolari)
- Plans for 2015
Get more people to sign the Ubuntu Code of Conduct
Get more people to apply for Ubuntu Membership
- Get more people to Join our trello
- Events
- Miscellaneous
- Elect chairperson for next meeting
- Next meeting: 24 March 2015
Minutes ======= [18:29:06] STARTED (nuvolari) [18:29:28] TOPIC: Welcoming and Introduction (nuvolari) [18:34:17] TOPIC: Review of previous meeting (nuvolari) [18:51:45] TOPIC: Plans for 2015 (nuvolari) [19:09:13] TOPIC: Events (nuvolari) [19:18:02] AGREED: discuss near future events at March meeting (nuvolari) [19:19:15] TOPIC: Miscellaneous (nuvolari) [19:26:14] TOPIC: Elect chairperson (nuvolari) [19:30:46] AGREED: nuvolari available for chairing next meeting (nuvolari) [19:31:47] TOPIC: Next meeting (nuvolari) [19:32:01] AGREED: next meeting 24 March 2015 (nuvolari) [19:32:43] TOPIC: closing (nuvolari) [19:33:34] ENDED (nuvolari) Present ======= * Johan Mynhardt (nuvolari) * Raoul Snyman (superfly) * Wikus van Dyk (mazal) * Jacques Strydom (Jacques_Stry) * Greg Eames (magespawn) * Langjan (Langjan) * clr_ * Name Surname (Kilos) * Gustav H Meyer (inetpro) * Andrew Mac (andrewlsd) * williamk * highvoltage * Hiren Patel (magellanic) * Bradley Putzier (captine) * Padroni_ * Padroni (Padroni)
[18:29:06] <Kilos> ya now my modem is too slow [18:29:06] <nuvolari> Maaz: start meeting about Monthly IRC Meeting (February 2015) [18:29:06] * Maaz gets out his memo-pad and cracks his knuckles [18:29:21] <Kilos> Maaz I am Miles Sharpe [18:29:21] <Maaz> Kilos: Alrighty [18:29:28] <nuvolari> Maaz: topic Welcoming and Introduction [18:29:28] <Maaz> Current Topic: Welcoming and Introduction [18:29:34] <captine> nuvolari, our neighbourhood is trying to get fibre providers to come in... name is down for a trial if anything comes of it [18:29:38] <nuvolari> Maaz: I am Batman [18:29:38] <Maaz> nuvolari: Sure [18:29:41] <nuvolari> :P [18:29:46] <mazal> Maaz I am Wikus van Dyk [18:29:46] <Maaz> mazal: Yessir [18:29:47] <Jacques_Stry> Maaz: I am Jacques Strydom [18:29:47] <Maaz> Jacques_Stry: Done [18:29:49] <inetpro> Maaz: I am Gustav H Meyer [18:29:49] <Maaz> inetpro: Done [18:29:52] <magellanic> how does the meeting format work [18:30:01] <nuvolari> oh wow captine! [18:30:09] <nuvolari> that's great [18:30:17] <nuvolari> wish I could go that route :P [18:30:23] <nuvolari> Maaz: I am Johan Mynhardt [18:30:23] <Maaz> nuvolari: Yessir [18:30:24] <Kilos> just tell the bot I am Name Surname magellanic [18:30:26] <captine> could be months tho [18:30:31] <captine> so hoping and hoping [18:30:36] <nuvolari> Right! [18:30:43] <magellanic> oh does the bot keep minutes for the meeting [18:30:43] <captine> Maaz, I am Bradley Putzier [18:30:43] <Maaz> captine: Alrighty [18:30:46] <nuvolari> Welcome to tonight's meeting everyone [18:30:49] <Kilos> yes [18:30:58] <nuvolari> I hope you will have a pleasant time [18:31:11] <Kilos> ty nuvolari [18:31:13] <Padroni> Maaz, I am Padroni [18:31:13] <Maaz> Padroni: Yessir [18:31:14] <nuvolari> thank you for your time in joining us [18:31:14] <magellanic> Maaz: I'm Hiren Patel [18:31:14] <Maaz> magellanic: Huh? [18:31:27] <nuvolari> Maaz: *I am [18:31:27] <Maaz> nuvolari: Huh? [18:31:29] <magellanic> Maaz: I am Hiren Patel [18:31:29] <Maaz> magellanic: Done [18:31:30] <nuvolari> er [18:31:45] <inetpro> nuvolari: from the event on G+ we have the following indication from those who were invited [18:31:46] <inetpro> 11 Going, 7 Maybe, 51 Not Responded and 5 Not Going [18:32:01] <nuvolari> wow [18:32:17] <inetpro> eish and [18:32:17] * inetpro is one of the 7 Maybe guys [18:32:17] <Kilos> ai! maybe is a bad word [18:32:17] <nuvolari> are we all 11 present? [18:32:24] <Padroni> I think Ops should kick all idlers [18:32:31] <Padroni> and have those present rejoin [18:32:38] <Kilos> lol [18:32:39] <Padroni> so we know who is actually here and paying attention [18:32:41] <nuvolari> nah [18:32:47] <nuvolari> we're ok with idlers [18:33:13] <andrewlsd> Maaz I am Andrew Mac [18:33:13] <Maaz> andrewlsd: Alrighty [18:33:40] * nuvolari fumes @ MTN [18:33:58] * andrewlsd pokes Padroni [18:34:05] <magellanic> don't complain, I'm on iburst :p [18:34:10] <magellanic> andrewlsd: :) [18:34:16] <Jacques_Stry> ouch >.< [18:34:17] <nuvolari> Maaz: topic Review of previous meeting [18:34:17] <Maaz> Current Topic: Review of previous meeting [18:34:23] <Padroni> me responds with a low orbit ion cannon [18:34:28] <Padroni> eish [18:34:31] [18:34:32] <Padroni> for got the /me [18:34:33] <nuvolari> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/20150127 [18:34:37] <nuvolari> ^^ for reference [18:34:40] <Kilos> wb clr [18:34:54] <clr_> sorry hotel wifi not good, got kicked [18:35:01] <Kilos> inet record equalled [18:35:13] <inetpro> Kilos: cool [18:35:26] <nuvolari> ok, reviewing previous meeting [18:35:26] * andrewlsd applauds the great attendance numbers [18:35:38] <inetpro> hmm... in my mail of earlier I forgot about our new pastebin [18:35:44] <nuvolari> shout when anyone wants to bring up something from last meeting [18:35:44] <inetpro> new pastebin for sharing sticky notes written by superfly http://bin.snyman.info/ [18:35:50] <inetpro> even linked in our topic above [18:36:33] <superfly> Maaz: I am Raoul Snyman [18:36:33] <Maaz> superfly: Sure [18:36:38] <Padroni> just FYI : http://paste.ubuntu.com [18:36:40] <Kilos> thanks inetpro for all the hard work [18:36:45] <inetpro> for those who haven't read my message see: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-za/2015-February/011583.html [18:36:51] <inetpro> Kilos: your fault [18:37:00] <Kilos> what? [18:37:22] <nuvolari> smart! [18:37:26] <nuvolari> thanks superfly [18:37:27] * inetpro is scared of the sjambok [18:37:29] <Kilos> you did it man just needed some motivation [18:37:31] * Padroni would like to thank Kilos, as he got that f%%$&@^@%!cking Kali install sorted. [18:37:53] <Kilos> good Padroni [18:38:15] <magellanic> what is the apt-offline note from the last meet link, curious [18:38:45] <magellanic> apologies for delay, lagged on this connection [18:38:45] <nuvolari> hmm, somehow that did not show up in my inbox inetpro [18:38:51] <Kilos> for updatings peeps without internet [18:39:04] <nuvolari> er... wait [18:39:09] <Kilos> there is another tool for investigation too in trello [18:39:11] <inetpro> magellanic: https://trello.com/c/d0bjP0mr/36-investigate-use-of-apt-offline [18:39:19] <nuvolari> I didn't read my mail yet [18:39:25] <Kilos> lol [18:39:25] <magellanic> oh [18:40:52] <captine> nuvolari, I find a lot of the mailing list mails end up in my gmail spam... I miss a bunch. [18:40:52] <Kilos> https://trello.com/c/812qOZjT/46-investigate-http-www-ubuntugeek-com-camicri-cube-a-tool-for-offlineonline-package-management-html [18:41:19] <Kilos> magellanic ^^ [18:41:25] <magellanic> are there many here needing an offline package management tool though? [18:41:31] <Kilos> anyone with time can check it out [18:41:34] <magellanic> nice idea [18:41:44] * inetpro officially congratulates Kilos and superfly for becoming official members since our last meeting [18:41:53] <captine> congrats... [18:41:58] * Kilos bows [18:42:00] <Padroni> well