Software Freedom Day 2007

Software Freedom Day is a global, grassroots effort to educate the public about the importance of software freedom and the virtues and availability of Free and Open Source Software. Local teams from all over the world organise events on the third Saturday in September. The most recent event involved over 200 teams from all over the world. For More information Please visit Software Freedom Day

In 2007 The New Mexico Ubuntu LoCo started a team, you can visit our team page here where you will find a complete time line and details of the project.

The Core Team included:

David Thomas - Team Lead
Eric Krieger - Technical Support
Adam Thomas - Demo Systems and Setup

We were not able to register in time and therefor did not get any of the Team kits that were provided by the Software Freedom Day organization, so we improvised and created our own packets to distribute, these packets contained:

Ubuntu One Open CD disk
Ubuntu One Ubuntu 7.04 disk
Ubuntu Instructions on how to install disk
Ubuntu Tri-fold Open Source brochure
Ubuntu Ubuntu and Software Freedom Day Stickers
Ubuntu Ubuntu New Mexico LoCo Information card

For more pictures and details of the 2007 Software Freedom Day event Please visit the New Mexico Ubuntu Loco Project Pages.

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