As start of 2010, I decided to do something meaningful and special in my life, make any kind of contribution to the community (aka, Ubuntu community).
I am trying hard to start up a Ubuntu LoCo Team and the Ubuntu community in Hong Kong. If you are interested, please contact me or active join the any LoCo Team events and/or help others using Ubuntu Linux in any media available.
At initial, web forum will be the main media channel for sharing among the community. IRC, mailing list, launchpad etc... would be set up if necessary.
About Me
Email: abgalphabet@consultfurther.com
Blog: http://abgalphabet.blogspot.com/
Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~abgalphabet
IRC Nickname: abgalphabet
Location: Hong Kong
abgalphabet (last edited 2010-02-19 09:28:39 by n11648171129)