done [18:42:04] <nuvolari> wow, thanks inetpro, quite a lenghty mail... [18:42:08] <magellanic> congrats Kilos , superfly [18:42:30] <captine> magellanic, I run apt-cacher-ng... was doing apt-mirror but going with cacher rather.. [18:42:41] <nuvolari> yeah, congrats Kilos and superfly, it's well deserved! [18:42:48] <andrewlsd> @inetpro, I prefer aptoncd to apt-offline. methinks aptoncd is simpler.better... [18:42:53] <magespawn> Maaz: I am Greg Eames [18:42:53] <Maaz> magespawn: Done [18:42:57] <nuvolari> thank you for everything you're doing for us! [18:43:10] <Kilos> aptoncd didnt work here with 14.04 [18:43:17] <inetpro> andrewlsd: does aptoncd still work? [18:43:20] [18:43:25] <Kilos> i used to use it [18:43:29] <andrewlsd> inetpro. yes. [18:43:31] <Kilos> hi Langjan [18:43:43] <Langjan> Hi kilos [18:44:09] <Padroni> is this meeting gonna start ? [18:44:20] <Kilos> Langjan login with the bot please [18:44:20] <Padroni> I am missing out on time with the family [18:44:38] <Kilos> Maaz I am Name Surname [18:44:38] <Maaz> Kilos: Yessir [18:44:44] [18:44:49] <Jacques_Stry> New inet record [18:45:04] <inetpro> nuvolari: ?? [18:45:09] <inetpro> waar is jy meneer? [18:45:39] <Kilos> hi williamk welcome to ubuntu-za [18:45:53] <Langjan> wot bot? [18:46:01] <Kilos> Maaz [18:46:18] <Kilos> tell him maaz I am Name Surname [18:46:44] * inetpro looking under the table for our chairman [18:46:56] <Kilos> lol b lame mtn [18:46:56] <inetpro> he fell off the chair? [18:46:59] <williamk> Hi Kilos [18:47:12] <Kilos> nice to see you here williamk [18:47:19] <Kilos> ty for coming [18:47:32] * nuvolari tries to update member info [18:47:44] <inetpro> ai! [18:48:00] <nuvolari> ! [18:48:12] <williamk> Hi , I am William Kinghorn, this is my first time, so will observe at first [18:48:12] <inetpro> has everyone gone through the Agenda? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/20150224 [18:48:15] <nuvolari> williamk: welcome [18:48:17] <Kilos> w0000t new record [18:48:23] <nuvolari> nice to see you here :D [18:48:39] * nuvolari misses the Durban people [18:49:11] <nuvolari> :( ubuntu wiki is *not* for editing tables [18:49:19] <magellanic> inetpro: looked through it earlier yes [18:49:23] <Langjan> Hi, I'm Jan Greeff, Kilos' grandpa [18:49:34] <Kilos> nuvolari meeting first [18:49:38] <Kilos> I am Langjan [18:49:47] <Kilos> and maaz in front [18:50:23] * inetpro lol @ Langjan [18:50:29] <Langjan> I am Langjan [18:50:36] <inetpro> nuvolari: topic please [18:50:45] <andrewlsd> toe pick? [18:50:49] <Kilos> now just put maaz in front of that [18:51:15] <Padroni> Maas, I am Padroni [18:51:26] <captine> inetpro, been through the agenda briefly [18:51:30] <captine> yes [18:51:45] <nuvolari> Maaz: topic Plans for 2015 [18:51:45] <Maaz> Current Topic: Plans for 2015 [18:51:53] <Langjan> Is Maaz the Chair? [18:52:00] <Jacques_Stry> Bot [18:52:03] <Kilos> no maaz is the bot [18:52:08] <mazal> secretary [18:52:13] <Langjan> whats the bot? [18:52:15] <Kilos> nuvolari is the chair [18:52:36] <Kilos> robot that keeps minutes of meetings [18:52:37] <Jacques_Stry> Keeps minutes, attendance, topic etc. [18:52:40] <inetpro> ok, who hasn't signed up on Launchpad yet? [18:52:43] <Langjan> OK, hi Maaz, I'm Langjan [18:52:59] <Kilos> I am Langjan [18:53:08] <Kilos> and start with maaz [18:53:09] <mazal> inetpro, the launchpad za team ? [18:53:22] <clr_> I might have long time ago [18:53:24] <Langjan> maaz I am Langjan [18:53:24] <Maaz> Langjan: Sure [18:53:50] <clr_> do you need to affiliate yourself with ubuntu-za there? [18:53:57] <inetpro> please