
Revision 13 as of 2013-09-15 18:26:16

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Contact Information Name

Svetlana Belkin Location

Ohio, USA

belkinsa Ubuntu Forums Profile

Mechafish (old account)

belkinsa on


About Me

I started to use Ubuntu in 2009, but I started to be a part of the Ubuntu Community in July 2013. Well, more active then I was back when I started. When I started, I mainly tried to answer questions and to police Ask Ubuntu- mainly adding missing tags to questions. Around ealry 2010, life started to eat me and I stopped being a active person of the Ubuntu Community.

Around early 2013, I started to get back into the Ubuntu Community because I started to work on ideas for new programs. I knew that I might get a lead on Ubuntu-Women, since I'm a woman and it's a smaller part of the Ubuntu Community. In July 2013, I joined the mailing-list and quickly discovered that I wasn't the only one that had a hard time finding a team to be part of or how get involved. This started my work on updating the Ubuntu-Women wiki.

Member of

Ubuntu Ubuntu Women

Ubuntu OhioTeam

Ubuntu DocumentationTeam


Current Work

Ubuntu Women: Work on Get Involved with Ubuntu! since it needs work on to get more people out there to be involved with Ubuntu.

DocumentationTeam- General edits

Past Work


Future Goals

Most likely, I will be working with Ubuntu-Women to work on getting the Wiki up-date. Also, I may find another project/team to work in/with.


Note: This section is for people who aren't Ubuntu members to cheer or comments that aren't testimonials from existing members.


Note: This section is for existing Ubuntu members to leave testimonials. People who aren't Ubuntu members can leave a comment above in favor of the application.

If you know me and have something nice to say, please leave a comment here.