
Revision 26 as of 2008-07-03 10:55:18

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Andrew Morris

About Me

Hmmm.... basically i am interested in computers, HTML, CSS, basketball and table tennis. (Learning/going to learn python) Linux user since around mid 2005, ubuntu since September 2006. I started on and off, with OSs such as Xandros and Mandriva, then i found ubuntu in 2006 Big Grin :) I now currently use Gentoo, with ubuntu still in a VM. I then switched to arch... needless to say, im back on gentoo again :P

Contact Details

  • Email: ajmorris@netspace.net.au

  • MSN: ajmorris@netspace.net.au

  • Skype: ajmorris_

  • IRC: irc.freenode.net: ajmorris irc.foreverchat.net: Dishmop

  • PGP Key ID: 0x08e26374 (08E26374) -- Depricated unless i can dig up my private key

  • PGP Key ID: 1F02BB13

Short Facts

Age: 17

D.O.B: 23 July 1990

location: Australia

My contributions

I am on IRC mostly giving help on weekends but appear at other times also.

I am active on the UbuntuForums

Launchpad Teams