sign the Code of Conduct as well, if you haven't [18:53:58] <inetpro> https://launchpad.net/codeofconduct [18:54:23] <nuvolari> The UCOC is quite important IMO [18:54:31] <nuvolari> people might think it's overkill [18:54:54] <nuvolari> but it shows that you take to heart that it's necessary to treat others well [18:54:58] <nuvolari> even in the tech world [18:55:15] <Kilos> inetpro answer clr please [18:55:18] [18:55:33] <inetpro> clr_: no [18:55:49] <Padroni_> i need more beer [18:55:51] <inetpro> we're just a local community [18:56:30] <Kilos> the local community [18:56:31] <highvoltage> o/ [18:56:39] <clr_> I need A beer [18:56:41] <inetpro> wb highvoltage [18:56:41] <Kilos> lo highvoltage [18:56:45] <magellanic> what's the aim of the local community though, support each other, outreach? tech help? or? [18:56:49] <magellanic> heya highvoltage [18:57:01] <nuvolari> you can always join https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-za if you want to clr_ [18:57:08] <nuvolari> oh hi highvoltage! [18:57:12] <Kilos> everything [18:57:30] <nuvolari> magellanic: yup, we try to be helpful where we can [18:57:35] <Kilos> we all pull together [18:57:36] <inetpro> magellanic: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoFAQ [18:57:42] <nuvolari> like oom kilos and others are active during the day [18:58:11] <magellanic> okay cool [18:58:45] <mazal> inetpro, we needs a link to that launchpad group on web site I think [18:59:02] * Jacques_Stry thinks that's a good idea [18:59:07] <Kilos> mazal keep notes [18:59:13] <mazal> There's no link to it that I could see , so new people might not even know about it [18:59:16] <inetpro> mazal: you mean to the FAQ? [18:59:32] <Padroni_> I need to speak to my broker tomorrow. Apparently, my iPad up and died tonight [18:59:39] <mazal> inetpro, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-za [18:59:41] <Kilos> ai! [19:00:24] <captine> I can try add it to the loco sites dropdown? [19:00:35] <Kilos> haha multitasking chair [19:00:53] <Langjan> inetpro that process to sign the code of conduct is way over my head, why do you computer junkies get so complicated? [19:01:08] <mazal> captine, that be good. [19:01:32] <inetpro> hmm... Langjan, no need to do it all now [19:01:40] <Kilos> i needed help as well Langjan but from here its easier [19:01:44] <mazal> Otherwise people won't know about that group [19:01:45] <Jacques_Stry> captine: do you need someone to make an icon for that? [19:01:50] <nuvolari> is'nt that what a chair does oom Kilos ? [19:01:52] <nuvolari> *isn't [19:02:13] <Langjan> and what on earth is UCOC - sounds like someting smelly in Afrikaans [19:02:19] <Kilos> nono chair chairs meeting and updates stuff when at work [19:02:26] <Kilos> lol [19:02:29] <inetpro> I suggest you get it done though, I would say there is a bit of method in the madness [19:02:29] <inetpro> if you really plan to get involved, that is [19:02:35] <captine> Jacques_Stry, i didnt even realize there were icons in that menu :). should look at detail before volunteering :) [19:02:38] <Kilos> ubuntu code of conduct [19:03:11] * mazal will try and do the signing procedure from tomorrow [19:03:23] <captine> icon would be great Jacques_Stry. I am not sure how to make one inline with the theme [19:03:24] <Jacques_Stry> captine: I got some experience in photoshop, gimp and inkscape so can help with that [19:03:43] <Kilos> cool [19:03:47] <nuvolari> ok, fair enough, I see there is no reference to UCOC any longer. There used to be :) [19:03:48] <superfly> Jacques_Stry: it uses Font