
Vuze Requirements:

  1. There are several ways to discover content in Vuze. You can:
    1. Select "Featured Content" to see content we highlight that changes on a regular basis.
    2. Use the search bar at the top of the screen.
    3. Select categories or channels.
    4. Search by media type by clicking on the text below the Dashboard and OnVuze tabs (audio, video, all).

    5. Search by tags by clicking on the relevant word(s) on the left margin.
    6. Select "What's Hot" to see what's popular.
    7. Select "What's New" to see the most recently added content.
    8. Click on the publisher's name to see all content uploaded by that particular publisher.
    9. And don't forget to check out the "Best of Vuze" for our all-time favorites and top picks!
  2. Try toggling the Mature filter, especially if you are looking for a specific content.
  3. Combine searches to get more specific results (for example, click "What's Hot" and then "Audio" for the most popular audio content...).

cgregan/testing/sample-requirements (last edited 2008-09-05 12:58:42 by bismuth)