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Hi, my name is Benjamin Kerensa and I'm a blogger and wordpress developer who lives in the Pacific Northwest, in the Great State of Oregon.
I have been using Ubuntu since 2009 and Linux since roughly 2000 and Ubuntu has changed my outlook on FOSS because in the past community was not really apart of my using FOSS and now that I have found community I desire to give back.
Since becoming aware of Ben via the Internet he has become one of a few Ubuntu "celebrities" that seem to bring a passion and energy to Ubuntu that few people can rival. I (and a whole host of others) follow him for a wealth of information, opinions and all around awesomeness to do with all thinks Ubuntu and the fact that he isn't an Ubuntu Member surprises me. Ben, all the best with your application, keep up the spirit and hard work... it is inspiring! nlsthzn 2011-10-17 22:07:10
Ben has been a (if not the) driving force behind Ubuntu Oregon. He's been putting many hours toward getting our team official status, he was at our booth at OSCON all week, talking to people about Ubuntu and rounding up support for the local team. His constantly positive attitude is great to have around. -- thefinn93 2011-10-17 17:01:39
I met Ben at OSCON when we staffed the Ubuntu booth together this year. I was inspired by his energy and willingness to ask for and leverage resources for Oregon LoCo. I look forward to working with him on joint projects (Oregon and Washington) again. -- valorie-zimmerman 2011-10-17 17:01:39
In the short time I have been in the Ubuntu Oregon LoCo team, from what I have seen, Ben has been a pivotal part of team, a key player. He did a good job keeping the Global Jam running smoothly, and he shares his advice with those who would ask it. he spends a lot of his time contributing to the team, and making sure the team runs smoothly. -- cody.smith 2011-10-17 17:01:39
Ben Kerensa has been instrumental in getting the Ubuntu Oregon LoCo team active again. After I left the states, activity dropped; no one seemed to have the time or energy to organise events and manage the group. Currently, Oregon LoCo Team more active than ever, due largely to Ben's dedication and efforts. As a former Ubuntu Community Member, I would strongly recommend Ben for membership. He is an avid Ubuntu advocate who is technically proficient and great at communicating. I find him inspirational and look forward to working with him in the future to help take Ubuntu Oregon LoCo Team to new heights. -- dan.smith 2011-10-17 17:01:39
Through a series of interesting events- I found myself living in California and also the acting lead of Ubuntu Oregon. Finding a lead was hard to do. I wanted to find a person with at least a few important skills for the task. When Ben volunteered to help coordinate with OSCON -- it soon became very obvious he had all sorts of the needed skills. Not to mention bonus things as well.
He is very personable and likes people, the sort of thing that fits well in Ubuntu's Circle of Friends. His networking and publicity abilities are second to none. Hopefully he is able to share this not only with Oregon Team- but, with Ubuntu and FOSS in general. Ben is a great asset for Open Source in the Pacific North West, and for the Ubuntu project Mark Terranova 2011-10-17
Benjamin Kerensa has made a tremendous impression in the time I've known him. His involvement and leadership in the Ubuntu Oregon Loco make it real. Ben has demonstrated a solid commitment to the goals of promoting and representing Ubuntu in the community with dignity and good humor, and is engaging and easy to work with. He is a tremendous promoter, with the business savvy to engage local tech companies with hosting events and contributing promotional and financial support. Ben is the type of person who would be an asset to any group that depends on the sustained involvement of its members for survival, and many other groups besides! -- nathwill 2011-10-17 21:41:39
While I have not known Ben long, I saw his work at OSCON on the Ubuntu booth and I am familiar with some of his work in Ubuntu. I am not sure how sustained it is, but what I have seen so far is good. -- JonoBacon
Benjamin has been instrumental in reviving the Ubuntu Oregon LoCo team. As the previous defacto team lead (since everyone else on the team moved to other states/countries), I can say that without him the Oregon team wouldn't be spreading Ubuntu throughout the state. He has been able to host multiple events and even have some of them sponsored. Ben would make a great addition to the Ubuntu members. -- Thomas Mashos
I've not known Ben long at all, but he's proved a very enthusiastic member of the LoCo community. I'm pleased to see the work he's doing progress so rapidly and with such vigor, a rarity. I believe that Ben will make a fine addition to the Ubuntu community, and I fully advocate all of his LoCo work. -- paultag 2011-10-20 15:21:41
My Contributions
Ubuntu Oregon LoCo:
Currently Team Lead of Ubuntu Oregon LoCo where I contribute an ever increase amount of hours towards advocacy, event planning, community outreach, LUG relations and education.
Upon taking the Lead Role at Ubuntu Oregon LoCo I immediately worked to awaken a dormant LoCo which had almost no activity and now we are having regular events, meetings and 20+ people in our IRC (was 2 people).
Working on a partnership with FreeGeek to start teaching Ubuntu classes at the FreeGeek Community Technology Center
Working with Salem LUG to revive their user group and also providing resources to various PLUG members.
I regularly am in the field doing free installs of Ubuntu for anyone in the Metro area who contacts me directly or whom Canonical refers to me.
Ubuntu US Teams:
Contributed a post to and plan to continue to contribute on a ongoing basis.
Ubuntu Leadership:
Member of the team and have started working on the LoCo Events section of the Ubuntu Leadership document/manual and also collaborating with other members and giving feedback.
Ubuntu Bug Squad:
Have contributed to the team by triaging a number of bugs and communicating with the team on existing valid bugs.
Ubuntu Documentation:
Have cleaned up Ubuntu Documentation and also recently helped with final editing of Oneiric Release Notes.
Ubuntu IRC/Forums:
I contribute occasionally (used to be daily) to #Ubuntu by providing support to end-users and additionally help out in #Ubuntu-Server
I have helped out on the Help Discussion of forums and also moderate the Ubuntu Oregon forums.
I have helped out some on
Future Goals
Take Ubuntu Oregon LoCo to new heights by continuing to engage and grow with LoCo members and doing trips to events such as Linux Fest NW and also planning for OSCON 2012 and Open Source Bridges 2012 and a number of other events.
Engage the Portland Metro and Salem Metro area communities and continue grassroot efforts to spread Ubuntu by distributing Ubuntu CD's, Flyers and holding Workshop's and doing talks.
I hope to contribute to US Teams through providing new content for the blog or in any other capacity that I may be needed.
Learn packaging and continue to grow personally so that I can possibly expand my contributions to doing patches and other tasks.
puppetconf-canonical-ubuntu-loco.png In this photo is the Canonical Server Team & Ubuntu LoCo Members at PuppetConf (I'm the far right)
uo-globaljam.png Although I'm not in photo I did attend and organize our Global Jam
globaljam.jpg My opening presentation at the Ubuntu Global Jam
globaljam2.jpg Global Jam participants listening to me talk
uoglobaljm3.jpg Finn Herzfeld giving a talk at Ubuntu Global Jam
oscon1.jpg Working the Ubuntu Oregon booth at OSCON
jono1.jpg Jono Bacon and me
Thank you for your consideration of my application and do not hesitate to ask me any questions and also my full wiki goes into more detail I just wanted to condense these for timeliness.
bkerensa/Membership_Application (last edited 2011-10-20 23:33:52 by c-71-193-195-138)