
Revision 33 as of 2008-07-04 03:29:16

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Andrew Morris

Contact Details Cont.

http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:PXAfLx7zB4w6IM:http://www.adiumxtras.com/images/thumbs/msn_to_adium_log_converter_6_4770_2390_thumb.png||MSN: ajmorris@netspace.net.au

http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:aazuZAHUC_eM6M:http://www.papiermache.co.uk/images/media/yahoo_15july_2002_i.jpg||Yahoo: ajmorris1041

http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:Nun-T1hcPt6vJM:http://www.adiumxtras.com/images/thumbs/andium_aim_dock_icons_1238_thumb.png||AIM: ajmorris6

http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:2aqqSYwHbfqTHM:http://www.my-holiday-in-brittany.co.uk/page_elements/skype.png||Skype: ajmorris_ -- you probably wont catch me here, i dont use it often.

http://www.aakretech.no/images/key.png||OpenPGP key: [http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=0xCEF39B37C6B0260BBC1AC7AD15DFC63F08E26374&op=index 08E26374] (NOTE: depricated unless i can find my private key)

http://www.aakretech.no/images/key.png||OpenPGP key: [http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=0xA0EB9C93F8E8072C30195FE8A54F8AAE1F02BB13&op=index 1F02BB13]


About Me

Well basically i am interested in linux, computers, HTML, CSS, Python, PHP, basketball and table tennis. Linux user since late 2006 (Ubuntu). I am currently in my last year of high school, and next year i plan to go to university, to do a degree of Mechatronics Engineering.

Short Facts

Age: 17

D.O.B: 23 July 1990

location: Australia

OSs that I have used/tried

I don't know why, but i just felt like listing the OSs i have tried.

  • Windows ME
  • Windows 98
  • Windows XP
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 7 (Vienna)

Ubuntu Ubuntu - Dapper, Feisty, Hardy, Intrepid (Still use intrepid to date)

  • Gentoo - 2007.0, 2007.1, 2008.0(beta) (still use 2008.0 to date)
  • Fedora Core - 7, 8, 9 (still use 9 to date)
  • Arch - 2008.03, 2008.06 (still use 2008.06 to date)
  • CentOS - Server edition (still use to date)
  • Open Suse
  • OzOs

  • Wolvix
  • PuppyLinux

  • DSL
  • OS/X
  • Mint
  • Red Hat
  • Slackware

My contributions

I am on IRC mostly giving help on weekends but appear at other times also.

I am active on the UbuntuForums

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