
I, Dave Chiluk, apply for Ubuntu Core Developer.

Who I am

I currently work for Canonical in the Sustaining Engineering group which is the bug-fix arm for the Ubuntu-Advantage product. When I'm not working on customer issues, I try to spend time bug-fixing elsewhere in the distro. I have fixes in a wide variety of packages including the kernel.

Professional Career

  • Graduated with a BS in CS from University of Illinois in 2003
  • 2003-2004 - IBM - AIX NFS Support
  • 2004-2008 - IBM - Embedded Linux Product Development.
  • 2008-2012 - IBM - Linux Technology Center, Embedded Linux Product support.
  • 2012-Current - Canonical - Sustaining Engineering

My Ubuntu story

My first experience with linux was with Redhat 5.2 in 1999 as a student because I needed a C compiler, and didn't want to pay for Borland's. I've used Linux in one way or another ever since, and it's been my sole desktop OS since 2004. My first ubuntu version was Edgy Eft, after a co-worker caught me complaining about some poorly written fedora package dependencies. I've been assisting users on launchpad/IRC since 2008, and have been submitting fixes/SRUs since 2012.

My involvement

So far my involvement has been primarily focused on the areas of bug-fix, and sustaining. Almost all of my uploads have been SRUs, so I'm extremely familiar with the process.

From a community perspective, I've also helped "man" the Ubuntu booth at Texas Linux Fest for the past 4 years.

Ubuntu Packages

There are also some uploads that I wrote that the system has not attributed to me *(these usually are ones where the sponsor included multiple fixes in the upload). Some of those follow here.

In general, I feel I have a very strong grasp of the SRU/bug fix process.


In addition to my work on random ubuntu packages, and random ubuntu bug fixes, I've also spent quite a bit of time and effort on kernel related bugs.

Please keep in mind for every issue that has an upload or fix related to it there are probably 2 that I assisted on, reported, verified, or otherwise worked.


Things I could do better

I've done some +1 maintenance, and ftbfs work, and I now understand why some of the packages have not been merged for multiple years. I recognize that I can always do more to assist with these efforts.

I have yet to do a mainline inclusion request, package sync or any iso image creation. These are all things that I'd like to learn.

Plans for the future


I would like to become a Core Developer and eventually an SRU Team member. As a core dev, I'm planning to not only upload my fixes, but also fixes for other members of the Sustaining Engineering team as well as the wider community. I know I may be offered motu or per-package upload rights, but the fact remains that I primarily work on a wide range of Core Ubuntu components that are usually part of the main archives.

Things I'd like to personally work on in Ubuntu

As a sustaining engineer my work responsibilities are exceedingly varied. I've submitted patches or helped with patches in many varied areas of the core OS. From Debian-installer, the kernel, initramfs-tools, core-utils, all the way of to server daemons. I will continue to fix issues where-ever they are found.

Outside of my work life, I'm also passionate about photography. As such I have a vested interest in keeping those photography tools as up to date as possible. I'm specifically speaking about, darktable, hugin, gimp, gimc *(not part of the archives).

What I like least in Ubuntu

I dislike how long it takes in order to get sponsorship for uploads and SRUs in Ubuntu. I think this is purely due to the overloading of the few core devs/SRU members that are available, and I hope I can help with some of that strain.

Community - Ubuntu is a community, it's also a community that can be pretty hard or intimidating for even smart people to break into. I think we still have some room for improvement here. Specifically in the areas of attribution, community mentor-ship, and education. I find it very frustrating when I discover bugs with fixes linked on them that have not been integrated into the distribution. I think this is purely an education issue, and I'm doing my best to mentor those around me to be better more productive members of the ubuntu community. I personally have been giving presentations to the Texas linux community over the last few years about how to contribute to Ubuntu.


I've worked with Dave in the same team. Dave is a good guy who is promptly to offer the help when he found someone is overly heavily-loaded. Dave Knows well about the kernel internals and helped to figure out several kernel bugs and is prudent in the attitude. When facing the complicated problems, Dave has the patience and is working hard to divide and conquer the difficulty. I'm convinced Dave is no doubt the invaluable asset to the community. -- mimi0213kimo 2015-11-02 03:02:49

I have met Dave almost 3 years ago. He has proven to be a technically skilled and a responsible engineer able to work in a wide variety of areas no matter whether it's userspace or kernel. He is a friendly and most helpful team member always willing to provide help or piece of advice.