Awesome - fontawesome.io [19:03:53] <nuvolari> http://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/conduct [19:04:20] <inetpro> nuvolari: perhaps we should set up new guidelines for new members? [19:04:23] <superfly> meh. thought I fixed that orange shadow [19:04:47] <inetpro> superfly: I noticed your branch [19:05:04] <Kilos> tutorial on signing the ucoc [19:05:26] <inetpro> superfly: oh and we're also still waiting for new merged stuff to go live as well [19:05:40] <Kilos> thanks superfly and helpers for our great site [19:06:00] <superfly> inetpro: ah, OK. add a story to Trello and assign it to me, please [19:06:16] <superfly> then I know to do it [19:06:24] <inetpro> superfly: will do [19:06:26] <Langjan> nuvolari, thks I saw code of conduct but no way to sign it [19:06:36] <superfly> I gotta go folks, see you all tomorrow [19:06:51] <Kilos> cheers superfly ty for popping in [19:06:52] <inetpro> superfly: thanks for popping in, good night [19:07:02] <captine> cheers superfly [19:07:04] <inetpro> snap [19:07:10] <Kilos> lol [19:07:17] <Jacques_Stry> cheers [19:07:19] <Kilos> we are starting to sync [19:07:36] <nuvolari> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct [19:07:47] <nuvolari> Langjan: yeah, it's a bit of a process [19:07:54] <Jacques_Stry> superfly: Will check for a compatible icon on fontawesome.io [19:07:56] <nuvolari> cheers superfly [19:08:07] <nuvolari> my word! time flies [19:08:18] <inetpro> +1 [19:08:37] <nuvolari> discuss trello or advance to events? [19:09:05] <inetpro> nuvolari: events, I'd say [19:09:09] <nuvolari> ok [19:09:13] <nuvolari> Maaz: topic Events [19:09:13] <Maaz> Current Topic: Events [19:09:39] * inetpro started a card about events [19:09:40] <inetpro> https://trello.com/c/LfcSgYU2/29-arrange-events [19:09:57] <Kilos> sjoe [19:10:11] <nuvolari> +1 [19:10:14] <nuvolari> thanks inetpro [19:10:21] <inetpro> could perhaps expand that a bit more to help us further [19:10:44] <inetpro> then capture it on the wiki [19:11:24] <inetpro> anyone know of any upcoming events? [19:11:42] <inetpro> or plan to host an event even? [19:12:05] <captine> nope. sorry. think we missed the global jam earlier this month [19:12:54] * andrewlsd wishes for an ubuntu phone launch for ZA [19:13:40] <inetpro> +1 [19:13:43] <andrewlsd> ... also not ubuntu, but open-source and open-net... there will be some FirefoxOS events in the near future.. [19:13:51] <Langjan> nuvolari, I got lost in a maze of unavailable keys, sorry, too complicated. I think I'll just pass this one, you guys are so capable you don't need the old guys [19:14:07] <Kilos> can all za members please fill in your info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Members [19:14:32] <Langjan> OK guys, I'll leave you to it [19:14:36] <magellanic> andrewlsd: +1 [19:14:39] <Kilos> of course we do Langjan lets do it tomorrow or sometime [19:14:40] <nuvolari> get a text editor ready, the web one is difficult [19:14:41] * inetpro hoping to see ubuntu-za raise to the challenge and have Ubuntu banners, CD's and other goodies at events [19:15:26] <inetpro> s/raise/rise/ [19:15:33] <magellanic> inetpro: we used to dish out ubuntu disks at the mall on SFD when I was jhb, back in the day :D [19:15:41] <Langjan> ok kilos well chat again, enjoy your chin wag and hope you get done what you set out to do [19:15:55] <inetpro> Langjan: thanks for coming to the meeting [19:15:59] <Kilos> ty Langjan keep well [19:16:38] <Langjan> Thanks guys, good chatting to you, keep well you too thks kilos [19:16:39] <nuvolari> Hmm, can we discuss events