
This document describes the policy for updating the amazon-ec2-net-utils package to new upstream versions in a stable, supported distro (including LTS releases). This is an exception to the standard SRU process.

amazon-ec2-net-utils is provided by Amazon for installation within guests that run on Amazon Web Services Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). The package consists of scripts to configure the networking in the guest to work with multiple Elastic Network Interfaces (ENI).

Cloud platforms evolve at a rate that can't be handled in six-month increments, and they will often develop features that they would like to be available to customers who don't want to upgrade from earlier Ubuntu releases. As such, updating amazon-ec2-net-utils releases is required within all Ubuntu releases, so they continue to function properly in their environment.

New versions of amazon-ec2-net-utils can be SRU'd in to older releases provided the following process is followed.

QA Process

When a new version of amazon-ec2-net-utils is uploaded to -proposed, the following will be done:

List of known regressions to test for:

  • No known regressions at this time

If all the testing indicates that the image containing the new package is acceptable, verification will be considered to be done and the the package can be released from -proposed.

Requesting the SRU

The SRU should be done with a single process bug for this stable release exception, instead of individual bug reports for individual bug fixes. However, individual bugs may be referenced in the changelog but each of those bugs will need to independently verified and commented on for the SRU to be considered complete.

SRU Template

== Begin SRU Template ==
This release contains both bug-fixes and new features and we would like to
make sure all of our supported customers have access to these improvements.
The notable ones are:

   * <TODO: list any LP: # included>

See the changelog entry below for a full list of changes and bugs.

[Test Case]
The following development and SRU process was followed:

The Canonical Public Cloud team will execute their testsuite to check for any regressions.

The CPC team will be in charge of attaching a summary of testing to the bug.  CPC team members will not
mark ‘verification-done’ until this has happened.

== End SRU Template ==

amazon-ec2-net-utils-Updates (last edited 2023-10-23 16:26:21 by mitchdz)