
Launchpad ID:



franksmcb on


<franksmcb AT gmail DOT com>



About Me

I'm Bill Iddings, more widely known as franksmcb. I've been using Linux on the desktop and server for a number of years.

I have worked as a Linux sysadmin and as a Project Manager.


  • I am a member of the Ubuntu MATE Team and work on the QA, Web, Bug, Documentation, and Community components of the project.

  • I am a prolific tester for Ubuntu and Official Flavours and one of the top 30 testers.

  • I am a member of the Bug Squad and help with bug tracking and triage.
  • I support Ubuntu MATE users and work as a moderator on the Ubuntu MATE Community forums.


  • I support Ubuntu MATE users and work as a moderator on the Ubuntu MATE Community forums.

  • I work on Ubuntu Flavour collaboration, including testing and coordinating meetings.
  • I am a member and active participate of my local Linux user group, PLUG

  • I am a member of the BDL Community, where I am also an admin and moderator.

  • I am an active member of a number of Linux support groups in Telegram, IRC, and Discord.

Future Goals

  • Increase involvement in packaging debs and snaps for Ubuntu MATE
  • Revise test cases at ISO Tracker
  • Continue collaboration between Ubuntu flavors
  • Learn more about bug triage processes


Note: If you have anything nice to say about this person, please do add it below along with @ SIG @ (no spaces). The @ SIG @ command will sign your name and date/time it after you "Save Changes".

I've known franksmcb via Ubuntu MATE, and interactions through a wide range of community support and discussion channels. He's repeatedly shown himself to be exactly the kind of person you want in the Ubuntu community. Respectful, reliable and able to step up when the call goes out for help. I'm amazed he's not already an Ubuntu member. -- popey 2020-10-14 17:33:01

Look above and you see nothing but Ubuntu MATE, but Bill has been super helpful with testing in Lubuntu. We don't even share the same installer! This says a lot for his desire to help the Ubuntu project/community as a whole and his commitment to bringing the flavors together. Many times the Lubuntu Team is discussing some pernicious bug on our IRC channel and he volunteers to offer help. He's always at the ready to help with testing and troubleshooting. More than anything, he not only does this, but he does it well and often. -- wxl 2020-10-14 21:25:59

I can only repeat what Walter has said. My interactions with Bill have mostly been outside of Ubuntu MATE with Bill offering advice or stepping up to help. I assumed Bill was already a member, so fully endorse his application for membership -- guiverc 2020-10-14 23:57:18

Bill has made a significant impact to the quality of Ubuntu MATE, both by engaging with the project and community. Bill has been coordinating the QA and testing effort for Ubuntu MATE and also following up on community feedback to surface the issues most important to our users. More over Bill is an excellent community moderator, contributed to documentation and is actively seeking to exapnd his role within the Ubuntu MATE and Ubuntu communities. An excellent ambassador for Ubuntu and Ubuntu MATE! -- flexiondotorg 2020-10-15 11:34:30

I echo Walter's comments above regarding Bill's assistance with Lubuntu. I always appreciate everything he brings to testing the issues we are having and the proposed fixes. I also have had the pleasure to work with Bill in the BDL community. He always promotes a positive image for Ubuntu and all the flavors. I witness him answer questions and provide help often. Bill brings great value to every community he belongs to. -- kc2bez 2020-10-17 16:22:24

franksmcb (last edited 2020-10-17 16:23:56 by kc2bez)