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digitalvectorz / gmail










About Me

I'm a curious philomath and teacher by nature. If I don't understand something and how it works, then I go on a mission to figure it out - and then I feel compelled to share it with others. I'm far from being a 'guru', but I believe that the best way to learn something is to teach it and help others.

When I was 12, I was introduced to programming - amusingly enough - by the 'owner' of an online wrestling role-playing group. We got into a conversation as to what it would take to create our own message board. He responded that it would take, "Perl/CGI, PHP, and Javascript" in the least. Now, I realized he forgot databases. >.<

Since then, I graduated in May, 09 with my B.S. in Computer Science with a primary focus in database, programming and development. I've been programming on and off since 1996 - more seriously since 2005. I've worked as a DBA for a small company and have been contracted by others to build/implement their databases. I've been using Ubuntu on and off since first quarter of 2008 (8.04), when a close comrade introduced it to me. Prior to that, I dabbled with Fedora Core (infrequently) for a couple years. The points that I've come to love about the Ubuntu Experience are it's user-friendliness and the value and philosophy driving it.

Now, I occupy my time with music, writing, coding, conversation, laughter, and creation. I spend a majority of my free-(and not so free)-time on IRC in #ubuntu-beginners, #ubuntu-beginners-dev, #ubuntu-us-oh (and #nickserv, but that's merely a jocularity) offering help and conversation in why way that I can.


From April to Decemeber, I worked as the programming director of a record label / recording studio in North-Eastern Ohio. My current endeavors now bring me to working as program head for an upcoming video production / web development company.


Languages (fluent)

  • HTML 4.01
  • Javascript
  • JQuery
  • PHP
  • Perl / CGI
  • C/C++
  • Python
  • Bash

Languages (semi-fluent)

  • AJAX
  • Java
  • .NET (ASP,VB,C#,J#)


-> IRC

Originally, I stumbled into #ubuntuforums-beginners-dev accidentally because I was just interested in sitting in and learning more about programming and gaining more insights to methods and common-practice. From there, I was introduced to #ubuntuforums-beginners and the rest is history.

Since September '08, I've been a member of the Beginners Team, offering guidance and support where and when I can. Within the Beginners Team, the focus groups I participate in include:

  • Ubuntu Beginner's Development
  • Ubuntu Beginner's Security
  • Ubuntu Beginner's IRC

-> Launchpad

At the time, I don't have any particular coding projects I work on or with, but when trying out new software (or old software for that matter), if I come across bugs or complications, I utilize launchpad to report the bugs appropriately.

Also, when it comes that time of the year for the Ubuntu Bug Jam, I find myself utilizing Launchpad to categorize and triage (if I can) the bugs listed or the posting the bugs I myself run across.

-> LoCo

Until recently, I'd never been involved with a Loco because there were never any loco events close enough for me to attend. With the advent of ReLoCo's (introduced by Paul Tagliamonte), the single, large loco of Ohio was split into smaller, 'sub-Locos', that make attending bug jams and attending Ubuntu Hour very feasible and convenient for quite a bit more people.

This has enabled me to become more active in the Loco and Community sense, in giving me a realistic means to participate in the Bug Jam's and Ubuntu Hours.

-> Community

The community is by far one of the most crucial aspects surrounding Ubuntu and it's philosophy, in my opinion. Day in and day out, I'm trying to educate those I come in contact with - both professionally and personally - on the benefits of Ubuntu, Linux, and F/OSS. Though it may not be the right tool for the job in some cases, I find that I have still corrected a lot of inaccurate lines of thinking, i.e. that Ubuntu / Linux is only for geeks and hackers, etc. Simple misconceptions can play a large role in damaging the consensus and ideas surrounding an philosophy and product. It's become part of my mission to gain Ubuntu the exposure that it deserves, the recognition that it warrants, and the justification that it has earned.

digitalVectorz / dvz-