next meeting? [19:16:55] <inetpro> sure [19:16:55] <nuvolari> 15.04 is coming up in 2 months [19:17:13] <Padroni_> I have it on good authority [19:17:19] <nuvolari> Maaz: agreed: discuss near future events at March meeting [19:17:19] <Maaz> nuvolari: Excuse me? [19:17:26] <Padroni_> That Ubuntu is going commercial [19:17:33] <nuvolari> Maaz: agree discuss near future events at March meeting [19:17:33] <Maaz> nuvolari: What? [19:17:40] <Kilos> lol [19:17:40] <nuvolari> Maaz: agree: discuss near future events at March meeting [19:17:40] <Maaz> nuvolari: *blink* [19:17:46] <nuvolari> :'( [19:17:53] <Kilos> agreed [19:17:55] <Padroni_> I am not gonna elaborate at this point. but you heard it here first [19:18:01] <inetpro> nuvolari: s/agree:/agree/ [19:18:02] <nuvolari> Maaz: agreed discuss near future events at March meeting [19:18:02] <Maaz> Agreed: discuss near future events at March meeting [19:18:11] <inetpro> ah [19:18:24] <Kilos> Padroni_ what? [19:18:24] <nuvolari> ah [19:18:33] <nuvolari> thanks inetpro [19:18:39] <nuvolari> lagging :( [19:19:14] <Kilos> oh [19:19:15] <nuvolari> Maaz: topic Miscellaneous [19:19:15] <Maaz> Current Topic: Miscellaneous [19:19:16] [19:19:25] <nuvolari> Anything random? [19:19:51] <nuvolari> I think trello should come under Miscellaneous [19:19:55] <nuvolari> it's a workhorse [19:19:59] <nuvolari> :P [19:20:09] <Kilos> ya works me to death [19:20:30] * inetpro can get used to this [19:20:34] <inetpro> to it [19:20:44] <Kilos> lol [19:20:45] <inetpro> very flexible [19:20:57] <magellanic> I've resisted Kilos' trello trap :p [19:21:15] <Kilos> skelm [19:21:19] <nuvolari> lol [19:21:33] <nuvolari> I wish we could use it :( [19:21:35] <nuvolari> at work [19:21:48] <Kilos> its so you can see what others are doing man [19:21:51] <inetpro> only thing I would like to see is a way to copy and paste cards in a list to an email or to a text file [19:22:02] <magellanic> lol [19:22:20] <magellanic> it is quite cool, and I've heard good things about the mobile app [19:22:43] * mazal gtg [19:22:57] <mazal> Sleep well everyone , God bless [19:23:09] <inetpro> magellanic: yep, I also enjoy the mobile app [19:23:11] <nuvolari> o/ [19:23:12] <magellanic> cheers mazal [19:23:13] <Kilos> night mazal [19:23:15] <inetpro> mazal: good night [19:23:58] <nuvolari> it helps with visibility [19:24:02] <nuvolari> I'm impressed [19:24:17] <nuvolari> and ashamed of how little I get around to help :( [19:24:29] <andrewlsd> ... we use trello @work. :-) [19:24:33] <magellanic> hehe [19:24:39] * Kilos looks for the sjambok [19:24:49] <nuvolari> Thank you again evryone involved with keeping the clockwork dustfree [19:25:03] <nuvolari> nee. [19:25:06] <nuvolari> oom. nee [19:25:12] <nuvolari> oom Kilos, nee! [19:25:15] <Kilos> hmm... [19:25:19] <inetpro> lol [19:25:31] * nuvolari gil soos 'n vark [19:25:48] <captine> cool. thanks all. might head to bed soon. [19:25:57] * inetpro hears the clock ticking away in the background [19:26:01] <Kilos> ty for coming captine [19:26:02] <nuvolari> ok, lets wrap this up [19:26:05] <Kilos> sleep tight [19:26:14] <nuvolari> Maaz: topic Elect chairperson [19:26:14] <Maaz> Current Topic: Elect chairperson [19:26:20] * nuvolari is available [19:26:23] <nuvolari> I think [19:26:26] <nuvolari> :P [19:26:27] <Kilos> see williamk we are a bunch of nutcases [19:26:28] <captine> ah. thought meeting was done... will stick round till finished [19:26:30] <nuvolari> I don't plan that far ahead [19:26:45] <nuvolari> I think he went to bed oom Kilos :P [19:26:46] <Kilos> nuvolari +1 [19:26:49] <inetpro> anyone