
FLOSScom Summer University: (flash) meetings and talks

As part of the Virtual and On-Campus Summer University we will conduct a series of (flash) meetings and talks alongside the summer university’s objective.

Below you can find an initial list of topics and dates. These meetings are in general open for interested people to participate, but places might be limited to 20 or 30 participants for bandwidth reasons.

If you would like to suggest some further meetings or talks, just add them below or contact us.

You also can hold your own meetings, or give a own talk - just send a mail to A.Meiszner AT

To attend the meetings, or to re-listen to them, just click on the respective link below the topic.

Past meetings / talks

Topic: How does this summer university works?

Date: 3rd of July, 12.30 GMT

Join / Re-listen at:

Interviewer: Andreas Meiszner

Speaker: Martin Weller

Topic: What are the FLOSS Characteristics?

Date: 4th of July, 17.00 GMT

Re-listen at:

Interviewer: Martin Weller

Speaker: Andreas Meiszner

Topic: What is the motivation to participate in FLOSS?

Date: 26th of July, 13.00 GMT

Re-listen at:

Interviewer: Andreas Meiszner

Speaker: Sulayman K. Sowe

Topic: What does FLOSS learning feel like?

Date: 9th of July, 12.00 GMT

Re-listen at:

Interviewer: Martin Weller

Speaker: Athanasis Karoulis

Topic: What are the roles in FLOSS?

Date: 19th of July, 16.00 GMT

Re-listen at:

Interviewer: Andreas Meiszner

Speaker: Sulayman K. Sowe

Topic: Summer University Newbie Introduction - Part 1

Note: Due to internet connection breakdown during this meeting there will be a second introduction meeting

Date: 7th of August, 14.00 GMT

Re-listen at:

Participants: Sulayman K. Sowe, Andreas Meiszner

Topic: Summer University – Newbie Introduction: The support approach

Date: 9th of August, 14.00 GMT

Re-listen at:

Interviewer: Martin Weller

Speaker: Sulayman K. Sowe

Topic: What is the FLOSS support system?

Date: 16th of August, 14.00 GMT

Re-listen at:

Participants: Martin Weller, Andreas Meiszner

Topic: How is FLOSS learning different from ‘normal’ education?

Date: 21st of August, 2007, 12.00 noon

Re-listen at:

Interviewer: Sulayman K. Sowe

Speaker: Martin Weller

Topic: Which technology is applied in FLOSS, and what for?

Date: 3rd of September 10.30 GMT

Re-listen at:

Participants: Martin Weller, Andreas Meiszner

Topic: What are the Learning Resources in FLOSS, and who builds them?

Date: 6th of September 14.00 GMT

Re-listen at:

Participants: Athanasis Karoulis, Sulayman K. Sowe, Andreas Meiszner

Topic: The role of knowledge brokers in FLOSS

Date: 21st of September 14.00 GMT

Re-listen at:

Participants: Sulayman K. Sowe, Andreas Meiszner

Topic: Problem / project based learning - how does it work in open source and what could education learn from it?

Note: Due to technical problems the last 10 minutes of this talk are gone! However, there are still 40 minutes waiting for you.

Date: 27th of September 14.00 GMT

Re-listen at:

Participants: Athanasis Karoulis, Sulayman K. Sowe, Andreas Meiszner

Topic: Case studies on Learning in FLOSS and on FLOSS-like learning in education

Date: 23rd of October 15.00 GMT

Re-listen at:

Participants: Sulayman K. Sowe, Andreas Meiszner

Live meetings

Topic: On campus event organized by the SWENG group, AUTh

Date: 13 Sep 2007, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Read the report at the FLOSScom site:

or at the SWENG site:

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flosscom/talks (last edited 2009-03-28 00:30:32 by rev-88-157-62-212)