I believe his skills along with his devotion for making Ubuntu better would greatly benefit the Community. -- dgadomski 2016-12-09 16:31:39

I've been working with Dave for almost 3 years now. He is incredibly responsive both to the support team in Canonical and to the wider community. He also doesn't shy away from taking leadership roles on big issues or entire projects.

I've seen him make a significant and sustained contributions to Ubuntu development. -- bryanquigley 2015-11-06 21:28:59

I work in the same group as Dave does and I can say that Dave is a hard working, responsible and committed engineer. He has always showed worries about maintaining Ubuntu stable and advocating for Ubuntu OS success and for its users: must-have characteristics in an Ubuntu developer. -- inaddy 2015-11-09 16:21:03

I worked with Dave when we were at IBM, as well as now at Canonical; he has consistently been hardworking, very intelligent, and driven. He takes ownership of problems, even if they aren't a requirement; he frequently sees how things can be not only fixed but improved, and drives or delegates the change. He is an important contributor to the Ubuntu community. -- ddstreet 2016-12-08 10:04:23

I worked with Dave Chiluk for the past 2 years now, and since ~6 months ago we are working in the same team. I can testify that Dave is dedicated in fixing/improving Ubuntu and that he pays attention to details. He understands the principles of debian packaging and the SRU process. Dave would definitely be a great asset for the coredev team. -- slashd 2016-12-08 02:14:13

I have the privilege of working in the same team as Dave. I view him as a dedicated, committed and enthusiastic team member with strong opinions and a sense of responsibility for Ubuntu. Dave is a great asset for the community and it would be a gain for all of us having him as a coredev.

-- fnordahl 2016-12-08 07:02:48

I have only known Dave Chiluk for 6 months now but I immediately saw the motivation he has to improve things and go to the bottom of everything. Dave never does something partially. He always goes deep and makes sure everything is done fully and well. I am certain Dave would be a huge asset in the coredev team. -- davecore 2016-12-08 14:06:00

I know Dave for almost 3 years now and I always noticed his motivation to participate and outdo everything he's involved with. I believe he would be a great addition to any project. -- alexmoldovan 2016-12-08 15:00:00

I've worked with Dave for over 3 years. He has a deep sense of responsibility and dedication to his craft and doesn't hesitate when it comes to supporting Ubuntu and related projects. I consider him a core contributor to our success.

I believe having Dave contributing coredev would benefit everyone involved. -- cydizen 2016-12-09 17:28:00

If you'd like to comment, but are not the applicant or a sponsor, do it here. Don't forget to sign with @SIG@.


Tyler Hicks

I've only sponsored one package (across three Ubuntu releases) for Dave (virt-manager) but I've known and worked with Dave for somewhere around eight years. The uploads that I sponsored followed all the guidelines and were of top quality. From working with Dave throughout the years, I can attest that he's enthusiastic, pays close attention to the details, and loves a good challenge. The Ubuntu community would only benefit from having Dave as a member of ~ubuntu-core-dev.

-- tyhicks 2016-12-08 17:11:00

Marc Deslauriers

I've sponsored a couple of packages for Dave without issues. His is attentive to detail and cares greatly about Ubuntu. I think Dave would make a great addition to the CoreDev team!

Chris Arges

Dave has shown attention to detail in many of the uploads I have sponsored as well as the SRUs I have reviewed. He has shown patience and the ability to communicate well with developers. Dave will make a great contributor to the CoreDev team.

-- arges 2017-01-30 16:12:17

Louis Bouchard

General feedback

I have been working with Dave for more than four years. During that period of time, I have seen Dave's dedication to improve the Ubuntu experience, both from the kernel side as well as in Userspace land. He has been involved in a few very long-lasting issues where he never gave up and finally brought solution to both upstream versions as well as the Ubuntu implementations.

Surprisingly enough, I have not sponsored any of Dave's uploads even if we work in the same team. But I have seen is work and dedication to bring solutions to the issues he tackles, even if they are long living and involved tight work with upstream.

I do believe that he will need more exposure to specific core developer's tasks like merges and work on the development release but I am still convident that his skills will beneficial as a core developer.

-- louis-bouchard 2025-03-04 17:28:06

As a sponsor, just copy the template below, fill it out and add it to this section.


=== General feedback ===
## Please fill us in on your shared experience. (How many packages did you sponsor? How would you judge the quality? How would you describe the improvements? Do you trust the applicant?)

=== Specific Experiences of working together ===
''Please add good examples of your work together, but also cases that could have handled better.''
=== Areas of Improvement ===


chiluk/CoreDevApplication (last edited 2017-01-30 16:12:17 by localhost)