
Revision 2 as of 2007-05-14 01:47:28

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Dave Walker


e-mail:............MailTo(dave AT ubuntuwire.com)

e-mail:............MailTo(davewalker AT skydivers.co.uk)

IRC nickname:.....Daviey on Freenode network

Physical Location:.......Southampton, England, UK.

Linux Usage History:

Began experimenting with Slackware during December, 2001.

Experimented with Ubuntu, December 2004.

Soley used Ubuntu April 2005 - Present.

I first tried Linux with Slackware back in 2001, but with very little support it was not possible to fully convert. It took me a while to realise that linux was more than just a console. I was relieved when a friend showed me 'startx'. At that point I realised that Linux would be a major contender in the desktop OS arena. I didn't feel comfortable fully switching to Linux until April 2005 - and in honestly, haven't missed the proprietary system I once used.

Linux Community Contributions

I am a relatively experienced C++ & Java Developer, and recently have been trying to teach myself the Python language.

When I run into a bug in a program, I check the bug tracker for the project. If there is nothing listed for it, I will very often download the source package, and try to trace it down myself.

LoCo (Ubuntu-UK)

An active member in my Ubuntu LoCo (ubuntu-uk). Part of this has involved being a channel operator (admin) in #ubuntu-uk IRC channel


A participant in mythtv for Ubuntu - part of the 'Ubuntu MythTV maintainers for Universe' Part of this has been a soon to be released 'Mythbuntu' - a Mythtv/Ubuntu dedicated release (with the frontend able to work from the livecd)

When I came into using Ubuntu one of my first projects was to get 'Mythtv' running nicely on a dedicated frontend. This was relatively easy, but still required the strict following of wiki's and guides. I decided one way i could help the community was to help make Mythtv more accessible. After discussion with the Ubuntu mythtv team it was decided that we could start a derivative of Ubuntu that would install and configure Ubuntu+Mythtv as much as possible. The obvious name for this project was Mythbuntu. Further information can be found at http://www.mythbuntu.org (which i help maintain).

Ubuntu Contributions

As part of the 'BugSquad' I try and help triage bugs to help the developers of the applications fix the bugs. I also try and help answer support requests and help in #ubuntu when time permits


I have been in #ubuntu-motu, and learned about the REVU process. I registered with REVU in March 2007.

Revu Packages: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=4566

Ubuntu Membership

I have a goal to become a Ubuntu 'member' ...
