
Revision 16 as of 2008-02-23 07:30:32

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Andrew Morris

About Me

Hmmm.... basically i am interested in computers, HTML, CSS, basketball and table tennis. (Learning/going to learn python) Linux user since around mid 2005, ubuntu since September 2006. I started on and off, with OSs such as Xandros and Mandriva, then i found ubuntu in 2006 Big Grin :) I now currently use Gentoo, with ubuntu still in a VM. I have been using gentoo for almost a year now.... it is quite temperamental, dependencies have just been made for xorg, on mesa, and now xorg doesnt work properly, the nvidia driver cant find the device, so im stuck with nv, and no composite.... so maybe arch is the way to go for the time being, unless i just re-install gentoo.... although that is a huge pain.

Contact Details

Short Facts

Age: 17 D.O.B: 23 July 1990 location: Australia

My contributions

I am on IRC mostly giving help on weekends but appear at other times also.