else want to try the hot chair? [19:27:08] * andrewlsd hides away behind stuff [19:27:08] <inetpro> maybe even in coming months? [19:27:08] * nuvolari is willing to share the chair [19:27:28] <nuvolari> just to give it a go [19:27:29] <Kilos> nuvolari has a lifetime job [19:27:37] <williamk> nutcases are what makes the world ( Ubuntu ) go arround [19:27:46] <nuvolari> you really only need to pitch up and look like you're busy [19:27:57] <inetpro> hmm... [19:28:01] <nuvolari> :P [19:28:05] * inetpro forgot to mention something [19:28:05] <captine> nuvolari, i am happy to try in a couple months... just waiting for my daughter to decide to enter the world.. so not going to have much time in the coming months [19:28:27] <nuvolari> congrats captine :D [19:28:30] <andrewlsd> Captine is not going to have much sleep either [19:28:35] <nuvolari> when is she due? [19:28:37] <Kilos> captine keep us informed all the way hey [19:28:39] * inetpro wants to thank Kilos for the efforts in reaching out to the African teams [19:28:52] <andrewlsd> Captine: www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF_nfazQaek [19:29:01] <inetpro> still an ongoing project but I think it's well worth it already [19:29:08] <magellanic> I vote for andrewlsd :P [19:29:13] <Kilos> ty inetpro [19:29:27] * Padroni lurks [19:29:34] <andrewlsd> +1 Kilos [19:29:47] <magellanic> yeah africa doing so well with ubuntu/open source stuff these days [19:29:51] <magellanic> impressive [19:30:30] <nuvolari> ok, [19:30:43] <captine> tomorrow [19:30:46] <nuvolari> Maaz: agreed nuvolari available for chairing next meeting [19:30:46] <Maaz> Agreed: nuvolari available for chairing next meeting [19:30:46] <inetpro> ok, so next meeting to be nuvolari again? [19:30:53] <inetpro> cool! [19:30:56] <Kilos> +1 [19:30:58] <andrewlsd> yay [19:31:02] <inetpro> thanks nuvolari [19:31:11] <andrewlsd> +1 nuvolari [19:31:12] <Kilos> dankie baie seun [19:31:16] <nuvolari> cool :) you're welcome [19:31:35] <nuvolari> sweet! [19:31:40] <nuvolari> guess the next meeting date? [19:31:47] <nuvolari> Maaz: topic Next meeting [19:31:47] <Maaz> Current Topic: Next meeting [19:31:51] * Jacques_Stry updated on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Members [19:31:52] <andrewlsd> 25 Feb? [19:32:01] <Kilos> lol [19:32:01] <nuvolari> Maaz: agreed next meeting 24 March 2015 [19:32:01] <Maaz> Agreed: next meeting 24 March 2015 [19:32:27] <andrewlsd> what counts as being a member of ZATeam? [19:32:33] <andrewlsd> or, what are requirements... [19:32:36] <nuvolari> that's a wrap [19:32:43] <nuvolari> Maaz: topic closing [19:32:43] <Maaz> Current Topic: closing [19:32:46] <inetpro> \o/ [19:32:46] * inetpro thanks everyone for attending [19:32:48] <Kilos> inetpro tell him please [19:32:50] <nuvolari> Thanks for coming everyone [19:32:50] * Jacques_Stry hopes he didn't make a mistake in adding himself... [19:32:57] <andrewlsd> Thanks nuvolari [19:32:58] <nuvolari> we appreciate your time [19:32:59] <magellanic> was a pleasure :D [19:33:09] <Jacques_Stry> Thanks all [19:33:13] <inetpro> andrewlsd: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership [19:33:14] * andrewlsd knows nothing .... [19:33:15] <Kilos> andrewlsd just being here [19:33:15] <Padroni> pleasure [19:33:21] <nuvolari> Looking forward to the next meeting! [19:33:28] <nuvolari> see you on the flipside [19:33:32] <andrewlsd> I saw the Membership stuff, not sure how that related to ZA loco membership [19:33:34] <nuvolari> Maaz: end meeting
ZATeam/Meetings/20150224 (last edited 2015-02-27 08:33:12 by inetpro)